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Are You An Expert At What You Do?
One of the most common refrains I hear from people is, "I can't create information products?I'm not an expert!" Yet what is expertise? Many organizations have tried to pin down the exact criteria that make an expert. They talk about university degrees earned and awards won and how much you're quoted in the newspaper. But I think there's a much simpler way to look at it. Can you teach another person something they didn't know? Is that something of value to the person? That's the only form of expertise you need to be worried about to create information products that enrich the world. The Road of Knowledge There will always be someone else ? at least one more person, maybe several more ? ahead of you on your road to knowledge. They will know more than you do. Don't sweat it. Instead, realize that those people are your teachers and mentors. There are also people behind you on the road to knowledge ? and you are their teacher and mentor. They can learn from you. You don't have to know every last thing there is to know about a topic to offer them helpful information. Your fifth grade teacher didn't know everything there was to know about mathematics, but he or she was still able to teach you math. Did you ever say to your math teacher, "You know nothing about string theory! How can you teach me long division?" Of course not. The knowledge he or she had was perfectly suited to your needs at the time. There was value in what your teacher could share with you despite the fact that it wasn't the be all and end all of math. In fact, if it had been the be all and end all, the information would have been useless to you. You weren't ready for all that. You were ready for long division. It's the same with information products. There are students at different levels of study. For every level, there is a teacher needed. Don't stay quiet, thinking you have nothing to offer because someone else has more. There is room in the world for more than one teacher on any given topic. In fact, there has to be. Who has the time or energy to reach 6 billion people all on their own? If you're going to wait until you're the acknowledged grand poobah and supreme expert in the universe, you will never create an information product. You'll be waiting forever. And all the knowledge you do have will be lost to the world. Who Are You Not To Shine? Do you still question what you have to offer? Perhaps these words from Marianne Williamson's book, A Return To Love, will help. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure... We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?... Your playing small doesn't serve the world." Remember those words anytime you find yourself thinking, "Who am I to write a book about this?" or "What makes me think I can create a tape set about that?" Your playing small doesn't serve the world! It doesn't help the people behind you on the road. Don't hide. Don't wait. Share what you know. About The Author � 2003 Juiced Consulting. Juiced Consulting helps business owners package what they know into information products ? such as books, audiotapes and teleclasses ? that they can sell to generate new business revenue. For a free newsletter and other resources, visit www.juicedconsulting.com; [email protected]
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Setting Yourself Up For Success Most people want to be successful in life. But success can mean different things to different people: making more money; spending quality time with your family; or learning to play a musical instrument. The Synchronicity of Success I love the idea of synchronicity. What Makes One Person Succeed While Someone Else Fails What characteristics are common among successful people. If you analyze the success stories of history, business or your own personal experience you'll find similar habits and patterns among successful people. You'll find these people to be persistent, hard-working, continually educating themselves and able to adapt to certain situations. You've heard the old adage don't work harder work smarter or you've heard the one the exceptional salesman makes a habit of doing what the ordinary salesman doesn't do. These two saying are fine but you need to remember each of them says simply if you want to make it you will have to do more than the next person. Please keep in mind this does not require you to become a slave to your own business or organization. Hows Work Going? Think how often you see a friend or an acquaintance that you may not have seen for a few weeks or months and the question comes up: "How's work going?" Own Your Success Are you getting frustrated because the work you continue to do is not working? Are you afraid to make the money you once dreamed you would have? Everyone becomes frustrated one point in their life about where they are at and where they want to be at. Can You Think Your Way To Riches? I am going to tell you something you already know but actively ignore. 90% of the time, 90% of what you think is complete and utter drivel, useless background chatter, and recycled subconscious tape loops. Do You Need A Change Of Mind? Napoleon Hill, the famous inspirational writer, once met a reader who became a millionaire after reading one of his books. The book, Think and Grow Rich, transformed Bill McCall of Australia from rags to riches. Masterminding Your Way To Greater Success Napoleon Hill coined the concept of the mastermind alliance in his classic book Think and Grow Rich. He believed that a group of like-minded, achievement-oriented individuals could dramatically leverage each other's success. Busy, Busy, Busy Being busy has become a way of life for many of us. So much so that we begin to feel guilty if we find ourselves not being busy or we feel uncomfortable if we find we have nothing to keep ourselves busy. If we see someone who is not being busy then we think they may be lazy or unwell. If we are not busy, we try to think of ways to look busy! The Bulging Right Pocket It was one of the worst periods of time in my life. Sharpen Your Saw by Continuously Learning What does a sharp saw have to do with lifelong learning? For all you Covey fans, you know Dr. Steven Covey coined the phrase "sharpen the saw" in his highly acclaimed book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. To me, I think about a saw sharpener as a complicated device that I would never be able to use. Doing an image search on "saw sharpener" on Google shows 423 different pictures of saw sharpening devices that require you to know various things and exert various amounts of effort to "sharpen a saw" in the traditional sense. Now there are probably close to this many ways we can keep our own saws sharp by continuously learning. I won't bore you with all of them, but I will outline a few of the ones I've found helpful below. Lessons from My Garden What does "Lessons from My Garden" have to do with "getting organized? One of the things I've learned after 20+ years as an organizing consultant is that organizing has something to do with everything! How to be Congruent and Experience Balance Every Day. "If you can tell the world who you are and what you believe without breaking stride or hesitating, you are happy with yourself." - Neale Donald Walsche Informational Interviews: Tips for Success As a work-life and career coach, I regularly work with people who are engaged in a full-blown career change. Typically, this process involves identifying potential "next careers" through a variety of methods, and then seriously exploring them. Informational interviews are a great way to do this, but many career seekers are reluctant to pursue these kinds of conversations because they aren't sure what to ask. Not sure what to ask the professional who's granted you an information interview? Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of your meeting. These questions are based on the assumption that you have sent your resume to this person ahead of the meeting so they have some idea of where you are coming from. Nothing Comes Easy I am constantly approached by people when I am speaking at an event and asked the same two questions What if You Fed Your Mind as Often as You Feed Your Stomach? Many people consider reading books a waste of time. It is just so easy to switch on the television, put the brain into neutral and accept everything that is shown to you. Some even boast that they have not read a single book since they have left school. That is definitely something that I would not be proud to admit. The Secret of Lasting Personal Change Why do diets end up in gained weight? Why do some people fail again and again at business? And why do other people fall into one bad relationship after another ?- in spite of their honest desire for a "good" relationship? Why Balancing Your Polarity Can Make Life Better Driven by cultural imperatives and inner promptings, we drive ourselves into a frenzy of action day after day. Improve Our Income We all want to improve our top line - our income - be it our salary or business profits. Here are the 5 Ways to make it happen: Strategy - Personal and Business Many different daily tasks require a strategic process to be formulated or habitually developed, and then implemented. This can be as simple as at what time you get up and the process you take in getting ready for the day. For example you may wake at 6:00 am, shower and dress at 6:15, drink a cup of coffee and grab a bite to eat at 6:45 and be out of the door by 7:00. ![]() |
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