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Top 7 Lucrative Paper Businesses You Can Run
Why not run a lucrative paper business? Paper businesses do not require large investments of capital for expensive equipment, inventory, and buildings. Many paper businesses can be run from your own home. A paper business is a business that can be operated mainly using pieces of paper, such as contracts, invoices, shipping documents, et cetera. Here are seven excellent paper businesses that you can operate. 1. Consulting: Consultants charge large fees for their knowledge, expertise, skills, connections, experience, and other assets. This business can be operated from home with little more than standard office equipment and supplies. Consulting is a paper business because your product is an intangible service. Your results are often summarized in a written, paper report and you use written contracts to protect your interests. 2. Finding: A professional finder finds something needed by a business or individual for a finder`s fee. The finder doesn`t invest in product inventory because he`s not selling it. He simply collects a fee for arranging to introduce a buyer to a seller. The finder conducts his business using contracts and other written documentation. 3. Drop Shipping: Another business (or method of business) where you don`t invest in product inventory or retail space is drop shipping. When your customer buys from you, perhaps through the mail, by phone, or on the Internet, you simply contact your supplier, who then ships the order to your customer. Your paper business involves taking the order, billing and collecting from your customer as well as ordering, giving shipping instructions, and paying your supplier. 4. Affiliate Programs: With affiliate and associate programs, you collect commissions from the sale of other peoples` products. Again, you have no investment in product inventory or expensive facilities. 5. Webmastering: Another knowledge-based paper business is webmastering. Whether you design websites, perform Internet marketing, or render other needed services, your business is again mainly intangible services backed up by paper records and contracts. 6. International Trade: Many times import and export transactions can be conducted on a commission basis. It is also possible to buy, sell and ship merchandise without ever having even seen it. Letters of credit, bills of lading, and other agreements are needed in this paper business. 7. Licensing: Instead of trying to finance the manufacturing and marketing of your invention, why not license it to a company with the expertise and capability required? You will then receive royalties in return for your idea. As well, you could become a licensing agent, arranging licensing deals on behalf of other companies and individuals, taking a percentage of sales as compensation. RESOURCE BOX: J. Stephen Pope, President of Pope Consulting Inc., http://www.popeconsultinginc.com/ has been helping clients to earn maximum business profits for over twenty-five years. For valuable Work at Home Small Business Ideas, visit http://www.yenommarketinginc.com/
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Why Get Rich When You Can Be Wealthy? "Any fool can rich, the wise get wealthy." Chris Widener 7 Wonders of the Offshore World Many people assume that the offshore world is accessible only to the super rich looking to increase their wealth, or to large multi national corporations looking to escape taxation. Wealth Creation - Opportunity When young men ask me how to succeed, I tell them, 'Don't spend money on yourself until you no longer need it to expand your business. Any young man willing to pay the price can rise to success.' Opportunity never stops at the door, knocks and passes on-Opportunity eats with you, works be�side you and at night sleeps on the door-mat. Blame no one but yourself if you ignore her. How To Get Paid Instantly Via Stormpay? Try Online Rewards Programs E-currency is very popular on the Internet today. People use different electronic funding companies, such as Stormpay, E-gold, Paypal, Moneybookers and the list goes on. E-currency helps us to pay for online products and services; it also saves us a lot of time. You?re Eating Your Retirement Money Ever think about how eating all those fast food meals for lunch are effecting your pocketbook. Let's do the math. You eat out 5 days a week at an average cost of $5 to $7 a day. Creating Money, Prosperity, and Abundance Now (Part 1) I have given many prosperity lectures over the years and, in light of the current massive restructuring of all world and financial systems, I feel that now is the time for all of us to review our beliefs and refocus on manifesting prosperity and abundance in our lives. I do "walk my talk" and so I would love to share my experiences and knowledge with you. On the following pages, I will present you with some valuable tools that you can begin to use right away, to create money, prosperity and abundance in your life - with almost instantaneous results. The Predicament of the Newly Rich They are the object of thinly disguised envy. They are the raw materials of vulgar jokes and the targets of popular aggression. They are the Newly Rich. Perhaps they should be dealt with more appropriately within the academic discipline of psychology, but then economics in a branch of psychology. To many, they represent a psychopathology or a sociopathology. The 11 Best Money Saving Ideas of All Time - Part 3 At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true. My Ambitious Niche - A Completely NEW Way To Find Ambitious Wealth Turn to the year 1999, a couple of friends sitting on a deck drinking beer and having a few laughs. The intelligent looking one (ME) sips a bud as he looks over to where his wife is, over through the window in the kitchen. Early Retirement