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There Is Room For Everyone At The Top
Do you believe that? Do you believe we can all become successful? Every single person on this earth old and young. Do you believe every single person can be successful? It sounds a bit far stretched doesn't it? If you think it can't be possible stop reading right now and analyze why you think like that.
Anyone can be successful. We hear of the young that make it. We hear of the old that make it. We hear of people that have risen from poverty to become millionaires. We hear about people succeeding from all walks of life. Our world does give you the resources to be all you want to be. There are schools you can attend. There are books you can buy. There are books you can borrow from your library. There is ample information on the internet both free and paid. There are seminars you can attend and the list goes on? The resources are there. Society doesn't need a balance of winners and loses to function properly. The winners are the ones that have progressed our society. If there were more winners, the quality of our lives would be so much better. If every person on this earth put in the effort to become successful, the world would be a much nicer place to live in and the quality of life would rise for all. If there were more successful people than unsuccessful our world would not be a negative one. The successful aren't negative people. They are inspiring, well balanced and lovers of life. And as far as having too much competition? Each person has their own fire burning inside them. And our tastes are diverse. That diversity has its own followers. Success is there for those that want to reach up and grab it and make it theirs. Anyone can succeed. Do you want to? Copyright � Nick Vernon About The Author Looking for a gift? Let Gina and Nick show you what we buy for friends/family and each other. At our site you will find popular gifts, gift information and stories from our readers. Come have a look http://www.we-recommend.com
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Handling Rejection Everybody suffers rejection at some time or another in their life. The first step in handling rejection is to recognise that rejection is a necessary part of our private and professional lives. No success is achievable without encountering rejection of some form along the way. It encourages us to hone our skills. Transform Your Fear Into Focus! The greatest deterrent to success in life is fear. It drains our ambition, denies us power, and strangles our ability to overcome the challenges we face in our personal and professional lives. When we let fear control us, we are destined to fail. When we control our fear and channel that energy in productive ways, we win. Quick Steps To Make This Your Best Year Yet Looking for a way to make this year your best ever? How To Deal With Change It is often said that the only things in life that are inevitable are death and taxes. Well, you can add a third item to the things that are inevitable, and that is change. And change is happening faster than at any time in human history. Plan On Opposition to Your New Ideas. It?s Normal! Lets face it, no one enjoys rejection. But the reality is, a new idea starts getting negative assaults within three seconds and thirty percent of people will readily oppose a new idea without even taking sufficient time to find out if the new idea is good or not. Whether your idea is convincing your friends to try a new place for lunch or getting the advertising budget doubled, it can be an uphill battle. As a knee-jerk response, its normal for people to say: thats dumb, we tried that, it costs too much; it will never work, you don't understand, etcetera! Success Is Everything (Excerpted From the 2001 Jim Rohn Millennium Weekend Event - Jim Rohn/Zig Ziglar VIP Lunch) Visualize Your Way to Success Human beings are visual creatures. Our imaginations are powerful tools that can bring us to the brink of despair or create a wonderful new reality. This is because our subconscious responds to images whether they are real or imagined. Balance: Flow and Faith In so many areas of life we must always be vigilent of our mental, emotional and physical health. Getting involved or caught up in too much of one thing can create a multitude of problems in life. Out at a networking event recently, I had missed dinner but in true form to the crowd and socializing I purchased my first of many beers. I hadn't intended to stay as late as I did and nor had I intended to carry-on afterwards at a friend's place. A little excess can be a good thing once in a blue moon. I Just Did It! I succeeded. I achieved my goal. I am successful. I set myself a target and did it. I wanted to do it and I have. I am really pleased with myself. I am so happy I want to tell everyone about my success. I did really well. I performed the best I have ever done. I performed to the best of my ability today. I feel great and am so proud of myself. Who Is Dietrich Mateschitz? Hope you're having a GREAT Day! Reach Your Goals - Throw A Success Shindig Once you've made it...throw a Success Shindig! Check Your Comfort Zone At The Door No matter what goals and dreams you desire, there's a good chance it's going to mean reaching beyond what you believe yourself to be capable of. Overcoming The Fear Of Money Many people, it seems, have a fear of money. Does the thought of having a lot of money make you uncomfortable? Cause you anxiety? If so, it may be that you are buying into the myths about money. Myths that are simply untrue. In fact, many of the most common statements about money are often misquoted, wrong, or were made by people who did not understand money ... or had none. It?s Sure to Succeed There are "How to" seminars on virtually every business topic. For the entrepreneur or mid-level manager, business seminars are effective networking tools as well as learning opportunities. Universal Success Secrets Shared Are there any universal laws that most successful people seem to follow? Great question, huh? A Friends Evaluation Evaluations are a tremendous resource to help us know where we have been and how to get where we want to be. One very overlooked person who would give us a very insightful evaluation is our friend. Our friend? Yes! Think about it: They know you better than anyone. They see you in the greatest amount of diversity. They know about all areas of your life. They could possibly give you the best evaluation you have ever had. Enterprise Is Better than Ease If we are involved in a project, how hard should we work at it? How much time should we put in? 5 Ways To SuperSize Your Life McDonald's does it, why shouldn't you? Life is filled with choices; why not choose to live life in a more satisfying way. Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful? Does an Average IQ Mean Youll Be Average? You have probably heard the term "IQ" many times, and you probably know it has something to do with measuring intelligence. Is Shyness Affecting Your Job? It is accepted that most people have felt shy at one time or another but not everyone who appears to be shy can be identified as having any social problems. While some are only shy in certain situations they feel uncomfortable with, such as meeting people for the first time, others feel shy more often and go out of their way to try and avoid any situation that encourages them to experience unpleasant feelings. ![]() |
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