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How to Use Articles to Increase Web Site Traffic!
A simple technique to increase web site traffic is using articles. Just imagine? Hundreds, even thousands, of theme-related sites having one-way links to your site! What would that do for your web site? Would your page rank increase? How much of an increase in web site traffic do you think you would see? I can tell you from experience that it will blow your mind away. It is truly an amazing and simple strategy for increasing web site traffic, but very few site owners are doing it! Quality articles are in big demand on the web from article directories, webmasters looking for great content, and e-zine publishers. Just one article can spread across the web like wildfire taking your website URL and name along with it! I am going to provide you with a simple 4-step process that will show you how to use articles to increase web site traffic and explode your online sales. I know many of you are saying, "I can't write and really don't have the time". It is O.K., no one is asking you to become the next Ernest Hemingway, so don't worry, just relax and follow these simple steps. If you do, I guarantee you will see results almost overnight. So let's get started! RESEARCH This is vital to writing articles that will be snatched up by all of those people looking for great content to put on their sites and in their e-zines. It starts by finding keywords that are relevant to your site and searched for around 10,000-20,000 times per month. Keywords that have more searches than that tend to have too much competition from competing sites. Use Overture or another keyword research tool to find keywords and phrases that give us the results mentioned above. Next, you want to go to Google and type those keywords in to see how many search results you find. Preferably, you want less than 100 million results. The reason for this is when you optimize your article and turn it into a webpage we will be able to get a high ranking to help with traffic. We will get to that later! Now that you have found the keyword or phrase to build your article around it is time to put it to use. WRITING THE ARTICLE You will build the article around the one or two keywords that you have chosen. Do not try to use more than two keywords because it becomes too cumbersome to write the article and optimize it for your web site. Just follow this outline and you will produce attention grabbing articles that leave people wanting more. 1. TITLE - You need to have a catchy title that contains your main keyword. Some directories and webmasters will only display your article by the title. So it needs to grab the reader's attention and make them want to click on it. 2. INTRODUCTION - This opening sentence or paragraph must draw the reader in and entice them to read the rest of the article. If your opening sentence is weak you will loose their attention and the back button will be all you get! 3. BODY - You need to fill the body with relevant and helpful information that will be of use to the reader. Make the body easy to read. I like to use an outline, but you can use other styles. Just make sure that your paragraphs are not too long and that you keep your focus on the main point of the article. 4. CONCLUSION - Make sure that you close the article strong and let the reader know that the information you have provided is helpful. A strong closing is extremely important to a quality article. 5. RESOURCE BOX - For those of you that don't know, this is the little box at the end of the article that talks about the author. The resource box is the most important part of the article. This is where your link is, so you need to have a convincing call to action to get them to click. The resource box is the most overlooked part of writing effective articles. Make sure that you make your link live when you submit it to the directories; this is critical and too many people make that mistake. As a good rule of thumb you need to make the article around 500-1200 words not including the resource box. I have written longer articles, but some directories will not allow you to submit if you go over a certain amount of words, so check with the submission site and make sure your article will work. If it is too long, just make some adjustments to meet the guidelines. SUBMIT YOUR ARTICLE In order to get the most use out of your article you will need to submit it to as many relevant article directories and announcement lists as you can. In my opinion, article directories are more important because they will keep your article in their archives for long periods of time. This will give you an incoming link from a high paged rank site. Article announcement lists will not give you the same kind of results because they are short lived. It is beneficial to submit to them, however, for the exposure. The downside to announcement lists is that they do not provide any long term benefits. There are several article directories on the web but some of the ones I like to use because they are high traffic sites are: http://www.goarticles.com There are several more quality directories that you can submit to but these will give you a great start. UPLOAD YOUR ARTICLE TO YOUR WEB SITE AS A WEB PAGE. The last thing that I would recommend is to optimize your article for the keyword that you have chosen and upload it to your web site as a web page. This will add quality content to your web site and give your site more search engine "bait". The ultimate goal is to get targeted traffic by utilizing articles. There are a couple of things that I would like to recommend that you do when you optimize your article. First, make sure that your keyword density is about 1-3% in your article. If you go much higher than this you could get hit for spamming and that is the last thing you want to happen. The second tip is to make sure that you build a site map for all of your articles and put it on one of your web sites. This will help lead the search engines to all of your articles and will help you with your rankings. Using articles is a great way to increase web site traffic and build credibility. Articles will increase the number of incoming links to your site and beef up your profitability. If you follow the steps I laid out for you in this article you will be on your way to increasing your web site traffic. Articles are an inexpensive and very effective way to advertise your site and build credentials on the internet. So take this guide and go increase your web site traffic! Mark Williams has researched and reviewed hundreds of traffic generating techniques and tips. For proven traffic generating strategies visit: Increase Web Site Traffic
