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Learn How to Bank Like a Banker
The business of banking has changed dramatically over the last decade. Because the cost of doing business the old-fashioned way is no longer effective, banks are interested in changing their customers' behavior by encouraging electronic banking alternatives whenever possible. They have done this by charging high fees for services that were once free. If you pay $200 or more in annual fees for banking, it's time to do some competitive shopping. Before becoming furious with your bank, it may be that the products you're using no longer meet your personal needs. If you have an established relationship with your bank, inquire about the other types of lower-cost checking and savings account products. By understanding the rationale of why a bank charges fees for different services will allow you to be a savvy banking customer. If human contact is required to serve you, such as a teller or personal banker, this is very expensive for the bank. The incentive is for banks to encourage more high-tech, "low-touch" methods of meeting your needs. This is accomplished by servicing as many customers as possible with automated telephone services, cash machines, and online self-service banking. Since the bank needs to train their employees, provide a paycheck and benefits, pay for the branch building, in some cases supply uniforms etc., it is conceivable that your one banking transaction per pay period could cost the bank $3 or more for your one banking transaction. If you conduct your banking via an automated telephone system, the cost of this type of transaction is much less expensive. However, if you then require assistance from a telephone banker, the price goes from $1 for the automated process to as much as $2 for human contact. For the same reasons stated above, the training, location, computer equipment, etc. become more expensive when human interaction is needed. Now it is clear why electronic banking methods are preferred by financial institutions. In fact, most banks are rewarding their customers with lower fees the more the customer does his/her banking electronically. For example, even though Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) costs the bank around $100,000 each plus the cost of the computer network and maintenance, the cost of these type of transactions drop to $0.50 - $1 each. Not only are these machines more cost effective, the 24-hour availability to customers is very convenient. With the ease and convenience of Automatic Clearing House (ACH) payments, this "checkless" process drops the price to around $0.25 each. And finally, the Internet drops the expense even further to less than $0.10 a transaction. I realize that there is still some fear of banking electronically, but the security that banks have instilled with computer technology far surpasses the current security of traditional banking methods. If you lose your checkbook and wallet, the cost and worry of canceling these checks is very tedious. It's very possible that a thief could forge your name and deplete your accounts in a matter of hours. The sophisticated computer technology, however, although not perfect, has a far more secure system to protect you and your money. Avoid being the bank's best customer. Attempt to cut your annual bank fees in half by educating yourself. Inquire about the options and products available to you with your banker. By asking about the alternative banking methods, you may find that your bank fees will drop considerably. About The Author Kimberly A. Griffiths This is an excerpt from ONE PAYCHECK AT A TIME, OnePaycheckataTime.com, by Kimberly A. Griffiths, ISBN: 1591133327. ONE PAYCHECK AT A TIME, a 200 page workbook, contains budget management exercises for an entire year of paychecks. The author, Kimberly A. Griffiths, has been through the vicious cycle of debt herself, and provides a no-nonsense system to managing your money paycheck to paycheck. You customize the journal based on your pay schedule and learn the necessary tools for making ends meet. [email protected]
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New Year Resolutions to a Better Financial Future There could not be a better time to mull over the changes needed in our life style than at the beginning of a New Year. This is also a good time to set yearly goals and make resolutions. Each year, according to statistics, almost a third of us make some kinds of New Year Resolutions. Interestingly, although financial future is our main cause of anxiety, our personal finance, according to surveys, gets only to the fifth place in the list of most common New Year resolutions. Why do Some People Rake in the Dough while Others Spin Their Wheels to No Avail? Here's the truth: I have read hundreds and hundreds of books about personal finances, from the conventional world of financial planning, to the trendy how-to-get-rich programs to the New Age gurus of money. Get Rich Slowly Is it hard to get rich? If you're young, not really. Tax Strategy - Theres More to Building Wealth than Clipping Coupons We talked recently about the wealth formula: Turbocharged Financial Planning Financial planning is an ongoing process individuals and businesses should implement by organizing all aspects of their finances. This will assist in identifying financial goals, providing a comprehensive written Financial Plan, and implementing the plan in accordance with the objectives that are most important to you. Wealth Creation - Opportunity When young men ask me how to succeed, I tell them, 'Don't spend money on yourself until you no longer need it to expand your business. Any young man willing to pay the price can rise to success.' Opportunity never stops at the door, knocks and passes on-Opportunity eats with you, works be�side you and at night sleeps on the door-mat. Blame no one but yourself if you ignore her. How to Save Money for Retirement Saving money for retirement can be easy or difficult depending on your current salary. If you are like 75 percent of the American population, earning just enough money in your current job to meet your monthly bills, then it's time to do some serious thinking on how you are going to live when you retire. Uncle Sams Snake Oild Uncle Sam and his band of merry-men, better known as Congress, have been pushing snake oil on the unsuspecting public in the form of retirement plans. But wait, isn't a pension plan one of the perks we look to when shopping for an employer? Well, not all pension planning is created equal and in most cases, quite disastrous. Tax Help - Girls (and Guys) Just Want to Have Fun by Using Tax Saving Tips In his best selling book, "Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki warns people against the dangers of buying what he calls "doodads" - you know, junk, spur of the moment items. Does the Moon Have Covers? Recently, one late winter night, my four-year old son and I counted stars with one another. After a few minutes, he pointed to the bright moon and asked, "Why doesn't the moon have covers?" 