Success Information
Tools for Constructing the Road to Success
Too many times in the pursuit of our dreams, we loose sight of the total picture and instead settle on a small piece of it. A job, any job, whether it is in the conventional job market or any one of a number of work from home ventures all require the same thing - people of vision.
Job and Life Rules to Follow
By: Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.Certified Career Coachemail is: [email protected] is: www.doitnowcareers.info
Three Key Behaviors That Determine Our Success
Success is a journey and along the way we need to correct
our course by unlearning the behavior that derails us and
invite in a new behavior to continue our success. If you
feel you want to change your success, take a measure of your
current key behaviors.
Five Formulas for Committing to Success!
1. Clear vision + Intention + Purpose + Focus�= Success!��A vision is many things:� the original blueprint of the successful outcome you desire, a thought picture turned into visual action, a full expression of you!� If you are given a vision, then it is within your power to make it happen, if you choose.� You would not have been given the vision without the ability to make it come true.� Visions are so powerful, it is essential that you know exactly what you are visioning and why.� Intention and purpose are partners.� Your purpose, or mission, must also be very clear�and firm.� Your integrity is bound closely with this pair.� If it is your intention to truly make your dreams materialize, then a commitment must be made to focus on the specific outcome you desire.� Goal planning works well�for focus.� Make your goals realistic, specific and have a definite timetable for meeting your objectives.
2. Authenticity + Passion + Commitment = Success!��Being authentic� means that the real you is�showing�up all the time - in words, thoughts and actions.� First - you are true to yourself above all.� You are dedicated to knowing what you are all about - your integrity, passion, strengths, honesty and reliability.�Knowing your values and acting in alignment with them are crucial to your authenticity.� Passion�is what�stirs from within that motivates you - inspires you to get up each morning, eagerly, to continue working on a job or project that excites you to want to do more.� Passion is the unique message that you want to bring to the world.� Commitment is a "can-do" attitude.� You want to accomplish something so�intensely that you are willing to use whatever resources of time and energy to make it so!�� You have an unabiding passion to stay committed to your project until it is complete.
3.�Spiritual�Practice + Flow = Success!���A spiritual connection is essential for the unlimited and energetic flow in moving forward on your journey to self-commitment and success.��Webster defines�'spirit' as a "person's essential nature, an emotional state characterized�by vigor and animation, strong loyalty or dedication."��Spiritual practices may include everything from organized religion to pagan ritual and ceremony.� Since there is no�one universal definition that fits all, one must explore and define his or her own description.��How does your spiritual path make a difference, not only in your own life, but how might it connect to a global flow of energy?�Your personal�definition of spirit is one of your own�making, touching the honesty of your own soul.� You get to choose how you wish to walk in this world and how you want to be connected to a higher source.��A strong�spiritual practice�allows you to flow with a vibrational frequency that�will energize and ground you on the 'success' journey.
4.� Energy + Expectations + Perseverance = Success!� Being energetic and creating reserves of energy are essential for success.� If your energy is depleted, you do not have the stamina to carry out the plans for your success.� One way to create energy is by taking extremely good care of yourself - even�being selfish with your needs!� If you support a healthy, energetic, life-affirming style, than you can continue working towards the expectations you have for yourself.��One way to�identify whether or not your expectations are realistic is to take a piece of paper and make two columns.� On the left side, write your expectation.� On the right side, write how you might accomplish that.� You do have the ability to reach your own expectations, and each one of�them needs its own plan.� When you look at the columns, you may recognize that some of the expectations are not realistic and that in order for you retain your energy and persevere to the final outcome, the items may need to be adjusted.� Perseverance is continuing firmly�on your path, regardless of�unexpected challenges. If you believe in yourself, and are committed to your processes, you will solve every conceivable quandary or roadblock that appears.� You know what the rewards will be if you persevere with your plan.
