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Using Anchor Text Optimization In Your Article Viral Marketing Campaign
What is Anchor Text Optimization? Anchor text optimization consists of the visible hyperlinked text on a webpage (e.g. in your article). Here's an example of anchor text optimization: Articles for Ezines. Putting your keywords into the anchor text has been discovered to be a significant factor in search engine rankings, as found in Google. The History of Anchor Text Optimization. Anchor Text Optimization was discovered by bloggers and has also been referred to as 'google bombing'. The bloggers in an experiment, put the anchor text of 'miserable failure' into their links, all pointing to the presidents website. Now, when you type 'miserable failure' into Google, the top result returned is the presidents website. Importance of Keywords. Writing free reprint articles is a great way to drive traffic to your sites and increases your business sales. However, much care must be taken in order to be sure that your article is actually using keywords that users are looking for in the search engines. Research suggests that 70-80% of all traffic to websites come directly from the search engines. Benefits of Carefully Chosen Keywords and Anchor Text Optimization If you write your free reprint articles based around carefully chosen keywords, your articles stand a strong chance of receiving significant traffic. It also helps if your article is optimized for the search engines. Typically, this involves having the keywords in the title, meta-tags, etc. By Anchor Text Optimizing your articles you will have in place the same mechanism that the bloggers successfully used. Imagine having your article posted on 30 different websites using this method. You would have 30 sites that link to your site via the authors resource box. And in this resource box is your Anchor text optimized link. It has been found that it can be done with as little as 20 inbound links. Your site may very well be ranked higher in search engine results for your chosen keywords as a result of utilizing this method. Good Luck! About The Author Carl Seppanen is an internet guru and frequent contributor to ArticleWareHouse.com. ArticleWareHouse.com is Your Source for FREE and License Based articles for writers and small biz: http://www.articlewarehouse.com/?-articles-ezines .
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How to Write Money-Making How-To Reports This is the "real" Money Maker in the Mail Order business the basic "How To" Report. It's something anyone can produce, and with all the proper ingredients at the right time, you can become independently wealthy! The hard part, of course, is getting all the proper ingredients at the right time. How to Create a Viral Lead-Generating Machine Whether you own your own affiliate website, or subscription website, or publish your own ezine or newsletter, you need people to see what you offer. So You Want to Be a Web Copywriter? I get tons of emails from people who want to break into web copywriting. Are you another one who's itching to get in on the copywriting action but don't know how it's done? Handling Rejection Rejection is part of a writer's life. You must cope with it. Analyse it and learn from it. How To Write and Publish A Successful Ezine Article The ezine article is of major importance to the world of Internet marketing. It is a great way of list owners to provide great content for free to there subscribers and an excellent my for internet marketers to get there name out there and get some exposure for there websites, free. Publish Article If you've spent any time online trying to promote your website or business, you must have very likely realised that one of the most effective ways to generate tons of free targetted web traffic on a long term basis is to write your own informative articles and freely distribute them to other webmasters and ezine publishers for their use. The Benefits of Publishing Articles to Build Big Ticket Marketing Relationships Ok, today we are going to talk about one of my favorite Big Ticket Marketing tools ? writing articles! Put Your Recruiting on Auto Pilot Getting people to join your company can be hard work. Whether you are looking to hire staff or to build a downline for your network marketing business, attracting the right people is key to your success. Article Marketing: Why 2 URLs Equals Watered Down Orange Juice! Are you an Article Marketer? If so, you know that it pays to write hundreds of articles and post them on the web with your URL attached to the bottom. What Posting Articles Online Did For My Google Page Rank In 90 Days Article Marketing Builds Momentum and Traffic How to Effectively Hire a Ghost Writer In today's busy world, whether your business is large or small, it is easy to become over whelmed with day-to-day tasks. Suddenly you realize that you need to update your web presence content or you need to have a processes and procedures manual on-hand in case of key personnel being out. It just becomes too much to handle! Or perhaps you need to produce articles to promote your business, but writing simply isn't your forte. What do you do? It's simple; hire a ghost writer to assist you in performing your writing tasks. Writing: Getting Started Writing for web content is one of the easiest ways for writers to get their work published. If you have yet to submit articles for syndication, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge as well as to promote your name. Getting started is not that difficult...you probably already have done so and you do not even know it! Writing Articles, But Still Not Getting Traffic? Your Articles Suck ? But I Can Help! (Part 1) We've all been there. We hear about how articles will generate HUGE publicity for a site, (the old "If you build it, they will come") so we sit down, write an article, submit it to article directories, then wait. A week goes by, you get a trickle, another week, still a trickle, a month, still a trickle (if that). What happened to all the promise of thousands and thousands of people coming to the site? Nothing - that's the problem. Very few (if any) ezines, newsletters, or web sites reprinted your article. Just the RSS feeds (they were probably responsible for the trickle). Lets take a look at how an article should be written for maximum exposure. Five Benefits of Article Writing A few years ago as a webmaster with no money, I looked around for the best free methods to drive traffic to my website. Writing Articles that Get Read Writing articles is one of the best and most effective ways of promoting your business because it does three things: Why Link Exchanges are Dead-and What the New Move in Free Traffic Is It's no secret-link exchanges are dying a painful death. And why you ask? Since March 2005 the new Google algorythm has become very very picky about the quality, quantity and frequency of incoming links to your website. It now considers reciprocal linking to be, in fashion terms; OUT! Speakers and Trainers - The Internet is Your Biggest Megaphone Speak to an Audience that Reaches across the Globe 5 Powerful Article Writing Tips Writing articles is one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful methods of building your reputation and your online business. Not only do you get unlimited exposure, but it is fre^e as well! Tracking Your Articles Properly Writing articles related to your business is a great way to build your link popularity and also to provide more content for your site and other sites. Not too mention it's always nice when someone finds your site and uses it within their newsletter. Creating Your Perfect Article Summary ? 7 Tips What should be in your article summary? ![]() |
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