Top Seven Ways to Write your Print or eBook Fast

Want to write your book? But, need a blueprint on why it will help your profits and brand your business? Need to know each step so you can delegate it to an assistant or do it yourself in just an hour a day for less than a month?

Each chapter within my eBook "Write Your Print or Other Short Book-Fast!" can help fiction and non-fiction authors.

Ch. 1. Why Write a Book?

The best way to brand your business is to author a book. It's cheaper, faster, and better received than CD's or audios. Attract clients and customers, be known as the savvy expert, make consistent income for life, and share your useful how-tos with your audience. Discover how to choose a subject that sells, test your book's significance, and how it will outsell others. See your sales explode and hear your toll-free book order number ring like a stuck slot machine.

Ch. 2. Write your Chapters in Half the Time with Fewer Edits

People are more likely to recommend books they've read cover-to-cover. Your readers will keep turning pages and love your chapter's step-by-step guidance. Catapult fiction or non-fiction book sales on the back end with. Judy's "Fast-Forward Writing Technique." and slash editing time in half while writing easy to read copy. Consider your satisfied readers as your 24/7 sales team to put the power of "word of mouth" promotion to work for you!

Ch. 3. Market While you Write with the "Essential Nine-Hot-Selling Points"

The #1 goal of effective book marketing is to pre-sell your book. Design every part of your book as a sales tool before you write a single chapter. Know the "Nine Hot-Selling Points" to guide your writing to solve your reader's problem or challenge. Cut writing time and produce a superior book with this success blueprint.

Ch. 4. Which Way to Publish is Best for You?

Publish the best way to make you, the author, the most money. Discover the myths of traditional publishing and the solutions, and how Print on Demand can be an author's friend. Forget the long, slow, less money, hard road of traditional publishing path. Speed up your book's finish line with self-publishing--both with your print or eBook.

Ch. 5. Organize your Book Before you Write it

If it takes more than a minute to find any book file or folder, you're losing time, money and opportunities. Successful authors organize their book project files because it eliminates needless procrastination and frustration. Learn Judy's "Think Tupperware" method. Everything important is kept handy, fresh and easy to use.

Ch. 6. eBook Opportunities

Ebooks are cheap to produce, and offer higher net income per sale with considerably less risk than print." Make 100% of your book's profits, publish easily and instantly without the long, hard traditional road. Judy shares choices that suit your budget and time frame. Thousands of targeted Online potential buyers want and need your information! Sell your eBook on the Internet for highest profits.

Ch. 7. How to Choose your Book's Format

Choose your book's best format to suit the right style to publish and promote it. Write an eBook and a print book at the same time. Choose your format from Judy's "Four Format Options." Compare prices to save you money and fit your book's purpose.

Don't get discouraged by reading about high self-publishing costs. Your book can bypass roadblocks when you open your mind to a tried and true way to share your important message.

Judy Cullins �2005 All Rights Reserved.

Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Judy is author of 10 eBooks including Write your eBook or Other Short Book Fast, Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market Your Book Online, The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Your Targeted Web Traffic, and Power Writing for Web Sites That Sell. She offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The BookCoach Says...," "Business Tip of the Month," blog Q & A at and over 170 free articles.

Email her at [email protected]. Phone: 619/466-0622 -- Orders: 866/200-9743

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