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Where Can People Find Information About Starting A Business?
Approximately 200,000 new businesses are started each year. More people are expected to start a business for themselves this year than ever before. With economic fluctuations rippling through the business world, more and more people are getting laid off every day. People often need help finding the information they need to become a successful business owner; especially first time business owners. The following 10 points of information further explain the kinds of detailed, practical business information that are available: 1. Business Startups There is tons of information on how to start a business, but almost nothing on starting a SPECIFIC KIND of business. We have scoured the Internet for just this kind of information and brought it all together in one, convenient, easy to use location. 2. Home-based Business According to the latest census information (2002), the number of businesses with one or more owners but no paid employees grew nationwide from 17.0 million to more than 17.6 million. Approximately 600,000 new businesses started in the United States. This represents a growth rate of 3.9 percent, an increase from 2.7 percent over the previous year. These are small businesses which make up more than 70 percent of all businesses. They may be run by one or more individuals, can range from home-based businesses to corner stores or construction contractors and often are part-time ventures with owners operating more than one business at a time. Are you one of these people? Are you thinking about joining the ranks of the self-employed? We have all the information you need right at your fingertips. 3. Money & Finance Income, revenues, cash flow, P&L, balance sheets... If these terms are foreign to you, we have just what you need - the best information on money and finance for small business, step-by-step instructions that will lead you to the pathways of financial success. The tools that help you build your business bigger profits in a shorter amount of time. 4. Taxes & Accounting Are your receipts scattered around in several piles? Do you have them all saved in an old show box? We can provide you with information that can show you how to organize your financial records and take (some of) the pain away from tax time. You'll find accounting methodologies and techniques for getting the biggest slice of the pie and paying no more than your fair share of taxes. 5. Internet Marketing & Sales Marketing & Sales is the lifeblood of any small business. We carry products that can help you market and sell your product or service like a seasoned professional. There are books on Internet marketing strategies that can literally produce thousands of sales per week. Plus we have resources that can show you how you can sell and market anything online. Don't know much about sales? We can help! We offer information on learning sales techniques that you can use in any business. Practical core selling skills that can be used anywhere. 6. Website Design The core to any Internet business is the website. We have an abundance of resources that can show you the proper strategies to use when creating a website, how to go about actually coding in the website, graphics, audio, video, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and much, much more. We can show you how to take the mystery out of creating a website and turn you into a webmaster. It really isn't very difficult at all. And the more you know, the more you can do. Learn how to create effective ad banners, use forms to collect customer email addresses, run user polls, use RSS news feeds, and hundreds of other great, profit enhancing techniques. 7. eBook Self-Publishing The absolute best way to extend your knowledge, share important information on tightly focused subjects, expand your grasp of leading-edge concepts, and become fully aware of the surrounding vast universe of information that is the Internet, is through the eBook. Our extensive library of ebooks cover a wide range of subject matter all geared toward the new, or soon-to-be-new, business owner. Learn how to create a hot-selling eBook in 7-days or less. Discover the secrets to ebook publishing success. Find out how you can make online profits in as little as 30 days; it's all right here. 8. Motivation & Inspiration Fire, energy, and passion - these are the things that drive an entrepreneur forward. When the rest of the world says you can't and you believe in your heart that you can the drive to succeed is like a fire in your soul. But, we are all only human, subject to disappointments, setbacks, and failures. When your have run out of steam and have stalled along the road to success, nothing goes farther than a little bit of motivation and inspiration. Find the right message to rekindle your entrepreneurial fires, become inspired to move forward and carry on. Pick yourself back up, dust yourself off, and take those next few steps toward success. Re-ignite the passion that got you started, live each day for what you were meant to do, find the energy to push yourself to the peak and say "I have done it." We have just the right motivational and inspirational products that can help you pull yourself up out of the blues and keep you moving on the path of enlightenment. 