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Free Articles = Free Publicity (Or, How To Get Free Publicity For Your Business) Publicity?you're business can survive without it, but it certainly won't thrive without it. Maybe you've seen your competition at it - their website was featured on a major newspaper or television show. Or perhaps you heard them mentioned on your favorite morning radio show on the way to the office. The point is, when it comes to publicity, some businesses are getting it. And here comes the real shocker - some of them are getting it for free! Yep, there really is such a thing as free publicity, and we're going to show you a very simple way that you can start getting it. Theres More Than One Way To Carve This Turkey Although this may sound like a funny metaphor, if you try to focus on the possibilities as they apply to writing a story, an article, a report or almost anything, I think you may gain some helpful insight into your particular approach to this passionate profession. Article Writing: How to Sound Like the Expert You Are You, too, can become a recognized expert in your specialized field. How? By writing articles that get published on the internet! Millions of people are gobbling up internet articles right now. I'm one of them. Every Writers Dilemma: How Do You Decide What to Write About? The sources of inspiration are all around us, in the headlines of the daily newspaper, in conversations, and listening to what questions people are asking. But how do you find those little inspirations that cause the flood gates of creativity to open wide? Writing Articles, But Still Not Getting Traffic? Your Articles Suck ? But I Can Help! (Part 1) We've all been there. We hear about how articles will generate HUGE publicity for a site, (the old "If you build it, they will come") so we sit down, write an article, submit it to article directories, then wait. A week goes by, you get a trickle, another week, still a trickle, a month, still a trickle (if that). What happened to all the promise of thousands and thousands of people coming to the site? Nothing - that's the problem. Very few (if any) ezines, newsletters, or web sites reprinted your article. Just the RSS feeds (they were probably responsible for the trickle). Lets take a look at how an article should be written for maximum exposure. You Really Can Make Money With Your Words Sometimes when I am communicating with other webmasters and I bring up the subject of writing articles, I often get a response like "I'd rather have a root canal, I just can't write", or "my spelling is horrible and my grammar is not much better". In my view, the first excuse is just a matter of attitude. The latter excuse falls on deaf ears because the major word processing programs have good spelling and grammar checking capabilities. Marketing Articles: Promoting Your Site Twice! I recently became aware that promoting your web site in Search Engines can instantly be double within Google! That's right, you can instantly promote your site 2 times at once! The Real Reason You Should Be Marketing With Articles Article marketing has become very popular of late, especially with the explosion of a couple major article sites and publishing of some serious tools and resources that will better help marketers to use article marketing in their repertoire. For myself, I use article marketing exclusively to drive traffic to my website and to generate business. Website Promotion ? Where to Get Ideas for Writing Articles Some six weeks ago, I began writing and submitting articles to free content sites in order to promote the six commercial Websites I own. The results have been both swift and dramatic, and the number of links from external Websites to my own Websites has increased from nearly nothing to more than 10,000 in a little more than a month. These results have inspired me to write more articles, and as I own six different Websites, I have six different topics to choose from. Still, my ideas occasionally run dry and that certainly happens to others who write articles for their own Websites. Writing and submitting articles on a regular basis does a lot for promoting your Websites, but where can you find more ideas for articles when you run out? Got Lingo? The Terminology Of Marketing With Articles Every field or discipline has its own specialized vocabulary and marketing with articles is no different. Understanding and using the lingo of marketing with articles will help you get the most out of this brilliant technique. Continue reading below for a set of terms and definitions for marketing with articles. Your Writing Anxiety - 10 Ways to Bring Relief Anxiety, apprehension, cold feet, consternation, dismay, distress, dread, fear, fright, horror, nervousness, panic, scare, strain, stress, tension, terror, trepidation, unease or uneasiness: whatever it's called, you've got it. And the reason is ... you've got to write an article! Writing anxiety or 'writer's block' happens to all writers at some point in their writing lives. It may be that you don't know what to write about or, with your topic firmly in place, you don't know where to start. At this point, procrastination sets in. Doing anything, rather than actually writing, seems a whole lot better than putting pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard. Even walking the dog, in pouring rain and gale-force winds, has higher priority! Try some of these ways to restore your writing equilibrium: 1. Avoid starting with a blank page. There's nothing more daunting than beginning from nothing. Work with a template. This will help you to stay focused on your topic. Download and print out some appropriate free graphic organizers from the Internet or use graphic organizer software, like NotateIt, that will help you to rearrange and organise your thoughts in freestyle format. 