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Going Public: Now that You Have Successfully Made the Transition, What Do You Do?
Ok, you have successfully accomplished your dream of being the CEO of a public company. The stock of your company has a symbol and you are continually going to the computer to check the price, you tell all your relatives and friends and you even tried to encourage them to buy the stock. You think your job is done, you selected an excellent market maker, you released an announcement to the financial news media, but nothing is happening. If you are playing basketball and you make a three point shot do you sit on the court and admire your accomplishment or do you go back and play defense? You do not have to manage the price of the stock like so many CEO of newly listed companies try to do, instead you go back to work and use the newly acquired tools to grow your company. As a public company now you can now approach investors and let them now that you are working hard to grow the company but if they should need some liquidity the market will provide it. You can now go out and retain a public relations firm and make sure that the investors know who you are and where to find you. But before you do this make sure that you can afford the investors relations company, otherwise you will have to learn how to promote your company and stay within the legal boundaries as define by the regulators. You will now be able to attract and retain more highly qualified personnel by offering stock options and bonuses. Because you will need them. With the privilege of being a public company comes added responsibility, so you must have highly competent personnel to meet the challenge. Now as a public company you have received a tool to help you grow your company. As a public company you have stock with a known market value, The stock can be use for acquisitions. Acquisitions must be made in a prudent manner, you have to make sure that the companies have synergy and you are acquiring something of value the will make your company larger and more prosperous. I won't mention any names but I know of several franchising companies that have acquired many different franchises some as many as 600 different franchises. But all they have done is acquired names of different known franchises because the the earnings have not improved nor has the price of the stock. These companies are trading for pennies with little or no chance for improvement since they have a ton of stock outstanding. That is one reason that acquisition must be done prudently and selectively, and not just for the sake of getting the name of your company in the papers. You must have a business plan and the fortitude to stick by it regardless of the critics, the business plan must be flexible enough to allow you to make changes when necessary. This plan must be in writing and available to potential investors. If you approach investors without a business plan you will have a difficult time trying to convince them that you are offering a good investment. A business plan shows investors that you know what you are doing and where you want to take the company. A lack of a business plan indicate a lack of direction, some entrepreneurs are big dreamers but their plans tend to swing all over the place causing them change direction every other week. Begin by designing a strategy for the future, taking into consideration what you want to accomplish after you take your company public. If you have a plan your chances of success will be greatly improved. By being successful from the beginning opportunities will present themselves almost immediately and give you a head start on the competition. If you are thinking of going public visit our website: www.genesiscorporateadvisors.com Joseph D. Quinones, President of Genesis Corporate Advisors has spent over 25 years in the securities industry. In 1992 he founded JDQ Financial Group, Inc. and proceeded to build it up from a one man operation to the point where it employed many traders, advised numerous client and generate millions in revenues.
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FTC Adding to the Franchise Rule Last summer the FTC put forth a report and then asked for comments on modifications of the franchise rule. There has been no real significant changes since the 1970's, but lots of opinions and case law along the way. All these complications of rules and the rules proposed today by the Federal Trade Commission do not help franchisors remain efficient or franchisees sell more pizza, hamburgers or donuts. What Is YOUR Value Proposition? Every company has a value proposition. That is a statement of their perceived value to their clients. Often a company will have one perception at the executive level, another at the sales level, and even a third one at the client level. Overcoming Your Biggest Competitor Before you read any further in this article, I'd like you to take a moment and write down who your biggest competition is. Loose Lips Sink Ships - The Fastest Way to Put Yourself Out of Business I agree that knowledge should be free, but the next person I see revealing their hard attained business practices in a public forum, I am going to feel the need to approach them, make them choose their own switch from an outside tree, then whip them with it. Why Do Franchisors have Exclusive Territories The reason we Franchisors call it an exclusive territory is because we will not sell that area again to another franchisee. That is your area to market and to conquer and to generally obtain as much market penetration as possible. If you are a home-based business or mobile franchise then this is a serious issue. You can put as many service units in your area can support and try to make the most reasonable profit you can per each service unit you put into your exclusive territory. Most franchisors charge a percentage of the gross income and probably make a little off every service unit you buy, so they want you to