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Website Content & Usability
Writing for the web is totally different to writing for printed matter. We tend to scan content on the web hunting for the information we're after, as opposed to reading word-for-word. As a result of this, there are certain guidelines you should be sure to follow when writing copy for your website: 1. Use clear and simple language Reading from computer screens is tiring for the eyes and about 25% slower than reading from printed matter. As such, the easier the style of writing the easier it is for site visitors to absorb your words of wisdom. Some techniques for using clear and simple language include: - Avoid slang or jargon - Get your grandmother and ten year old nephew to read your site - if both can understand the page content you've done well! - Use shorter words where possible - 'Begin' rather than 'commence', 'used to' rather than 'accustomed to' etc. - Avoid complex sentence structures - Try to include just one idea or concept per sentence - Use active ahead of passive words - 'We won the award' is shorter and easier to comprehend than, 'The award was won by us' 2. Limit each paragraph to one idea If you assign just one idea to each paragraph site visitors can: - Easily scan through each paragraph - Get the general gist of what the paragraph is about - Then move on to the next paragraph All this and without fear that they'll be skipping over important information, because they will already know roughly what the paragraph is about. Limiting each paragraph to just one idea is especially effective when combined with front-loading paragraph content. 3. Front-load content Front-loading content means putting the conclusion first, followed by the what, how, where, when and why. The first line of each paragraph should contain the conclusion for that paragraph, so site visitors can: Quickly scan through the opening sentence Instantly understand what the paragraph is about Decide if they want to read the rest of the paragraph or not Because each paragraph contains just one idea, users can do all this safe in the knowledge that if they jump to the next paragraph they won't be missing any new concepts. Front-loading also applies to web pages, as well as paragraphs. The opening paragraph on every page should always contain the conclusion of that page. This way, site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the page is about and decide whether they want to read the page or not. Unfortunately many websites don't adhere to this guideline and end up writing page content in a story-format. On each page there's an introduction, middle and conclusion, in that order. Unfortunately, when scanning through web content we don't tend to read all the text nor read all the way to the bottom of the screen. As such, you may easily miss the conclusion if it's left until the end. So remember, conclusion first, everything else second! For a great example of front-loaded content, just read any newspaper article. The opening paragraph is always the conclusion of the article. 4. Use descriptive sub-headings Breaking up text with descriptive sub-headings allows site visitors to easily see what each section of the page is about. The main heading on the page provides a brief overall view of what page is about, and the opening paragraph gives a brief conclusion of the page (because you've front-loaded the page content). Within the page though, there are various sub-themes which can be quickly put across with sub-headings. There's no hard and fast rule for how frequently to use sub-headings, but you should probably be roughly aiming for one sub-heading every two to four paragraphs. More importantly though, the sub-headings should group on-page content into logical groups, to allow site visitors to easily access the information that they're after. 5. Bolden important words Another way to help users locate information quickly and easily is to bolden important words in some paragraphs. When site visitors scan through the screen this text stands out to them, so do make sure the text makes sense out of context. Bolden two to three words which describe the main point of the paragraph, and not words on which you're placing emphasis. By seeing these boldened words site visitors can instantly gain an understanding of what the paragraph is about and decide whether or not they want to read it. 6. Use descriptive link text In the same way that bold text stands out to screen-scanning web users, so does link text. Link text such as 'click here' makes no sense whatsoever out of context so is useless to site visitors scanning web pages. To find out the destination of the link, site visitors have to hunt through the text both before and after the link text. 7. Use lists Lists are preferable to long paragraphs because they: - Allow users to read the information vertically rather than horizontally - Are easier to scan - Are less intimidating - Are usually more succinct 8. Left-align text Left-aligned text is easier to read than justified text, which in turn is easier to read than centre- or right-aligned text. When reading through justified text the spacing between each word is different so our eyes have to search for the next word. This slows down our reading speed. Right- and centre-aligned paragraphs slow down reading speed even more because each time you finish reading one line your eye has to search for the beginning of the next line. Conclusion These eight guidelines are nothing revolutionary nor are they difficult to implement. Yet so many websites structure their content so poorly to the detriment of their site visitors. Have a quick look over your website now - how does it do with regards to these content guidelines? This article was written by Trenton Moss. He's crazy about web usability and accessibility - so crazy that he went and started his own web usability and accessibility consultancy ( Webcredible - http://www.webcredible.co.uk ) to help make the Internet a better place for everyone.
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The scenario we now need to analyze is when the user re-triggers a previous form submission process. What we need to find or create is something which changes during the form submission process which does not depend on the specific form being submitted and which we can tell changed. That was a loaded sentence which fully details our solution, so let's break it down. Find or create something which changes during the form submission process,does not depend on the specific form being submitted, andwe can tell changed. CSS - Maximum Benefits What is CSS? Flash Deadly Sins (That Can Kill Your Web Business) Looks like every client wants a Flash site these days but the reality is...as flashy as these sites may look, there are many negatives you may want to consider before delving into Flash. How To Make Your Website More Successful? (Part I) Building a website and getting it online is easy. Driving visitors to it is the more difficult part. Most people are not patient enough when it comes to build up traffic. They expect thousands of visitors a week after they go live with their website. But that is not how it works. We share some secrets of how to make your website more successful. 3 Essential Tools Every Website Designer and Marketer Needs Appealing to others is really important when you have a web page. This is because you will not have any personal contact with visitors and cannot persuade them to buy from you or come into your store, not personally that is. Your web page is your medium for persuasion so you need to put as much thought and effort into the design of your website and how it will appeal to potential customers as you would into a physical store. Unfortunately, a lot of web designers and marketers don't think of their web pages this way and make a lot of mistakes that cost visitors and sales. Don't let this happen to you, instead focus on the importance of appearance and have fake visitors visit your site and let you know what works and what does not, anonymously of course, before you launch so you will have some real web input. Beyond that, there are some other important tools you will need to utilize as well if you want to have ea successful website. Server Side Includes (SSI) with ASP People often have identical sections of code spread throughout many ASP pages, typically code at the top of the page (usually referred to as the header) and the lower part of the page (the footer). Similarly, you may have code that performs a certain set of instructions that you are repeating across multiple pages. Consider an example:- Pick Up Your Own Domain Name Think up a name and check if yourname.com is available. Personally, I like to use http://www.whois.com to check if a domain name is available. 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Everyday thousands of new businesses make the leap and take their business on line, what about yours? If you haven't already, I'll bet you have thought about it and wondered how much more business you could be doing if you just went on line?and right about then, you wonder what it would take to get your business on line? ![]() |
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