5.� Strong Mission Statement + Plan of Action + Focus = Success!�Your mission in life is simply your purpose - and your purpose, your mission.� You've heard the saying, "If you don't know where you're going, that's exactly where you'll end up - nowhere!"� Mission statements act as a rudder for your entrepreneurial-ship. When you know exactly what you want and how you're going to get there, you can make better decisions along the way knowing that all of your steps must support the mission.� If questions arise and you're not sure of the answer, or direction, look to your mission statement to see if it supports the quandary.� OK, everything is in place: your vision is clarified, you're feeling passionate about the path you're on, you are connected to your own flow, you're energized and focused, your mission is clear and NOW - you're ready to execute the "plan"!� Plans of action do not have to be ten pages long.� Your plan is whatever you want it to be - however, you must have one if you want to proceed firmly on your way and reach the pinnacle of your success.� A simple plan can consist of lists: i.e. your business name and legal entity (LLC, C or S Corp, sole proprietor etc.), accountant (essential for cash/flow analyses), your mission, administrative needs, budget, competitor research, services you offer, advisory team members...and so forth.� There are�hundreds of books on the market to help you specifically with business plans. The goal is to move into action at whatever pace you choose to set and keep a steady course to completion. Oh yes, focus again!� You can have it all - one focussed step a time! copyright by Sharon Hooper, Commit To Your Success, LLC
The 2-Word Phrase That Conquers Adversity and Breaks Through Obstacles
"All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. . . . You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. "
Walt(er) Elias Disney (1901-66)American animator, showman, film producer
The 7 Ultimate Laws Of Success
There are certain laws that when obeyed will bring great success to the people who practice them. These are the 7 Ultimate Laws Of Success. These laws are universal laws that operate whether or not one believes in them. To achieve success, you will need to know and obey these laws.
Scientific Discovery Reveals How You Can Live Better Forever
If you are not experiencing perfect, harmonious, pressure-free life experiences right now, it is because there are some unresolved problems in your world that are preventing it from happening. Simple logic compels the conclusion that if you could somehow resolve these problems, harmony would be restored.
The Secret Behind All Great Masterpieces: Lessons Learned!
The ten-year period which followed the stock market crash of October 1929 is referred to as the Great Depression. This time frame is considered to be the worst and most difficult of Modern American History by business historians. Unemployment was as high as 27% among White Americans and reached 60% in the African American community. In Mississippi, on a single day in 1932, one quarter of the entire state was auctioned off. Scarcity and limitations were everywhere to be seen. The Gross National Product of the country, that unit of measurement which represents everything that is produced nationwide fell by as much as 43%. The prices of wheat and corn and cotton fell so low, the crops were left to rot in the fields. Many businesses and families were wiped out.
A Field of Multiple Opportunity
Opportunity is all around us and has many facets, but it?s not always obvious.
A Simple Idea from a Billionaire
It?s simple and powerful.
Hip-Hop, Michael Phelps, and Peak Performance
I am unashamed to copy the peak performance techniques of peak performers.
Practical Nine-Step Guide to Max Productivity
Step 1: List all the business activities that you complete (regularly or not). Examples: phone calls, meetings, paperwork, projects, sales, follow-up procedures, writing, learning/researching, web site design, delivering core services (substitute name), etc. Yes, this might seem time consuming. You will need to trust in this process and wait for the benefits to appear.
Techniques to Help e-Learning
e-Learning is doubling yearly. Classes, e-courses, e-books on how-to and what-to appear by the thousands online weekly. In-person seminars and workshops are limited to location and access. e-Learning allows easy access, creation, and international distribution to a whole new world of experiences -- negative and positive.
Three Gratifying Ways To Add Abundance To Your Life
Abundance is intangible, spiritual and attracts energy. To attract this type of energy you need to define it, for when you name it, you can claim it. Your definition of abundance is as personal as your DNA.
How To Acheive Your Full Potential
If you want to make more of your talents - live up to your full potential
- you have to learn to use them. You have the power to change your habits
- to acquire new skills and fully use the skills you now have. You can
improve your performance, your productivity, and the quality of your whole
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How to Make Success a Habit
Want to make success a habit in your life? If you've got determination, it may be simpler than what you think. All you need is a slight change in your thinking pattern. Changing your thoughts will change your beliefs, your expectations, your attitude, and consequently, your behavior. A change in behavior will eventually lead you to a change in performance. And when you perform at your peak, you succeed. It doesn't matter where you are in life, or what you do for a living, if you just modify the way you look at things, the way you think about things, you can achieve success.
