Success Information

Reach Your Goals - Using Eastern Wisdom

Take a page from Eastern wisdom

Reach Your Goals - A Higher Purpose

Find a higher reason to reach your goal than just the goal itself

Reach Your Goals - Create A Nurturing Environment

Create an environment that is so inspiring and nurturing that it does half the work for you

Reach Your Goals - Step Into Your Own Truth

Create a truth and step into it

Reach Your Goals - Never Settle For What You Can Currently Imagine

Never settle for what you can currently imagine

Reach Your Goals - Believe In Your Own Divine Nature

Believe in your own Divine nature

Reach Your Goals - Make A Game Out Of It

Make a game out of reaching your goals

Reach Your Goals - Friendly Competition

Friendly competition

Reach Your Goals - Create A Soundtrack

Choose a personal theme song and soundtrack that stirs you and refocuses you on your goal

Reach Your Goals - Have A Theraputic Meltdown

Have a therapeutic meltdown

Reach Your Goals - Use Your Holidays

Use birthdays and other gift-giving holidays to help reach your goals

Reach Your Goals - Clown Around

Clown around�Among the Plains Indians, heyoka, or sacred clowns, often purposely behave in strange or counter-intuitive ways, such as living their lives "backward" (riding facing the rear of the horse, drying off before bathing, etc.).� They also tell tales of sadness and woe during good times and spin gleeful tales during times of want.� This is done to teach the tribe's members not to take life too seriously, to remind them that all ups and downs are transient, and, on a more metaphysical level, to maintain the appropriate mental and spiritual balance of the tribe as a unit in relationship to the spirit world.� Heyoka are held in very high esteem and thought to possess very strong medicine (spiritual/magical power) to keep the tribe healthy and safe through these actions.

Reach Your Goals - Give Yourself A Gold Star

Give yourself a gold star

Reach Your Goals - Have A Pitch Party

Have a "Pitch Party"

Reach Your Goals - Throw A Success Shindig

Once you've made it...throw a Success Shindig!

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