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Stress Management Information |
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Are You Stressing Yourself by Thinking Too Much?
Why is it that some people become totally stressed when the smallest thing goes wrong while others can cope with extraordinary amounts of pressure with it batting an eye? There can be many factors at play here. We become more easily stressed when we are tired or unwell. But with all things being equal it is what we think about a situation that will determine whether we are stressed by it or not. For example, let's look at two people waiting for a phone call from a potential romantic interest and how differently they respond when they do not receive the phone call. Person A starts to fret and draws many conclusions about why the person hasn't called and will most likely start to think about all the times in the past that they have been let down in a similar manner. They might start to think things like - "men never call when they say they will, there must be something wrong with me because no one wants to go out with me, men are totally unreliable, no one is ever going to want to go out with me again etc." With all these negative thoughts and self-talk, person A is likely to become stressed, depressed and/or defensive. Person B on the other hand simply thinks that the potential caller forgot, were busy or changed their minds. They may feel a little disappointed that the phone call did not occur but they do not get involved in a lot of negative thinking and simply let it go and get on with their day. There are two important differences occurring with our two people. Person A is taking it personally and is then inventing stories about the situation. Person B is just sticking to facts. Person B is not dredging up the past and making things up about what is going on and is not jumping to conclusions about what this one missed phone call will mean to their future. When you look at it like this, you see how ridiculous we can be, when we feel that someone has let us down. We search our past for every related incident and this makes us feel even worse and makes us project into the future and all we can then see is that we are going to be unhappy forever more. But in reality what has really happened is that we have talked ourselves in to becoming stressed and unhappy. If we want to stop stressing ourselves with our thinking we need to get control of our wandering minds and instead stick to the facts. With our missed phone call the facts simply are 1. Someone told us they would phone at a certain time So those are the facts - the rest of it we invent. So next time you are getting stressed, stop a moment and consider what the facts are and what you are inventing about those facts. You may even be able to stop the stress dead in its tracks and laugh at how our own minds can be our worst enemy. Need ways to reduce your stress levels? See Kerry-Ann Cox's latest book "10 spiritual laws for stress reduction". For information go to http://www.exaltedliving.com/stress.htm It covers more ways that we stress ourselves with our thinking and how to get control or your mind and become calmer.
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Walking - The Perfect Stress Reducer An excellent stress reducer can be something as simple as walking or doing any form of physical activity. Physical activity has the ability to calm jangled nerves and improve bad moods. It can have a calming effect, enhance self-esteem and even combat depression. Make a Handbag - Discover Inner Peace and Stress Reduction Have you ever considered sewing a handbag as an act of meditation or as a way to get in touch with your self and reduce stress? Let's look at the process In order to see the connection to inner peace. Social Phobia Imagine going through your whole life in the constant fear of worrying about the others' opinion for you, saying only such things which might approve you in the peer group and scared to go out in the public to escape the scrutinizing eyes of the people. Tame Your Work Stress Work stress has become a major problem today. The nature of work is changing at whirlwind speed. 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Three Tips for Forgiveness: A Key Factor in Anger Management Elizabeth, 32, cried during anger management class as she told how one year ago - her 19-month-old girl was permanently brain-damaged as the result of a medical error at the hospital in which she was delivered. Ten Easy Relaxation Techniques Stress is more than just unpleasant. It's dangerous. Try these relaxation techniques today, and use them whenever you feel that tension coming on. Stressed? Relax Right Now with 5 Super-Simple Stress-Busters Stressed? Relax Right Now with 5 Super-Simple Stress-Busters Ten Tips to Ward Off Stress at the Office CHICAGO - According to a recent article in the September 27 issue of Newsweek magazine, 60?90 percent of all doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Stress affects us all and it is especially rampant at the office, where it is not only costly to employees but also to the companies they work for in terms of absenteeism and poor performance. Under stress, you cannot perform at your optimum level. Beyond the Stress of Success - Access Your Thriving Zone Genuine enthusiasm...real feeling of accomplishment...sense of satisfaction and fun. Welcome to your thriving zone! Eldercare/Caregiving Stress--Managing Holidays Caring for a chronically ill loved one can be one of life's greatest challenges, but during holidays, when even more responsibilities are added to an already stressful schedule, caregivers can often feel guilty and frustrated for not being able to accomplish all the tasks they once did. Additionally, fond memories of past holidays, when a loved one was still healthy, can create a downward spiral with feelings of loss and sadness. Just Moved -- and Miserable! Q. Help! I moved from the Dallas to Denver. I keep writing my friends back in Dallas, but they won't answer. Aren't they rude? Stress Management and Mastery: 3 Powerful Tools to Beat Stress Q: We recently had someone come to our company to talk about stress management. All he did was talk about the physical results of stress and tell us we need to not be so stressed and to relax. It really wasn't very helpful, and I was wondering if you could offer some tips on how to handle stress. How To Stress Less and Smile More-The Six Fundamental Steps To Improved Health More than two-thirds of visits to doctors' surgeries are for stress-related illnesses. Stress has been linked to headaches, backaches, insomnia, anger, cramps, elevated blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and lowered resistance to infection. ![]() |
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