Weight Loss Can Be Achieved In As Little As 5 Days By Increasing Your Metabolism

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One-size-fits-all diets don't work....but then you probably know that already. Have you ever tried a diet that your friend raved about, but which brought you little or no results? Why would this happen? People are biochemical individuals and react differently to foods - this is why one diet may work for your friend, but not for you. You need to determine what is the best combination of foods for your body.

Every body is unique. Every body needs and processes different foods at different levels of efficiency. The key to successful weight release is based on finding out what food plan is right for your unique body, and what foods your body responds to positively to keep you at a healthy weight, without constant dieting and without suffering and feeling deprived.

It's time to stop making the scales our "God" & rethink Hollywood's idea of the perfect "air brushed body." As Cindy Crawford said when she saw an airbrushed picture of herself on a magazine cover, "I wish I could look like Cindy Crawford." With the right metabolism program, you can have a realistic healthy body shape & feel great by taking charge of your life with healthy, enjoyable food plans designed for your body type, engage in physical activity for fun & above all, learn how to feel good about yourself. Join the thousands of other people who have rejected the one-size-fits-all negative diet thinking and discover the rewards of energy and improved well being.

Here Is A Quick 5 Day Program That You Can Start Today To Rev Up Your Metabolism:

Day 1: Squeeze � Lemon Into A Glass Of Water ~ Drink this upon rising or before a meal as this cleanses the body, aids in weight loss and keeps insulin balanced.

Day 2: Consume spices that burn calories~ Dr. Jay Henry Joya at the Oxford Institute proved that some of the most famous fat-burners that increase your metabolism are cayenne pepper and mustard. For example, less than one tsp. of spicy mustard can increase your metabolism by 25% for up to 3 hours!

Day 3: Identify what "triggers" your emotional eating. Be conscious that watching TV at night can send you snacking, so have something to do with your hands instead, like putting together puzzles or knitting.

Day 4: Get Moderate Doses of Sunlight....Surprise! ~ Sunlight in moderation is good for increasing your metabolism, reports Zane Kim, M.D. "There is conclusive evidence that exposure to sunlight produces a metabolic effect in the body very similar to that produced by physical training and is definitely followed by measured improvement in physical fitness.

Day 5: Start some sort of moderate exercise program, even 15 - 20 minutes of walking is a great stress reducer for a psychological and physical win. Do something active you like - walking, biking, swimming, etc. You will soon get hooked!

About Cathi: Cathi Graham, founder of the Fresh Start Metabolism Program, holds one of the highest recorded weight losses in Canada. Back in 1982, she weighed 326 lbs. and by researching metabolism, she released 186 lbs. in just 18 months! She took all of her knowledge and produced the phenomenally successful weight-loss program, the Fresh Start Metabolism Program, which continues to help thousands of people. Her success story and research results have been featured in numerous magazines and television shows, such as, The Maury Povich Show. Her infomercials are seen worldwide.

To order your own Fresh Start Metabolism Program, please visit http://www.cathigraham.com or call 1-800-663-7374.


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