Manifest Away
The sun crept over the horizon and lodged itself above the coastline, bathing the beach in a comfortable, morning glow.
Success Secrets - What They Taught You About Success Back in 10th Grade
Let me say this to get it out of the way early.
Psychological Tips For Effective Examination Techniques
One of the inevitabilities of University life is the examination. It is your opportunity to demonstrate your new knowledge and to reap the rewards. Examination remains one of the most common forms of assessment in higher education. It is vitally important to prepare well in advance to give yourself the best chance of success.
The Most Under Rated Method To Achieve Success!
The most under rated method to achieve success is: The power of Visualisation. The best kept secret of success on the sports field and in athletics is: The power of Visualisation. The situation where the mind is in charge of the body. Athletes and other sportspersons constantly use the power of thought to change their lives. To bring them success. When all else is equal the master card is: the power of your mind. Your mind is the most under rated method to achieve success.
Discover Your Path to Success - Part 1
Success can easily be compared to the "genie trapped in a bottle." For many of us, it is a matter of finding a way to open the bottle, and then, follow a specific path. This path is filled with pitfalls, and traps, along the way, so it is wise to expand your vision by learning as you go.
Double Your Brain Power
Do you think you have an "average" or perhaps an "above average" mental capacity?
Youve Got To Find Passion In It
People often ask me, "Josh, if you had one bit of advice with regards to starting a business or looking for a new opportunity or direction in life what would it be?"
Identify Those Things That Have Prevented You From Being Successful And Learn How To Avoid Them Now
Have you been struggling for years to accomplish some goals
without success? Are you wondering why you haven't been
able to lose the weight you want, be more energetic, earn
more money, learn new skills, be a better communicator, or
accomplish whatever desires and dreams you have?
How To Prepare Yourself Mentally For Success
Okay, so you've finally made that big decision to start your own business. Now what?
Catching the W.A.V.E.s of Greatness
Greatness is all around us. From Oprah to Bill Gates to Einstein to Stephen Hawkins to Gandhi to Mother Teresa, we read, see and hear it every day and sometimes we even have the opportunity to feel greatness for others and ourselves. Yet, if greatness is all around us, then how can we catch the W.A.V.E.s of Greatness with increased frequency?
Tiger Woods Secret to Success
Did you see or hear about 'The Masters' golf tournament this past weekend?
Two Great Success Tips - Read And Apply What You Learn And Do It Now!
Today I was glad that I had bothered to read two of my favourite ezines. It is only too easy to think that you can afford to miss an issue or two. Inevitably, the issues you miss will be the best ones!
Preparing For Success
Everyone wants to be successful. Everyone wants to have more, be more, do more, and enjoy more of what life has to offer. We are driven continually forward toward the accomplishment of the things that are most important to us. The entire human race is a made up of people striving toward the realization of their potential in every area. Because of this, there is tremendous competition for the good of things in life. Everybody wants them, and no one is ever fully satisfied. The satisfaction of a want or desire leads automatically to a want or desire for something else. And it never ends.
Better Instead of Bitter
I have been studying several books lately that deal with subject of attracting prosperity, well being and abundance to oneself -- partly as a refresher course for myself, but also partly because I was searching for answers for some of our clients in the Realm. Lately in the chat rooms, the issue of how to overcome bitterness or loss is a big topic. How do you be 'better, instead of bitter' when life hands you what feels like a terrible blow; whether it be to your heart, to your pocketbook or the very core of your soul?
7.9 Things I Learned About Success From Darth Vader
Unless you have been living in a cave, you have probably seen Star Wars 3. I did some 'thinking outside the box' and came up with some ideas about success from watching the movie.
The Formula For Failure and Success
(Excepted from the book The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle by Jim Rohn)
Increasing Reading Speed
Reading is an integral part of our daily work lives. On a typical day, I spend a lot of time reading. For example,
5 Key Ingredients of Business Success
What do you need to have for a successful business? Many people focus too much on the money part and neglect other important ingredients of a successful business. Here's the list of key ingredients for business success:
The Psychology Of Success; Part 2
In the first part of this article you learned some very important psychological skills for success. You learned how to build up your self-confidence and how to be assertive, fairly. And, how to ask for what you want, but without being confrontational.