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Causes and solutions for Acne |
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More Ways to Deal With Acne
The "cures" for acne vary dependant on the type and severity of acne. The truth is, there is currently no cure for acne, only treatments. Some people have success treating their acne with over the counter topical medications, and others require a combination of prescription oral and topical treatments. These medications treat the symptoms of acne (the inflammation) and help to prevent future breakouts but do not address the cause of acne. There are several commonly known contributors to acne outbreaks and most of these conditions can be controlled. Stress ? When we are under stress, one of the ways our body responds is by releasing hormones such as cortisol and androgen, causing a hormonal imbalance. Additionally, the sebaceous gland releases fatty secretions that can contribute to pore clogging. While stress in our daily lives is unavoidable, stress management techniques to help elevate tension levels and disperse cortisol levels are helpful to the prevention of acne. Diet ? The myth about greasy foods contributing to acne breakouts is just that, a myth. However, a poor diet that robs our bodies of essential vitamins and minerals can contribute to acne breakouts. Vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin E, Zinc, Selenium, and Magnesium are important to healthy skin cells, hormonal balance, and maintaining a strong immune system. Taking a multivitamin that contains 100% of the recommended allotment of these vitamins and minerals is helpful to the prevention of acne. Caffeine ? Coffee, tea, and soft drinks that contain caffeine can contribute to acne breakouts. Caffeine has been shown to contribute to the production of cortisol. Skin Condition ? People who have unbalanced skin, meaning it is either too dry or too oily are more likely to have acne breakouts. Some people have what is known as combination skin, where some areas are dry, and others are oily. Using a face cleansing regiment that works to establish balanced skin helps to keep acne outbreaks under control. Genetics ? Genetics quite probably play the biggest role of all in determining who develops acne, how much, and over what period of time in life. Unfortunately, we are just barely beginning to scratch the surface in genetic research, and any solutions or treatments for acne that are developed on a genetic level are probably many years away It is also wise to note that hygiene does NOT play a big role (if any role at all) in contributing to acne breakouts. Of course, it is a good idea to wash one's face daily, using an oil-free face wash or moisturizing bar. However, no direct link has been found between acne and poor hygiene. So forget the stereotypes. Face and body washing (or lack there of), contribute very little, if anything at all to acne. However, in spite of what we don't know about acne, there are many acne treatments that for most people, can work as an acne "cure". These range from prescription medications like Retin-A and Accutane, to herbal and holistic treatments like green tea cream or tea tree oil. Remember, always consult a dermatologist before using anything to treat acne, or any other condition. This will not only keep one safe, but a dermatologist can help advise on the best treatment to take the acne away faster, and more effectively! BIO:
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Oily Skin Care Can Treat Acne-prone, Shiny, Oily Skin Oily skin is not only shiny, dull-colored, and coarse, it is also acne-prone, which means that a host of more serious problems can develop: blackheads, whiteheads, enlarged pores, redness, and potential scarring. If your skin is oily or you have combination skin, take control with oily skin care before the trouble escalates. We all want to have beautiful, clear skin. Whats The Real Cause Of Acne? Most acne medications only mask the symptoms of acne and does nothing to stop the real cause of acne. This is why people buy acne products month after month (year after year). And every time they stop using the product acne would come back again and again. Acne Program ? Step 11 Herbal Mixtures To Drink Herbal combinations are a powerful way to reduce or eliminate acne symptoms. But, using herbal mixtures can sometimes increase acne activity or breakout temporarily. Do not panic, since herbs are a powerful way to cleanse the blood and start the acne healing process. The Best Acne Treatments The best acne treatments may be the ones that help you avoid the acne in the first place. The best acne treatments can be prescribed by your doctor. You will have to decide the best acne treatments for you. Your Guide To Acne Skin Care Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by dirty pores or eating chocolate. Acne is actually caused by overactive sebaceous glands. Hormones in you body cause acne to appear. Acne is extremely common in people ages 12-24, when our hormones are very active due to puberty, but many people continue to have acne outbreaks throughout their lives. Acne can show up on the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders. While it is not life threatening, acne can cause scarring and emotional distress to those that suffer from it. This is why acne skin care is so important. Heres Your Acne Cure Harry Potter Even though Harry Potter's magic wand could not cure the acne breakout he and co-stars Rupert Grint, (Ron Weasley) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), are experiencing, their special effects man could. According to a leak posted by Thomas Crosbie Media, producers for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire had to "employ a special effects man to go through every frame clearing up their complexions." 