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Deep Breathing ? How It Can Simultaneously Improve Health And Bring You Closer To Your Goals
I hope by reading this article you will see the value in being aware of your breath and also how it can have the potential to not only improve your internal health but also give you an instantly accessible tool to help you focus on those goals and ambitions you have been putting off. Be sure to try the simple exercise below also to get you started on developing your awareness of how (and where) you breathe. Not so long ago (well, about six or seven years actually!) I did not give the way I breathed a second thought. In fact, everything I based my physical training upon was external in nature. I lifted weights and focused on bigger muscles, the latest shakes to add a few calories, and in all honesty was quite a shallow person. I lived day to day with no clear vision of where I was headed. I knew I enjoyed competing in martial arts and was interested in fitness but that was about it. To cut a long story a little shorter I started feeling ill. Tiredness pervaded my body, I had glandular fever and was diagnosed with a liver disorder that slowed down the way in which my liver processed that which I ingested. I could not train for a number of months and felt very dejected. It was then I began looking for more internal methods to train while I recovered. While researching breathing methods it was as if a light clicked on in my mind. I began thinking of working from the inside out. You may be wondering what sort of exercises I started using so below is one of the first I learnt, and applied, for you to try and benefit from. Perform it ten times with focus and feel it's beneficial effects on your mind and body. 1. Stand (preferably in fresh air) with feet shoulder width apart. 2. Inhale deeply. Do not rush the inhale. You should feel your stomach expand. You should not be just breathing into your chest! Breathe in until you cannot breathe in any more. You should be 'full'. 3. While performing the inhalation use your focused mind to direct the energy, your breath, into your belly, and then down into your legs all the way into your toes. You have filled your entire body with energy! 4. Exhale smoothly and naturally. For this exercise, nothing is forced. 5. Repeat up to ten times. Try it, right now! Make sure you will not be disturbed. All you need is five minutes (if that), throw open a window, and experience what it feels like to direct your breath and energy through your whole body! As I delved deeper into deep breathing exercises I created small routines that helped me stay active and a profound change in how I trained and thought materialised. By training from the inside out I felt healthier and learnt how to amalgamate my deep focused breathing with my goals. What I found was the exercises created a sense of awareness mentally and I began thinking about goals I wanted to achieve while doing them! As I did this each day I felt strongly compelled to take action towards them. By breathing life into mental images I found I was improving internal health and generating positive momentum towards objectives! So, the next time you are stressed out or trying to focus, give the above exercise a go to help in relieving stress, increasing energy levels, and adding a little much needed focus towards goal! � Tim Webb 2005 Tim Webb is a fitness instructor, Ju Jutsu instructor and competitor. He specialises in easily accessible deep breathing exercises that combine breath and mind together. His site http://www.breathforsuccess.com/ offers a product that provides deep breathing exercises for invigorating yourself, relaxing, and highlights how your breath can be tied in with your goals to move you towards them in record time
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Stress Reduction Tips for Parents The best way to reduce your stress is to really know what it IS, that is making you stressed! So sit down for a minute and think about last year. You can look at a calendar to remind yourself of events, or appointments. This may jog your memory, such as realizing that taking your kids to the doctor can stress you out. Stress can also grow from your surroundings. Are you disorganized? Are your drawers and closets filled with clutter? Do you waste a lot of time searching for items? 5 Steps to Stress Relief Take a moment to think about the week that just passed. Are your first thoughts of long hours at work, driving your kids to every kind of practice imaginable, hurrying to make dinner, clean the house, do laundry, vacuum and wash dishes? Is it any wonder that in today's busy world, more and more women suffer from stress-induced anxiety than ever before? 10 Ways to Enjoy Your Stress More 1. The Mentor Method: think of your favorite person. Someone you love, admire, trust, like a mentor or someone from your spiritual tradition. Simply thinking about them will help you change your focus from the stress hooey to a more desirable response associated with your favorite person. Also, you do not need to wait to get stressed out to do this as thinking of your hero's always makes you feel better. Pictures of family and loved ones also help so make sure you have these at work. Think of happy and/or silly times you've had with these people. Feel better already don't you? Good. Now relax, take a deep breath and enjoy yourself even more as you read on... Stress Relief - An Industry For Self Inflicted Stress Stress Relief Common SENSS Stress Control Statistics show that all of us experience stress at one point in time or another. It is no longer a question of whether or not we are stressed, but rather how much stress we can tolerate. A consistently high level can lead to many physical ailments such as gastro-intestinal