9. Newsletter The newsletter is one of the most widely used forms of business communication in use today. They are typically jam-packed full of useful business articles, how-to guides, business news, guest columns, and thought provoking editorials. Newsletters come in weekly, monthly and sometimes quarterly flavors. These publications cover a wide variety of subject matter from what's going on in Washington, SBA happenings, and the latest business rules and regulations to obtaining grant money to start a business, tax laws, and how we can better our lives through helping others, plus many, many more topics. The e-InfoCenter Newsletter is a feature-packed value, and if you subscribe right now, you can get a 1-year subscription absolutely FREE. Forget about keeping up with the Jones', try keeping up with the business world instead! 10. Business Startup Guide Kits We carry complete business startup packages that can guide you throughout the processes it takes to structure, establish, and create a living, breathing honest-to-goodness business. Learn how to start almost ANY kind of business, such as: ~ A Daycare Business ~ A Catering Business ~ A Cleaning Business ~ A Web Design Business ~ A Graphic Design Business ~ How to Become a Real Estate Agent ~ Becoming an Event Planner ~ Starting a Bed And Breakfast ~ Becoming a Professional Organizer And there are many, many more. These Startup Guide Kits will show you everything you need to know all in one handy package. With economic instability constantly rupturing the business environment, people find themselves out of work or forced into an early retirement. And with Social Security's uncertain future, what is a person supposed to do? Starting and running your own successful business is probably the best answer. And where can you find the best information about starting a business in high-quality products, at an excellent value, with unparalleled customer service? Just where can people find information about starting a business? One of the best places is right on the Internet, at e-infocenter.com. Tim Guba is the Executive Director of G/Media Technologies, LLC. He has started, owned, and operated several various businesses throughout his career. Having numerous certifications in the computer industry, he is highly regarded as an expert in Information Technologies. Copyright 2005 Tim Guba. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.
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Recognizing Employees? Contributions Can Go a Long Way Every employee would like to earn as high a salary as they can at their job but surprisingly it's not the number one motivating factor for them in the workplace. Human resource surveys indicate that wages are not even among the top five motivating factors for an employee. What does rank as one of the highest factors is being recognized by their employer for their contributions. Canon City, Colorado - Good for Small Business Canon City, Colorado is known for it's 6 Prisons; State and Federal, women's prison and juvenile. It is also home to the First Colorado Territorial Prison. Pictured here. Most of the people work for the prison system and it is the main employer of the town. This helps the local business community with high paying jobs. The small town has 7 new car dealerships and six used dealerships. Canon City is surrounded by several other smaller towns, which add quite a bit of people to the area. Specialty Advertising in C-Stores It appears the mini-blimp indoor theme and concept is making significant headway. We have seen them in the halls of Congress sniffing for anthrax. What else can we use them for? C-Stores can use Mini Blimps Advertising and Surveillance to prevent Shoplifting. These can be paid for by beer vendors, soda vendors as advertising signs, which float around the store like a pool sweeper around the family pool. It does not have to be a blimp shape, it could very well be any shape such as a giant banana or a football? How to Make Your Business Image Stand Out Above The Crowd Traditional advertising methods are still being used for almost 90% of businesses today. The number one problem with this, is that all everyone else seems to be following the same old methods. Franchise Buyers Lying On Forms The Federal Trade Commission which governs the franchise industry thru the franchise rule, which enforces Franchise Disclosure laws seems to think that consumers need to be protected even when they lie. Often The FTC takes complaints from consumers who claim they had been ripped off or lied to from someone selling a Biz-OP or some corporation, which sells franchises. The Federal Trade Commission will not admit that at least two-thirds of the incoming complaints are made in falsehood by consumers; as a participant in the industry I can safely say that much misrepresentation comes from the buyers side and not from the sellers. Small Does Not Mean Invisible! Running a business on the net these days can be like looking up into a clear night sky; it can leave you feeling very small and insignificant. Passion Is Key To A Successful Business Passion. Passion alone can make your business successful. As an entrepreneur, you are a passionate person. For why would anyone invest such incredible amounts of time and energy on