5 Reasons Little White Bumps Are On Your Face and How to Get Rid Of Them Are you making these mistakes each time you spot a little white little bump on your face? Fixing those little white bumps starts with a small dose of education and ends with a big dose of prevention. After understanding the five reasons below, your little bumps should give way to clearer skin. Acne One of the most popular skin disorders, Acne, is the term used for plugged pores (blackheads and whiteheads), pimples and even deeper lumps like cysts or nodules. Proactive Skin Care Products ? a Real Answer to a Difficult Problem Acne is often seen as something of a trifling problem, a few zits that complicate a teenagers already confusing life, but nothing that's going to kill them ? and, of course, they'll grow out of it! Anyone who has ever suffered with acne however, whether as a teenager, or as one of the growing number of people who develop the skin condition during their adult years, will tell you that the problem is not quite so trifling. This is why so many of these sufferers have greeted the arrival to the market of Proactive skin care products with such enthusiasm. Most acne sufferers have spent years trying cleanser after cleanser in order to find something that will really make a difference ? and now customer testimonials would seem to indicate that they might at last have found their answer in Proactive skin care products. Dermatologist Lotion For Acne Prone Patients You can find dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients at your doctor's office. Your dermatologist will be able to suggest or prescribe the best dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients. Natural Alternatives to Treat Acne Acne can be caused in teenagers just from the hormonal aspect of being a teen and genetics (that stinks!) Acne Scar Treatment and Removal Beautiful skin, without acne scars, is every woman's dream (and some men's too). But it seems only a small fortunate group with good genes ever attain it. But always remember that skin is a reflection of one's health and is the largest organ in the body. Acne Treatment Acne is an annoying skin condition that affects people of every age, gender, and race. The scientific name for the condition is acne vulgaris because acne usually strikes in plainly visible locations such as the face, neck, chest and back. Acne is an age old problem that has likely been plaguing people for centuries. But there are numerous treatment methods available for this bothersome condition. Read on to learn more about acne, and what you can do to treat it. Are You Addicted To Your Acne Trigger? An acne trigger is any thought, location, feeling, food, emotion, response, drink, drug, memory and/or experience that sets off a series of hormonal reactions in your body that ultimately result in an acne formation. Why Adjustable Dumbells Are Part Of Any Balanced Fitness Plan While many focus upon the biological or medicinal side of acne, there are many researchers who are trying to see if there might be a natural cure to this disease; a disease which effects so many people. Herbal Acne Treatments That Work In the United States alone, there are over 40 Million people who struggle with acne. Many of these people treat acne using chemicals such as antibiotics, prescription drugs, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. Dermatologist: The Most Qualified Physician for Skin Problems. The skin is the largest and most visible organ of the body. It reflects the health of the body and acts as a barrier against injury and bacteria. Sadly, at one time or another, nearly everyone has some type of skin disease that only a skin doctor can absolutely give the scientific explanation for those skin problems. Dermatologist is a medical doctor specializing on the study of the skin, diseases of the skin and the relationship of cutaneous lesions to systemic disease. Dermatologist is a medical doctor trained to usually combine several activities like seeing patients in public hospitals and/or in private practices, acting as consultants to other specialists, teaching and delving into clinical or basic research. Retin-A For Acne Scars Retin-A for acne scars is one possibility for the problem. Reitn-A for acne scars helps with healing and cuts down on the formation of new pimples. Is There A Solution For Acne? Are there acne solutions that really work? If you are plagued by acne this may be a question that you have asked. There are acne solutions that really work and this article will give you some ideas of what you can try so you will be able to find some acne solutions that really work. Micro Dermabrasion ? Hurting Skin to Heal it? Acne is an upsetting condition that can be sometimes very difficult to clear, its treatment usually involving the application to the skin of a multitude of cleansers and other potions in a long process of trial and error that can be extremely frustrating for the patient. Clear skin, when it is finally achieved, is thus a thing to be cherished by most former sufferers, and most certainly not something to be taken lightly. So while there is little doubt that recovered acne patients will view their often scarred skin with disappointment, many are unwilling to risk its hard won clarity by trying scar reducing techniques, such as micro dermabrasion, chemical peels or laser treatment. And while medical advances are improving these techniques all the time ? micro dermabrasion, for example, was developed as a gentler form of more traditional dermabrasion ? those with delicate skin would be wise to carefully weigh up the possible advantages of receiving treatment with the possible risks. ![]() |
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