expand. Deciding Which State To Incorporate Your Small Business In Once you've decided to incorporate your small business the next step is deciding which state to incorporate in. A common misconception is that businesses must incorporate in their state of operation. You can, in fact, incorporate in any one of the 50 states and the District of Columbia regardless of where your business currently operates. Business Checks are an Added Cost to Your Small Business - Try Making Them Yourself! Starting and managing a small business is no fun chore, especially when it comes to the accounting. There are a few common sense ways that you can help that bottom line. Patient Records - Your Responsibilities As a practise gets larger & larger the associated problems that you inherit increase with that growth. The Practise Manager finds it increasingly difficult to tend to his duties and look after the administration of the Practise. One of those areas of responsibility is the keeping of Records of Patients who are no longer regularly seen by the Doctor. Fleet Washing Operations Manual Sample Outline In the Truck Washing Business every single type of vehicle is washed differently. If you are going to run a mobile onsite fleet washing business with multiple trucks in multiple cities you will in fact need a comprehensive manual to keep your crews and equipment running at an optimum. Below you will see a sample outline to assist you in constructing a washing procedure manual, which will include many different types of fleet vehicles. 11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From The Supreme Court 1. Have A Strong Constitution ? Justices deliver decisions by interpreting the U.S. Constitution. Never let the challenges of running your small business overwhelm your judgment. Small Business Secrets: Self-Confidence Can Be Arranged At first blush this idea might be difficult to wrap your brain around. That's because you've been taught that self-confidence is achieved through mastery of knowledge or skills. Cost Effective Franchise Regulations, Come again The Franchise Group at the Federal Trade Commission in all their ego and glory has proclaimed that franchise disclosure laws are "Cost Effective." I hate to break it to the FTC, but your comments and court are completely naked. The folks at the FTC are wearing no clothes. In a recent franchise report put out by the commission they actually had the tenacity to say that these rules and regulations in the franchise law are cost effective. Getting Grant Funding For Your Nonprofit Organization Do you need grant funding for your nonprofit organization? If you do you are most certainly not alone in your needs. This combined with the fact that because of regular government budget cuts there's not as many federal dollars available as there once was. And because of our current economic recession foundation dollars are down as well. What you now have are some serious concerns facing your nonprofit organization. But This Is Just My Opinion Hi, Charles...here, Your Cap and t-shirt guy From Texas. How are you doing today. Pressure Washing Graders and Tractor Motors When pressure washing heavy equipment each piece of equipment has a slightly different procedure to ensure efficiency. When a pressure washing company is bidding such jobs by the piece of equipment instead of the hour, they must be cognizant of this so they can maximize profits. Loaders, backhoes, bull dozers and scrapers are all cleaned slightly different. Anyone who has been in the business a while and cleaned heavy equipment has indeed found ways or short cuts to improve their speed and efficiency. Business Relationships Defined What makes a business relationship? Be Prepared When Business Investors Look Beyond Your Business Plan You have spent considerable time pulling your business plan together, contacting potential business investors, making management presentations and pitching your business plan to prospective business investors. Now you finally have a serious investor who wants to conduct "due diligence" before investing real cash into your business. Franchise Territories are Generally Delineated On a Map; Why? If you own a mobile service or home based franchise your exclusive territory will be delineated on a map in the attachment of your franchise agreement. You will be assigned generally a single city, county or region and another franchisee or team member of the same system will not compete with your although may be right around the corner. You will only drive or be required to service clients as far as your exclusive territory boundaries. Unless of course there is no franchisee in the next city over, then might be willing to temporarily expand your market region if it is okay with the franchisor. You may go to that city periodically for special people or special clients that have needs of services. This is why we have exclusive territories in the franchising industry. How to Start Home Based Travel Businesses Home based travel businesses are no longer the wave of the future. Home travel businesses are the hot trend right now. So if you're considering becoming a travel agent, this brief guide will provide you with information you need to know. Pressure Washing Business Case Study, Tractor Cleaning So often small service businesses fail to exploit niches, which have little if any competition. I know as I built my companies we always tried to identify all the market niches and go after them. We were not always able to succeed at everything, occasionally we would fail; it happened more than I would care to admit, but those are lessons learned. The best way to get to success is to learn from the challenges of the past and so in my office I have a huge trashcan, bigger than any executive you will ever meet. And it is always full. That's okay. Let me tell you about one of the more successful niches we discovered in the pressure washing business; tractor cleaning. ![]() |
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