2. Brainstorm your topic. Take some time out for creative thinking with a friend or colleague. You'll get some new twists on the theme, especially if they're not 'experts' in your subject matter! 3. Write an outline. Just set out a list of headings. They don't even have to be in order - you can always rearrange them later. Write each heading on a separate card or piece of paper and shuffle the result. A new order may emerge that you hadn't thought of, giving you a new slant on your topic. 4. Use a whiteboard. Fix a large magnetic whiteboard on your wall and use it to rearrange your ideas. If a whiteboard on the wall feels too intrusive, try some inexpensive whiteboard software on your PC instead. 5. Break your task down into smaller chunks. From your outline, choose one heading and write. Then go on to another heading and write. It doesn't matter which order you write in, because it can all be rearranged later. Not only that, you're achieving your larger goal in a series of smaller steps and that makes it much more manageable. 6. Write in the way that you speak. It's friendlier to read and it's an easier and more natural way for you to write. 7. Don't worry about perfection too soon. Spell checking, indenting paragraphs, changing font size - this is the icing on the cake. Just let your writing flow and, just for once, forget the grammar. Perfection can come later - at the redrafting stage. 8. Think about your readers in a different way. You may be anxious that your article is not "good enough" to be read by your peers. Remember, even if your audience are "experts", they don't know what you think about your subject. Nor does it mean that they know everything there is to know about a subject area. Target your writing towards an intelligent, enthusiastic, but non-expert, reader and your writing confidence will grow. 9. You've completed your writing. This is your first draft. The secret, now, is to redraft and redraft again. You'd be surprised at just how many things you'll want to say differently when the sun rises tomorrow! Read your article once a day, make changes then put it aside until the next day. In a few days, you'll read your article and find nothing to change. That's when you're ready to publish! 10. Believe in yourself. The first articles you write may not be perfect but the more you write, the better your style will become. It's like learning to walk - all it takes is a little time and lots of practice. (c) 2005 Lynda Blake Thought Leaders - Using Article Marketing To Entrench Yourself and Your Personal Brand A "Thought Leader" is someone recognized as an authority in their field of expertise...also known as a visionary. Few people set out to become a "thought leader" or "guru," but there is good reason to not only establish yourself as an expert, but as a higher-level expert or "thought leader" for your market. 5 Powerful Article Writing Tips Writing articles is one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful methods of building your reputation and your online business. Not only do you get unlimited exposure, but it is fre^e as well! Why Article Writing is Increasingly Important in This SPAM Era There is no doubt that Spam has affected online business in a very big and negative way. So serious is the Spam problem today that many ISP filters will routinely reject and filter out messages you need from clients and business associates. Many times even email sites are trying to control ever rising Spam volumes. Many times this makes even genuine communication via email very difficult. Just try sending mail from Yahoo to AOL and you will get an idea of what I am trying to say here. Even sending out email newsletters or ezines, which are a very important online marketing tool, can be quite a challenge these days. Not to mention safe lists that are mostly a nightmare of bounced or unread emails. Out of the volumes sent, only a tiny fraction ever gets opened, let alone read. The result is that online marketing experts have been forced to look for other options and tools to help them meet their online business objectives. What to Write About This is a perennial question among writers and wannabe's. Many of us dream of writing a book. Why not. What greater story can one write about than one's own. Each day brings a new beginning, a new page in the book of life. How To Write Best Articles I've been able to distinguish 3 main categories that people fall into, regarding the subject on writing articles. Allow me to share them with you. Article Queries That Sell Queries are not written like business letters or emails; they are specifically designed to sell your articles. How to Write an Effective Article Writing a great deal of articles myself, I see a lot of the other articles that are submitted. Although the majority are spot on, many are not nearly as effective as they could be. Hopefully I can impart some insight on the Do's and Don'ts of writing an effective article. Ten Top Tips for Writing Articles on the Internet Online readers love information, but be sure your information is crisp, clean, clear and concise. Internet writing is different from print. Promote Easily With The Two-Step Here's a really simple way... to promote your online business today. It makes no difference if it is a product or a service. You can start today getting some needed exposure to your site in two simple steps. That's why I call it the "Two Step" approach. ![]() |
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