The Dream of the Working Classes Everyone dreams of early retirement. The idea of no longer having to work at an early age is very attractive to some people and they dream and wish all day long about the day that they can afford to say, "Take this job and?" well, you know. Unfortunately, for many people, early retirement is a dream that will never be realized. It is not because they are in a job that won't allow early retirement or because they love their work so much that they can't bear to leave it. It is simply because they spent their time dreaming about early retirement rather than planning for it. Clearing Blockages to Increase the Flow of Money into Your Life Money is probably the most challenging thing for many people to manifest. It can also be easiest. Just look at those who have millions or billions of dollars. It doesn't matter what the economy is doing, there will still be a great many people with an abundance of money. What are they doing differently? Are they just "lucky"? Your Money Or Your Life Have you stopped to realize that although you go to school to learn about important subjects, no one teaches you how to manage your money? � Money is an essential part of life in our pursuit of happiness, yet very rarely will a parent sit down and tech their child how to handle their money. � This is true in grade school, high school and worst college.� So what happens?� Many of us end up in an extremely large amount of debt.� We can't seem to get it together even if we make more money. � I found myself in this trap about 13 years ago.� I had an okay job, a car, and an apartment.� Nice I thought soon I would buy a house and live the "American dream".� Wrong!� I could never save enough to buy a house.� I had plenty of credit cards, so many that I never had enough money due to many payments to put aside for my dream home. � What was happening to my paychecks?� Well, I was over extended in credit card debt for one.� The buy now pay later syndrome was well embedded in my head.� That mentality had to stop!� Since, I wasn't terribly behind in my payments I was able to get some help from the creditors.� I simply asked for a lower interest rate and/or the ability to skip a payment.� After that call, I had to cut up and dispose of the cards.� No! I didn't cancel my cards but I got rid of them just the same.� � Next I bought a tablet just for my budget information and bills.� I also purchased a software program to keep track of my expenses.� I think it is important to keep something manual that you can carry as well as a computer software tool. � Next, as bills came in, I wrote them down with the name, address, phone number of the creditor, my total balance, interest rate, and minimum payment due, the due date, and if there were any annual fees acquired with the card. � Review the card with the highest interest rate and pay more then the minimum due.� Always ask if they can reduce your rate or seek the possibility of debt consolidation buy applying for a low interest rate loan or credit card.� If you haven't cut up your credit cards do not get a consolidation loan.� Because most likely once your payments are manageable you'll start using your cards again. � Minimizing your spending is the key to financial freedom.� Make sure to start a savings plan after you've gotten your debt under control. Q and A: Financial Independence Tips For Women From Coni Cecil As a woman Netpreneur, I sat down via e-mail with article-announce regular contributor, Internet marketer and women's financial consultant Coni Cecil of www.cecilfreedom.com. She shared her Internet marketing and financial wisdom for women on the Net. The quote on her site from Eleanor Roosevelt is inspiring: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." Personal Budget Programs Do you have financial problems? Then a budget is the answer if you are tired of wondering where your income went. A budget is the answer, if you don't have savings. A budget is also the only solution to getting out of credit card debt. The One Important Secret of Making More Money Easily If you're reading this article, it means you are a person who wants to make more money in life. How to Save Money for Retirement Saving money for retirement can be easy or difficult depending on your current salary. If you are like 75 percent of the American population, earning just enough money in your current job to meet your monthly bills, then it's time to do some serious thinking on how you are going to live when you retire. Super-charge Your Dream of Retiring Rich with the Roth 401K! This retirement account is so new and unique that you may not have heard of it. For additional reasons, I describe in my home study course, corporate insiders may not want to offer it to corporate employees. This is because some executives only consider their employees canon fodder. The Underlying Belief System Many of us do not consider the underlying belief system about money to be of any importance. You think it does not matter, because what matters is what you do now. Right, at one level, but not complete. All ideas that we have learned about money in the past are colouring our actions today. The 9 Critical Steps To Success In Demolishing Your Money Worries For Good! Articles on 'How to make money' come a dime-a-dozen. How about a fresh, new perspective? Here's a rather unique, untapped, revolutionary article about the 9 Simple (Yet Powerful) Steps You can use right now to Demolish Your Money Worries for Good,...for Life,...Forever! The TRAP Behind Websites With INSTANT Searches for Unclaimed Money There is no questioning that the amount of unclaimed money or property being held by both State and Federal agencies is staggering and growing each year ? current estimate is believed to be in excess of $40 BILLION. ![]() |
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