10 Ways to Save $50 Per Month: The Art of Pinching a Penny Until It Screams 1. Save up to 50% per month on convenience cleaner cloths by cutting them into half, i.e. dryer softener cloths, face cleanser cloths, etc. How To Grow Your Mental Power and Let Your Brain Make You Rich No one has complete control over their thoughts. But with practice, with deliberate attention, far more control can be achieved. Here are five rules that show you how. Increase Your Business with a New Old Method: Vaastu Shastra Whether an established conglomerate or a fledgling company, a business in the red or black, from home or from office ? everyone loves a helping hand. If the tooth fairy existed life would be much simpler, but since she hasn't paid us a visit in a long time Vaastu Shastra might be a good alternate. Financial Planning For Singles Financial planning often gets a bad rap. Part of the problem is self-inflicted, since some industry participants would rather sell you a product than address your financial concerns. The process of planning is important, though, whether done with a professional or on your own. After all, you wouldn't leave on a long trip without looking at a map ? a poor analogy for some of us men, but you get the idea. Your Money Or Your Life Have you stopped to realize that although you go to school to learn about important subjects, no one teaches you how to manage your money? � Money is an essential part of life in our pursuit of happiness, yet very rarely will a parent sit down and tech their child how to handle their money. � This is true in grade school, high school and worst college.� So what happens?� Many of us end up in an extremely large amount of debt.� We can't seem to get it together even if we make more money. � I found myself in this trap about 13 years ago.� I had an okay job, a car, and an apartment.� Nice I thought soon I would buy a house and live the "American dream".� Wrong!� I could never save enough to buy a house.� I had plenty of credit cards, so many that I never had enough money due to many payments to put aside for my dream home. � What was happening to my paychecks?� Well, I was over extended in credit card debt for one.� The buy now pay later syndrome was well embedded in my head.� That mentality had to stop!� Since, I wasn't terribly behind in my payments I was able to get some help from the creditors.� I simply asked for a lower interest rate and/or the ability to skip a payment.� After that call, I had to cut up and dispose of the cards.� No! I didn't cancel my cards but I got rid of them just the same.� � Next I bought a tablet just for my budget information and bills.� I also purchased a software program to keep track of my expenses.� I think it is important to keep something manual that you can carry as well as a computer software tool. � Next, as bills came in, I wrote them down with the name, address, phone number of the creditor, my total balance, interest rate, and minimum payment due, the due date, and if there were any annual fees acquired with the card. � Review the card with the highest interest rate and pay more then the minimum due.� Always ask if they can reduce your rate or seek the possibility of debt consolidation buy applying for a low interest rate loan or credit card.� If you haven't cut up your credit cards do not get a consolidation loan.� Because most likely once your payments are manageable you'll start using your cards again. � Minimizing your spending is the key to financial freedom.� Make sure to start a savings plan after you've gotten your debt under control. Money Mastery Money can be your servant or it can be your master. The choice is yours to make. If you want to be the master in this relationship, you must learn to assert your control. Prosperity An ellipsis to your success is hidden in the word prosperity. Take a letter; make a word; assign a meaning, discover a pathway to your prosperity. You might be tempted to think of this as a simple word game. Remember that to play is to use both halves of your brain. The Morphing of Thought and Cash Here are some thoughts about the morphing of thought and cash. What do I mean by morphing? I mean the transformation of something from one form to another. If you have seen movies like TERMINATOR 2, X MEN, or MATRIX, you have an idea of what I'm talking about. In these movies, some characters literally change physical shape from one form to another. What I'm speaking about is a kind of mental "alchemy." Turn That Fixed Rate Mortgage Into A Goldmine When you purchased your home, you most likely got a fixed interest rate mortgage with a 15 or 30 year term. These are the most popular mortgages in the industry. Even in the summer of 2004, when the interest-only or simple interest mortgage loans became popular, the average American stuck to the fixed rate. You see, the fixed rate offers security to conservative people, and the average American home buyer and home owner is a very conservative person. Use Feng Shui Coins To Increase Your Income Feng shui coins can allow you, among other things, to increase your income. By keeping three coins tied with a read thread, you would protect your already existing income as well as increase it. According to Chinese traditions, three coins tied that way symbolize prosperity and income protection. ![]() |
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