something they have no REAL desire to do? If you do such a thing, then it's just bullshit. You have built an unreal, superficial way work environment and based on that you most likely are not very satisfied in what you do. Serious About Writing A Business Plan... Start A Business Plan Library Tap these treasures of ideas. The best money you can spend is money invested in your business plan education. Don't shortchange yourself when it comes to investing in your dream. Start gathering samples of business plans and collect business plan books and get a business plan library started, it can change your future. Here's what your library needs to show: that you're a serious student of business strategy and planning, finance and economics, selling, and writing. Why Do Most Online Small Businesses Fail? Search Engines account for almost 90% of all web traffic! Its Spring - Time For A Compensation Program Tune Up Now that winter has passed, the annual ritual of spring cleaning is in full swing. Spring cleaning is more than cleaning the windows and clearing the cobwebs that hid in the corners during the winter. "Spring is a time to take a serious look at your compensation program and begin planning for the next budget cycle. Depending on your organization's fiscal year, it may also be time to determine appropriate market adjustments and pay increases for the coming year," said Michael Maciekowich, National Director, Astron Solutions. Do You Need Accounting Software for Your Small Business? If you're anything like me then you dislike with a vengeance doing your accounts and taxes. Boston Suburban areas a good choice to run a business BioTechs even with the latest news had shed over 1000 jobs two years ago, as it was reported by The Financial Times, WSJ, and Bloomberg that only 17 of the nearly 1300 BioTech firms were actually profitable. In 2002 the number of jobs were in the 30,000 range in Biotech. 600 layoffs came from Millennium Pharmaceuticals. And the VCs are were barely interested as they hardly even look at tech deals with all of them netting less than 3 Million in venture capital for computer software and less than 10 million in biotech in 2003. But that was then and this is now. Unemployment has dropped, money is flowing the fallout mortgage loans stopped bleeding and money is coming back for investment in all sectors. Nano and Biotech both good. How To Get Slightly Famous in Print Early in my career, I wrote an article for a small business magazine about self-publishing as a marketing tool for businesses. Because I specialize in helping businesses get into print, the article only took a few hours to write. A few months later it was published. Almost immediately, my phone began to ring and my email box filled up with inquires. Four Reasons Why Small Businesses Succeed (or Fail) The American system of business management has been admired and emulated around the world. This system is characteristic of two traits in the American psyche: (1) enthusiasm for the future and making things better, and (2) an openness and willingness to change in order to achieve that end. Justice In Action During the 1980 presidential campaign, candidate Ronald Reagan vowed, if elected, to appoint the first woman to the United States Supreme Court. Six months after his inauguration, President Reagan kept his promise ? nominating a member of the Arizona Court of Appeals. The Senate soon confirmed her by a vote of 99-0. Awning Cleaning Business Case Study: Entrepreneurship 101 It is most fascinating to study how entrepreneurs spot opportunity in the market place. "My name is Lance Winslow and I am a serial entrepreneur, I admit I am addicted and need help." ..."Hello Lance." Let me explain how I formed one of my companies which became a franchise system in itself and became a module under the umbrella company I had formed many years the prior. I at first saw it as another business to fit into our growing niche of cleaning businesses. It was to be called the Awning Wash Guys. This is an interesting case study in how businesses form and how companies seek, find and exploit opportunity in the market place. Here is the story: Q and A: Personalized Birthday Cards from Paul Leonard Paul Leonard's BirthdayCards2Go.com paid greeting card service offers convenience when you're rushing to send birthday wishes. While nothing can beat a personalized poem to add that extra touch of thoughtfulness, we can all agree that in this busy world, any connection we can make with each other, even just to say "Thinking of you," is worthwhile. The Power of Why: Your Psychological Ally To Marketing Success! Here's why 'WHY' is such a profit-making marketing trigger. Secrets Revealed To Having The Most Professional Staff On The Telephone! Do you have all the customers your business can use? Grab Your Consumers Attention in a Cluttered World of Marketing Communications A cluttered world of marketing communications diminishes the ordinary. The consumer can no longer be bother with the dull, trite and a boring hodgepodge of marketing communications that are pandered in front of them every day. They simply haven't the time, nor are they willing to figure out what irrelevant messages warmed over with pseudo-showmanship the marketer is selling them. ![]() |
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