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Have you heard of 'Babel Fish'? It's a service provided by Alta Vista search engine people to translate every page you put 'Babel Fish' code, and up comes a a new language. Your page may be written in English, but people across Spain and Latin America can translate your web page into Spanish. Likewise if your web page is written in Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, people can have an instant translation into English, or another language they are comfortable with. I have put 'Babel Fish' code onto every page on my site at:- http://www.ebook-sales.com and I can see from the stats on the server that people are clicking on 'Babel Fish' to have a translation. This I feel, widens my audience out there in cyberspace. The 'hit counter' has substantially risen, I have people bookmarking my site, because I see they don't all come in the 'front door' to the site, they come in to certain pages that interests them. Every new page I put on my site, and I update fairly often, I make sure the 'Babel Fish' code is at the top of the html on that page. The technology is certainly improving, I remember science- fiction movies when I was young had computers to instantly translate into any language, but the technology has only just arrived in reality and can be used widely on the web. In previous articles I wrote about the Chinese market about to be opened up, for there are more people in China logging on to the internet every day. There are businesspeople in the west who are eyeing this market at the moment. To those people I would ask them to seek out some of my previous articles on Ideamarketers.com and take into account what I say there. It's also no good to the vast population of China, who do not speak any other language, to see sites always put up in English. Some attempt must be made to have parallel pages with Chinese throughout, or resort to the excellent technology that is 'Babel Fish', and as I know the corporate world moves grindingly slowly, the adept and astute entrepreneur could steal a march on their bigger, slower cousins. Does your company pay a translation service to be able to send documents abroard? Translation services are costly and slow. If you put your documents on a server in html and insert the code for 'Babel Fish' at the top of every page, you can send an email giving the address of the pages, you can also send a password to get into these pages, no one else will be able to view them, and this will avoid translation costs and slow turnaround of such a service. Likewise technical manuals could be scanned into html pages, code for 'Babel Fish' inserted at the top of every page, upload the manual to a server, password protect, and your company, to people abroard, will look like something out of 'Startrek', and they will be confident in doing more business with you in the future. There is only one thing that I have found personally, as I am an author and only write in English, I find if I compile an ebook to an .exe file, as most ebook-compilers do, the 'Babel Fish' code I already placed at the top of every html page before compilation, does not work. The pages are compiled into gibberish anyway, and I suppose the code for 'Babel Fish' the same. It would be a great leap forward to me and other writers producing ebooks, to have a compiler that can have built-in translation facility into several languages. If anyone can do this excellent programming idea, I would be the first to buy such a compiler. There lies the nub of a great business invention almost akin to the start of a great software company, like Microsoft. Why not take this idea further, all movies could be made with built-in translation, all t.v. shows made with translation, to sell these shows abroard. What else can you think of? I remember an old saying:- "Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it can achieve!". Think about it! About The Author Tony Dean - writer and published author - runs a web site at:-
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Designing Professional Web Pages If your Web site doesn't project a professional and polished image to your visitors, your credibility and that of your products and services will suffer. Image is everything -- especially online where your competitor is only one mouse click away! Web Design - 7 Key Things to Avoid A search for "web design" on Google returns more than 325 million results. So how do we start eliminating all these so called designers? Here are a few of the most common shortcomings. The Seven Deadly Sins of Web Business Design Before you take a road trip it is usually a good idea to know where you are going. It is the same when you are building a business, creating a marketing plan or building your web site. Know what your end result will be when you are planning and designing your site will help you to build it properly from day one. Images: How To Make Them To Load Fast On Your Web Pages? 