problems, sleep disorders, headaches, heart attacks, flu, frequent colds, cancer, skin problems, depression, and chronic pain. For example, it does not mean that every single incidence of heart attack is caused by stress, but the bulk of evidence suggests that stress is an important factor. The goal in stress control is not to eliminate stress, but to create more of a balance between your demands and coping resources. The first question to ask is "Do I actually want to be less stressed?" Stress Management: Problem Land or Solution Land In my experience, most of us spend a lot more time living in problem land, griping and complaining, than we do in solution land, working hard and enjoying solving problems. Stress Management and Mastery: The Value of Vitamin NO What part of no don't you understand? - Bumper sticker Stress Management and Mastery: Breakdown or Breakthrough? Q: "My career, though very very stressful, is one that I thoroughly enjoy and do not want to change. Because I'm under so much stress, my counselor has recommended that I eliminate all stress from my life. This doesn't seem to make sense to me, especially since I like what I do so much. Should I quit my job, or is there something else I can do?" Tame Your Work Stress Work stress has become a major problem today. The nature of work is changing at whirlwind speed. Now more than ever before, job stress poses a threat to your health. Children Playing - How Play Is Important To Kids And Adults You can learn a lot by watching children playing. There is no greater sight than to see children pretending to be superheroes or digging for treasure in a sandbox. To hear the laughter and see a child's excitement can bring a smile to any adult's face. An important part of a child's development is through play. A child's problem solving skills are developed through play. Children are able to work on relationships, build self-esteem and decrease their anger. In the course of a child's life adults usually teach children, but on the playground children can teach adults how to have fun. Unfortunately, some children had to grow up so fast that they never had the experience of play. When this happens, they often miss out on a healthy part of their development. These children often grow up to be adults who are more angry and depressed. Whether you are an adult who missed out on play as a child or an adult who lost site of the importance of play, take the time out of your busy day to watch children playing. By watching children play you can regain some of that fun, enabling you to see how carefree and fun life should be. To incorporate play in your life, think back to your childhood. * What did you do for fun? * Did you experience play or did you observe children playing? * Ask yourself how you can bring play into your adult life? If you are having difficulty in your life and are in need of a break just take the time out of your busy unrelenting day to watch children play. If you feel comfortable doing so, join in the fun. The stresses and strains of your daily life will just slip away. Mindfulness and Laughter: Gaining Clarity While Giggling Life is funny. Stress - What We Say is Half the Problem Everywhere I go, I hear the same unpleasant sentence repeated over and over again. I think it has to be one of the most frequently used sentences. What is it? - I am sooooo s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d. Mindfulness and Panic: Ask Your Anxiety Panic. Relieving Stress Where does stress really come from? Is there any simple way to reduce it or to stop it? Stress & Performance: How Much is Just Right? WHAT THE RESEARCH SAYS No More Sleepless Nights (Insomnia) Insomnia is usually the result of the modern way of life and mental tension to which it leads. Innumerable persons suffer from insomnia. According to the available figures, sleeping pills worth millions of dollars are sold every year. Self Indulgence: It Isn?t Just About Chocolate It's no secret that we women, by virtue of our genetic make-up I suppose, seem to feel it is necessary to be superwomen-simultaneously balancing the demands of managing a home, caring for children and aging parents, and usually working in a demanding profession. This syndrome, which was first labeled in the 1980s, continues 20-some years later despite zillions of articles and talk shows discussing it. Stress Relief ? A Backyard Hot Tub Is Your Answer We all know what it's like coming home from a busy day and needing some fast relaxation and stress relief. Many people choose to reach for that quick drink; but why not soak your stresses away? One of the best ways you can sit outside and enjoy the backyard is to install a hot tub and let the water bring relief from stresses and strains of the day. Ancient civilizations realized the healing power of natural hot and cold springs. The Romans built baths because they believed in the value of hot springs. Hippocrates prescribed bathing and drinking spring water for its therapeutic effects in the 4th century B.C. Water healing or hydrotherapy has been used effectively in Europe for thousands of years. There are numerous water healing facilities available. Hydrotherapy is one of the oldest, inexpensive and safest methods for treating many common problems and bringing stress relief. Chewing On Mindfulness: Gum Is Your Secret My grandmother, a feisty and athletic woman in her younger years, was a gum-chewer. She was never without a pack or two of Wrigley's Doublemint gum. She wasn't a snapper or bubble-blower--she viewed that as highly uncivilized. Squeeze To Relax! This heading may seem like a contradiction in terms. How on earth is squeezing anything going to allow for relaxation to occur? Surely it will generate more tension, won't it? ![]() |
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