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Blessing The Money You Spend
A young girl opens a birthday card from her grand mother and folded inside the card is a crisp $100 bill along with congratulations and sincere wishes and hopes for happiness. A successful store rewards its customers who spend more than $20 with a bonus service or gift. A woman I know writes hearts on her cheques and blesses her creditors each time she makes a payment on a loan. These individuals don't know it but they are practicing a classic cosmic law of prosperity as well as blessing others with their good wishes. The young girl's confidence is increased and the $100 brings her hundreds of more dollars as she gets her first job. The store experiences increased business as customers remember the kind gesture and return again and again to re-experience the friendly vibration represented by the initial bonus or gift. One month, the woman is unable to make her loan payment on time, yet mysteriously, the payment is held for her without penalty. The types of actions describe above can be truly described as Money Magic at it's highest level. Most people think a money spell is about receiving money, however you can also spread blessings and increase your own good fortune by attaching and focusing a magical energy to the money you send out. The key to this law of prosperity is to bless rather than curse or resent the money you have to pay others. The key is to see money as energy as opposed to a tangible object. One practice in magic is to gather, build and then release energy to achieve a particular purpose. That is why businesses often display the first few dollars that they earn and tape them above the cash register. This money represents "good luck" and additional good fortune. It is no coincidence that we call the coins jingling in our pockets "change," as money can be used ritually to effect positives changes in your life. However our subconscious perceptions of money can stop us from being rich. Instinctively or subconsciously we may resent our bills or the money we must give to others. Money that is sent out with thoughts of resentment, anxiety or desperation tends to draw more resentful, anxious or desperate situations to the sender. Although it is a spiritual sin to worship money as an object, or covet it or hoard it is still an energy t you should see as sacred in terms of its spiritual status as energy. As it involves an exchange of energy, it is considered to be part of the divine circulation and a way of circulating blessings and love. To create this kind of money magic, make the monthly "pain" of paying your bills into a ritual. Every time you pay your mortgage, see it as a blessing on your home. Treat your taxes as a way of supporting and blessing all those who use the services that are created with that money. I even sometimes kiss a bill after I pay it. It sounds ridiculous but it helps change the energy associated with paying bills from a negative to positive polarity. There is a spiritual law as well that whatever you send out, returns to you three times three or even ten fold. Rather than performing spells to get money, try thinking the money you spend as a blessing for others. And if you do perform a money ritual, candle burning or otherwise for yourself, it is always a good thing at the very end of the spell to wish that every one else on the planet that is in need of increased prosperity, have their wish granted as well. Here is general affirmation prosperity: "All that I touch turns to gold and green: I am a magnet drawing prosperity. As my prosperity increases so does the prosperity of all those that I pay. I pray for the best for all those I pay. Money circulates freely in my life. I shall never be weary of doing the right thing, for when I least expect it I shall reap my rewards." Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Better Instead of Bitter I have been studying several books lately that deal with subject of attracting prosperity, well being and abundance to oneself -- partly as a refresher course for myself, but also partly because I was searching for answers for some of our clients in the Realm. Lately in the chat rooms, the issue of how to overcome bitterness or loss is a big topic. How do you be 'better, instead of bitter' when life hands you what feels like a terrible blow; whether it be to your heart, to your pocketbook or the very core of your soul? People Are Who They Want To Be Choice isn't always a matter of being able to choose what happens to us. Life happens, and often without any say from us. However, our circumstances do not determine who we become. Only we have the choice to determine that. Everyone is who he or she wants to be, regardless of what one might think. We all have choices and each choice leads to the creation of who we are. Success Through The Eyes Of A Child Adults, with eyes to see, can learn so much about success in life from children. Moving to the Other Side of Box Few books have impacted my perspective on human psychologically and behavior. A little over a year ago I read a book by Dr. Martin Seligman called, "Learned Optimism". Seligman was intrigued by an experiment he had witnessed involving dogs who exhibited inexplicable behaviors. His curiosity led him to create the "Shuttle box" experiment. Without going into great detail, the two-phased experiment went along these lines. Personal Excellence: Whats Your Motivation? (Part 1 of 3) I was in the gym, pushing my adolescent muscles to their limit. The other dudes where there too, getting their various degrees of "pump" on. And there he was, the one we called "Pec Man" This cat looked like all he did in life was work his chest. His twin peaks of manhood bulged and glistened before us as he paused every 5 seconds to admire his life's work. Awe and envy filled the space whenever we beheld his mountainous presence. The Secret Behind All Great Masterpieces: Lessons Learned! The ten-year period which followed the stock market crash of October 1929 is referred to as the Great Depression. This time frame is considered to be the worst and most difficult of Modern American History by business