1. Use .gifs rather than .jpgs. GIFs are smaller in size when compared to JPGs. How To Improve The Professional Look And Feel Of Your Website Projecting a professional image is paramount to your website's success. It can make or break your online business. Use this handy article and links to improve the professional look and feel of your site. You Need RSS, Atom, and ROR/RDF Codes on Your Website--Now You Need Google Sitemap as Well! Do you have a website? If so, you need an ROR XMLNS code button which leads to a full ROR/RDF code page for your website. This code tells search engines all about the special details you input into the code about your website. For example, it tells them special details about each particular product (or certain special ones) that you sell on your site or sites, it tells the search engine bots your contact information such as your business address and phone number (without informing the entire universe, as the code is invisible to all but you and the search engine bots examining your website), it gives info on special other links you want the search engine bots to associate with your website, and it gives any other such major info that you want the big search engines to explore and know all about from your website. When Your Graphic Designer Costs You Money So how do you know when your graphic designer costs you financially and emotionally? The Technology May Change, But Human Nature Remains The Same Let me repeat that.. How To Choose A Website Designer Now that you have decided that it is time to create a website for your business there are many questions you must answer. One of the most important questions is "Who should create my website?" Be Friendly to Search Engines The object of search engines is to give their visitors a list of web pages relevant to the search words, in the order of relevance to the search words. So what do they want from websites? Mini Site or Content-based Web Site? Are you in a dilemma whether to create a mini site or a content-based web site for your new product or service? The purpose of creating a web site should be to attract visitors and convert them to paying customers. Is a mini site with a few pages enough to do this or should you spend more time and create a content-based web site which contains many pages? The Testimonial Trick One of the most popular methods of traffic generation is the link exchange. Not only can they generate fairly targeted traffic from other related web sites, the number of quality links to your site is also a major factor determining your web site's ranking in major search engines like Google. Usability and Considerate Design I hate to imagine that in your web development project team meetings, the one thing that will be overlooked is consideration for the end user. Yet, how many white boards have you seen lately that have "ease of use", or "be polite to customers" scribbled anywhere on them? Rather, the discussion hits on revenue generation, business requirements, colored backgrounds and information architecture. All good things, of course, but I'm quite sure you all want somebody to use it too, correct? Breathe New Life Into Your Half-dead Website By Using Words That Sell This article may come as a surprise to you. My Top Ten List Of Extremely Annoying Web Page Design Elements! Easy navigation and usability are one of the most important aspects of creating a "user friendly" website. However, there are still a "plethora" of web-sites out there that are, to be politically correct, "functionally challenged." Does your website keep people captivated, or does it send them fleeing as soon as they get to the first page? Do you offend your visitors by employing these ten web design faux pau's? Secrets to Using Color on Your Website and Common Pitfalls to Avoid Colors have long been known to have psychological affects on mood and interpretation. So, when you are designing your website, you should keep in mind the influence color might have on your visitors. Do some research to find out which colors promote your product and services best as well as which colors make visitors interested in buying your products. You should take all of this into account in order to create the best atmosphere for buying that you can. One-Product Sales Sites: Avoid These Top Blunders One product, one long web page: this kind of web site is sometimes called a sales letter site or mini-site, and it focuses on one and only one goal, as many sales of that one product as possible. With a one-product sales site, no distractions, no subsidiary goals, such as newsletter signups, are allowed to interfere with that goal. So let's look at some common mistakes and omissions for a sales letter site. Simplify Your Web Site for Clarity and Ease of Use There are plenty of web sites out there in which basic elements of design are ignored. The viewer may experience overkill and frustration, instead of gently receiving the message or information. Here are some simple ways to help clarify your web site's message for your company or organization. Use the web as a tool for sales, community contact, and to improve, rather than detract from a business entity's image. Top Ten Fonts for Website Design The top ten fonts for website design might change in order, but for the most part the fonts that make up this list stay the same due to their popularity. In general, the top ten list includes Arial, Frutiger, Futura, Gills Sans, Helvetica, Lucida, Optima, Palatino, Agfa Rotis, and Univers. Low Cost Web Design In Birmingham There are many companies who build websites, all of which who want your business. This puts you in a very strong position when trying to obtain a good deal, a professional looking website at a low affordable price. ![]() |
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