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The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 4
At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true. Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely new to you. But whether you are familiar with these super secrets or not, it will be well worth your while to put them into effect in your own life. The magic they will work on your financial life is guaranteed. I urge you to put them to work - any one of these could change your life! Big changes come from small steps. One plus one does equal two, so if you add one from eleven different places, you will see big results. This is a four part series giving you advice on saving your hard-earned money in a variety of down-to-earth ways. Nothing here is anything that anyone can't do on a daily basis. Amazing Money Tip #9 You must set short-term goals and long-term goals. If you don't know where you are going, how do you expect to get there? It's simple but powerful logic. When you have a target sitting out there somewhere in the future, a target which is your goal, it can almost act like a magnet that pulls you toward it. Setting solid goals which are attainable, yet still a challenge, have proved time and time again to be one of the most powerful methods of achieving wealth and success ever developed. It has been demonstrated in corporate training schemes. It has been used successfully again and again by countless individuals. Setting both short term goals and long-term goals has the effect of focusing your mind like a laser beam. It pulls you along toward higher and better things. It gives solidity to what you are trying to accomplish, and thus makes that which you want more real and likely to come into your life. As you have probably heard, it is best to write your short- term and long-term goals down on paper and then post them somewhere in your workplace and home. The first thing you should do every morning is look over your goal list, and then put together your Top 10 to do list which will move you toward your goal. The last thing you should do every evening is review your short-term and long-term goals, and tell yourself as you go to sleep that you are going to do everything in your power to make those goals a reality in your life. Amazing Money Tip #10 Invest your money and make it work at multiplying itself. Saving money in a savings account is important as we said above, but the 2.3 percent interest rates most banks give you is not even enough to keep pace with inflation. You must do more than save your money -- you must invest it. That means financial vehicles with super-high rates of return, such as mutual funds and stocks, or the more risky commodity markets. A $5,000 investment in commodities can return you 10 times that amount -- $50,000 --in just a few weeks, although you could easily lose it as well. Invest your savings into a long term certificate (CD). You can often get one with an interest rate up 4.5-5%. They are 100% safe, and still give you a much better return than normal savings accounts. The bottom line is, you should take a portion of your savings and put it in a high interest or high risk investment plans. That's the way to really get ahead. Amazing Money Tip #11 Have fun! Yes, this tip easily makes my list because it is so essential to your success. The great writer Ray Bradbury once said in an interview: "If you are not having fun, you might as well forget it. Do everything you do with joy and you'll be successful." You need to be having fun to stay positive, and you need to stay positive to make money. So come on! Get out their: laugh, clap your hands, live! Have a blast and rake in the cash! The world is waiting for you! I hope you have learned many new ways to save your hard- earned money, and enjoy your day-to-day life more. Remember, nothing discussed in this 4 part series is anything that you can't do. If you put this information to good use, it is guaranteed that you will benefit from it. Copyright � by Palyn Peterson About The Author Palyn Peterson publishes the acclaimed Advanced Internet Marketing News. A professional newsletter with a refreshing perspective and a strong focus on no-cost techniques. http://FutureInternetMarketing.com. FREE Tips, Tricks, Tools, Resources, eBooks, and More! This article is free to publish with resource box. If using this article, please send a brief message to mailto:[email protected]
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How To Grow Your Mental Power and Let Your Brain Make You Rich No one has complete control over their thoughts. But with practice, with deliberate attention, far more control can be achieved. Here are five rules that show you how. You Deserve To Retire Early The fact is that most people continue to work for a living, because they don't have the means to live without that income. Do not get me wrong. You may enjoy doing what you do. If you do not have to worry about making a living out of this, could you do better, on your own terms? Your Money Or Your Life Have you stopped to realize that although you go to school to learn about important subjects, no one teaches you how to manage your money? � Money is an essential part of life in our pursuit of happiness, yet very rarely will a parent sit down and tech their child how to handle their money. � This is true in grade school, high school and worst college.� So what happens?� Many of us end up in an extremely large amount of debt.� We can't seem to get it together even if we make more money. � I found myself in this trap about 13 years ago.� I had an okay job, a car, and an apartment.� Nice I thought soon I would buy a house and live the "American dream".� Wrong!� I could never save enough to buy a house.� I had plenty of credit cards, so many that I never had enough money due to many payments to put aside for my dream home. � What was happening to my paychecks?� Well, I was over extended in credit card debt for one.� The buy now pay later syndrome was well embedded in my head.� That mentality had to stop!� Since, I wasn't terribly behind in my payments I was able to get some help from the creditors.� I simply asked for a lower interest rate and/or the ability to skip a payment.� After that call, I had to cut up and dispose of the cards.� No! I didn't cancel my cards but I got rid of them just the same.� � Next I bought a tablet just for my budget information and bills.� I also purchased a software program to keep track of my expenses.� I think it is important to keep something manual that you can carry as well as a computer software tool. � Next, as bills came in, I wrote them down with the name, address, phone number of the creditor, my total balance, interest rate, and minimum payment due, the due date, and if there were any annual fees acquired with the card. � Review the card with the highest interest rate and pay more then the minimum due.� Always ask if they can reduce your rate or seek the possibility of debt consolidation buy applying for a low interest rate loan or credit card.� If you haven't cut up your credit cards do not get a consolidation loan.� Because most likely once your payments are manageable you'll start using your cards again. � Minimizing your spending is the key to financial freedom.� Make sure to start a savings plan after you've gotten your debt under control. 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