historians. Unemployment was as high as 27% among White Americans and reached 60% in the African American community. In Mississippi, on a single day in 1932, one quarter of the entire state was auctioned off. Scarcity and limitations were everywhere to be seen. The Gross National Product of the country, that unit of measurement which represents everything that is produced nationwide fell by as much as 43%. The prices of wheat and corn and cotton fell so low, the crops were left to rot in the fields. Many businesses and families were wiped out. Like It or Not, In This Life... The Name of the Game is Change Most of us fear change, because - as we've all experienced - most change seems to be imposed upon us, originating outside of ourselves. Forget Dreams...Have Visions! Do you still keep that all important 'Inner Spark Alive'? ...even 15 yrs later from college! Self Esteem Self-esteem is very important. It is the way we view and feel about ourselves that has a profound effect on how we live our lives. These opinions are shaped by experiences within the family, at school, from friendships and in wider society. Self-esteem involves our ability to think, to deal with life and to be happy. Self-esteem is not so much how people view you, but how you view yourself. Potholes On The Road To Success Howdy folks, today I would like to speak to you about the journey to success. Potholes on that road to be more exact. Success is the one thing that everyone aspires to attain in life. But for many it has been very elusive, leaving them to believe it is a matter of luck or a gift. Success can be achieved by all, but knowing how to achieve it puzzles many. Here are a few potholes on your journey: Re-defining Success in Midlife When entering second adulthood, many women will begin a journey of re-defining personal and professional success for themselves. In midlife, success takes on a new meaning than it had in our 20's and 30's when it was most likely being defined more by others, the current culture, the past, hope or advertising. Our forming of new, revised, more authentic definitions of success are a reflection of our wiser, deeper, more experienced selves which sets us free to enjoy our life and work more completely because we are no longer defined or boxed in by outside influences. There is a sense of release from priorities that are no longer relevant or meaningful. In Success Language, Failure Means You Are Almost There! We all know as we are progressing towards our personal goals, dreams and aspirations that we will fail repeatedly, and then all of a sudden we achieve our ultimate outcome and attain our WHY in LIFE! Each failure is a stepping stone to Success, which in turn will become a very long and lovely stone walkway into the castle of your DREAMS. You must truly internalize the need to fail in life. How Do You Spell Success A person who is illiterate can look at a word without knowing what it means. Perhaps he can recognize the shape of some of the letters; perhaps she even knows that certain of these shapes are representative of certain sounds; still, the veil cannot be pierced. Emerging As Winners! People like to emerge as winners by hook or crook and this is what one gets landed up in. It is human nature to desire to become rich, powerful, popular and famous always and forever. On the surface, it appears that we are competing with everyone else in this world and running a never-ending rat race. It is natural for all human beings to desire and work for wealth, power and prestige. Jesus Christ and Buddha and many others emerged as winners in the sense their preachings enriched people in the spiritual sense. People like Bill Gates or Jamshedji Tata, Godraj emerged as winners because they established business which catered to the needs of others. Individualistic Sucess Models In individualistic success models, success is not due to the individual's relationship with his external environment or place in society, but, rather, a matter of individual accomplishment or, in some cases, a measure of his relationship with God. These models had their roots originally in Protestant Calvinism and are the typical ones you will see in "Success" books. Success Lessons From Marathons - Start Slow And Get Slower But Make Sure You Finish A good laugh can help in a difficult or tough situation like running a marathon. Wheres Your Value? The simple action of writing the every day grocery demonstrates how we truly value our lives and inspire future success. Each week, many of us spend 10 to 30 minutes or more writing down the weekly future grocery purchases, clipping coupons and checking advertisements. We take this action because we believe that we will have future success through the savings of money, time and energy. Unfortunately, sometimes, we forget to bring the list and end up with additional purchases, spending more money than originally anticipated and probably having to return to buy the missed items. All of these actions have wasted money, time and energy and more importantly have contributed to increased stress levels as well as negative feelings about ourselves. Just think about the last time you forget your list and how did you feel about yourself? Were those thoughts fleeting or did they stay with you a while? The Bulging Right Pocket It was one of the worst periods of time in my life. Adaptability as a Key to Success Do you ever stop to consider how much we change and grow as people? I'm not talking so much about "maturing" or physical growth. What I'm driving at is the changes that occur inside of us; the changes in thought and self perception. We are constantly bombarded with an incredible amount of information. Our grandparents didn't get nearly as much stimulation in their lives as we get in a single day. We are exposed to more ideas, more lifestyles, more ideologies every week than our great grandparents ever heard of. So given this fact it is imperative that we learn good coping mechanisms and a strong sense of focus. Nice Guys Really Finish First - Really? How can anyone with the brain of a cockroach make such a stupid statement? ![]() |
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