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Moving to the Other Side of Box
Few books have impacted my perspective on human psychologically and behavior. A little over a year ago I read a book by Dr. Martin Seligman called, "Learned Optimism". Seligman was intrigued by an experiment he had witnessed involving dogs who exhibited inexplicable behaviors. His curiosity led him to create the "Shuttle box" experiment. Without going into great detail, the two-phased experiment went along these lines. Phase 1: 'Group A' dogs were individually placed into a harness with a bar in front of them. Each dog was then administered a mild electroshock periodically. After some time, the dogs realized that by tapping the bar, the shocks would stop. The experiment was repeated with a second group of dogs (Group B) but with one great exception, there was no bar provided to stop the shocks. Phase 2: Group A dogs were now individually placed put into a shuttlebox having two compartments with a small barrier in the middle. Again, a shock was administered periodically and after some time each dog got up, stepped over the barrier and moved to the other side of the box where the shocks stopped. Group B dogs were then placed individually into the same shuttlebox. The electroshocks were again administered periodically. Unlike the dogs in Group A which chose moved to the other side of the box, the Group B dogs didn't; they just laid there and whimpered. Seligman concluded that since Group B had learned to be 'helpless' in the first phase of the experiment, they didn't move in the second phase. In other words, the dogs were conditioned to feel helpless when they couldn't stop the shocks while in the harness. So now, with the harness removed, the dogs just simply gave up. They had lost their 'optimism'; the belief that change was possible! Therefore, they just laid there and whimpered. Now we as human beings don't whimper, we whine! Many of us complain about what's wrong with our lives, careers or relationships. And much like the dogs in Group B, instead of doing something about, we just mentally lie down and whine instead of getting UP and moving to the other side of life's box. As we look forward to a new year, I want you to commit to 'getting up' and moving to the other side of the box. If there is something you've been wanting to do, do it! If there is something you've been wanting to try, try it! The only harness holding you back from success is the one wrapped around your mind. Victor Gonzalez, top Hispanic motivational speaker and author of "The LOGIC of Success". For more info go to: www.thelogicofsuccess.com or by email [email protected]
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Becoming a Success Giant! Introduction Success; So Close, Yet So Far Away! Have you ever had this feeling? You're standing in front of a huge safe; in this safe, is all the wealth, happiness, success, love and health the world could offer. This safe has a combination lock on it and you know all the numbers to open it, except one. :>( Just one lousy number! And, if you knew that one number, you could open the door! What we need is a "safe" bet! Top 5 Sources of Energy Drain Along with time and money, energy is one of your most valuable resources. And if you're a professional woman, it's a resource that's most likely in short supply. With the myriad number of professional and personal tasks you need to accomplish, while taking care of your family, you have very little - if any - energy left over for you. It's easy to understand your dilemma. Learning How To Fall: You Have To Learn To Fall Before You Can Ride With Confidence! About a month ago, I was hit by a car while riding my motorcycle. The car side-swiped me and took off. My bike bounced off the car, shot out from under me, and I rolled under the car. Amazingly enough, I stood up, picked up my bike, and got to the side of the street without any problems. All I had was a small bit of road rash on my elbow. I was lucky! How to Develop a Millionaires Mind You have a choice today? You Are What You Think You Are Think out of the box, they say. But what's a box? Creating Your Own Success Support System People who are on the same journey tend to band together, and the journey of life is no different. Throughout the Internet and in the real world, like-minded travelers have joined to form support groups, newsgroups, goal-buddy groups, chat rooms, tele-groups (using conference call telephone bridge lines) coaching groups, and mailing lists (email or snail mail) - just to name a handful of the available support resources - all dedicated to making sure that every member or participant has a real chance to make to their goals a reality. You can find these groups through Internet searches, the "community events" section of your local paper and by word of mouth, and I heartily suggest that you do. To Succeed Greatly, You Must... (1) Climb up from under the limitations of circum�stances and conditions How My Friend Bob Went From Being A Failure To A Winner By Taking Intelligent Action Let me tell you story about a friend of mine who used to be a complete failure. His name was Bob. 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Own Your Success Are you getting frustrated because the work you continue to do is not working? Are you afraid to make the money you once dreamed you would have? Everyone becomes frustrated one point in their life about where they are at and where they want to be at. Three Keys to Greatness Ten years ago I went into the studio and recorded a 56-minute video for teenagers called "Three Keys To Greatness." Although my focus was for teenagers, the principles I shared certainly apply to adults as well. Adaptability as a Key to Success Do you ever stop to consider how much we change and grow as people? I'm not talking so much about "maturing" or physical growth. What I'm driving at is the changes that occur inside of us; the changes in thought and self perception. We are constantly bombarded with an incredible amount of information. Our grandparents didn't get nearly as much stimulation in their lives as we get in a single day. We are exposed to more ideas, more lifestyles, more ideologies every week than our great grandparents ever heard of. So given this fact it is imperative that we learn good coping mechanisms and a strong sense of focus. We Become What We Think About "A man's life is what his thoughts make of it." Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful? Does an Average IQ Mean Youll Be Average? You have probably heard the term "IQ" many times, and you probably know it has something to do with measuring intelligence. Reach Your Goals - Temp Your Way To The Top Temp your way to the top Top 10 Secrets to Success Much has been researched, written and taught about success. One thing is absolutely sure; success is different for every person because success means something different to every person. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind "The reason man may become the master of his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind." ? Napoleon Hill Remembering What You Read - Nine Effective Strategies Reading lots these days? Having trouble remembering and recalling? For many, reading is a passive activity. And, as with many passive activities, it's challenging for the brain and the body to absorb and assimilate information. On the other hand, the more actively engaged and involved the reader is, with as many senses as possible, the greater the likelihood the reader will be able to remember and recall information. The name of the game is planting information into our memory web in such a way that we can harvest it later on. So, here are nine tools and techniques you can use in the planting process. ![]() |
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