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Identity Theft - Defining Who We Are
Identity theft! We've all seen them. The commercials use the voices of people clearly not the ones speaking to relay what can happen when someone else becomes you. Almost everyday another story is reported on this growing intrusion into our lives. No, we're not going to talk about that kind of identity theft. I want to talk about how we are being infiltrated by a foe so dangerously subtle that most of us don't even know it is happening. What defines your identity? What do you feel best identifies you in life? Are you a victim of identity theft? Some of the ways our identity is being defined today: * He who has the most "stuff" wins. I remember growing up in an era where a person's identity was found in far more simple pleasures - FAITH and FAMILY. As Katherine Lee Bates penned so beautifully in "America The Beautiful": "America, America, May God thy gold refine, Til' all SUCCESS be NOBLENESS and EVERY GAIN DIVINE." I wonder, do we sometimes confuse popularity with success? Let me say that again. I wonder, do we sometimes confuse popularity with success? If we ran every noted and famous person through the test of NOBLENESS and DIVINE, how many would pass? Is what many define as success today really gold, or, is it "fools gold"? My parents never used their status quo, position or income to determine their identity. Money was a means for enhancing the identity they found at home and not the home for their identity. Don't let the cultural trend and persuasion define who you are in life. Climbing the corporate ladder, accumulating "stuff" and making money is only a mirage for real success. Careful, this type of subtle indentity theft foe is lurking in the shadows of all our lives. May we often be reminded that the greatest gift we can ever give the world is a home with love, stability, faith and character. My wife and I will continue to tell our children over and over again that our family is the greatest claim to fame we have. (C)Copyright advice-for-lifetime-relationships.com ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! Stanley J. Leffew is the Author of, "How To Be Wanted For a Lifetime of Nights and Not Just a Night of a Lifetime". His website is based on this same theme. Find out for yourself why leading-with-the-body in life and relationships feeds desire but fails to satisfy the longing of the heart for love, companionship and intimacy by visiting http://advice-for-lifetime-relationships.com.
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Success: 10 Tips to Make Failure Work for You 1)Failure is normal. Three Key Behaviors That Determine Our Success Success is a journey and along the way we need to correct our course by unlearning the behavior that derails us and invite in a new behavior to continue our success. If you feel you want to change your success, take a measure of your current key behaviors. What Am I Going To Do With The Rest Of My Life? Unexpected life changes. Anticipated transitions. Long, sleepless nights. What do these three things have in common? The ability to provoke one of the most haunting questions in the library of human introspectives: Success: 11 Universal Laws to Get You There The Law of Experience 5 Tips to Make the Right Decisions in the Midst of Chaos "In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing." Theodore Roosevelt Belief Helps You Succeed But Can It Win A Boat Race? On March 27th 2005, Oxford won the annual boat race against their rivals, Cambridge. Winning: Defining It - Achieving It If you ask most people whether they would like to be considered a winner or a loser in life, they would most assuredly reply that they would like to be a winner. But this begs the question, "What does it mean to win at life?" In some things it's easy to define a clear winner. In a basketball game, whoever has the most points at the end of the game is the winner. In a game of hearts, my favorite card game, whoever has the least amount of points when one of the players reaches 100 points is the winner. 10 Questions: Do You Have What It Takes? Do you have what it takes to be really successful? How to Have an Amazingly Satisfying Year I started taking stock of my year in 2002. I found it useful at the end of the year to list what I have accomplished, what I am thrilled about, what I wished had turned out differently, what I am proud of, what I learned, what were the pleasant surprises, and the not so pleasant ones, what I want to develop as a habit, and what I want to do differently in the future. The Ancestral Cream "I am the greatest warrior. I have fought with gods and beaten them. I have fought with giants and won. I am strong; I cannot lose in a battle. I am the greatest warrior ever," said the confident warrior". A Field of Multiple Opportunity Opportunity is all around us and has many facets, but it's not always obvious. Becoming a Success Giant! Introduction Fear Not If You Dont Feel Youre Off To Quite The Blazing Start Youd Like There are those out there who would lead us to believe that if we don't meet with overnight success in our endeavors that we are some how not trying as hard as we can. Emerging As Winners! People like to emerge as winners by hook or crook and this is what one gets landed up in. It is human nature to desire to become rich, powerful, popular and famous always and forever. On the surface, it appears that we are competing with everyone else in this world and running a never-ending rat race. It is natural for all human beings to desire and work for wealth, power and prestige. Jesus Christ and Buddha and many others emerged as winners in the sense their preachings enriched people in the spiritual sense. People like Bill Gates or Jamshedji Tata, Godraj emerged as winners because they established business which catered to the needs of others. Your 12 Point Plan for Personal Success No one becomes successful by accident. Success requires making a plan and sticking to it. It is simple, but does require commitment; it is not hard to do, but does require hard work. The good news is that once you begin, the results start coming almost instantly. The miracle of successful living is that the smallest step towards success attracts more success! Here is a very brief outline of the key points that will help you achieve the highest levels of success. How To Get As Lucky As J. Paul Getty J. Paul Getty appeared to be incredibly lucky, but it was a luck which, in many ways, he engineered. Instead of continuing on a well-structured career--that of the U.S. Diplomatic Services--he made a detour to the rich oil fields of Oklahoma. Success from Failure Those of you who know me, know that I am always looking for ways to improve and grow as an individual. This past weekend, I attended a one-hour seminar that was put on by Dennis McCurdy of Sturbridge, MA. It was to give people a taste for his eight-week personal development program. True Success is Generous "Write checks on a regular basis to those who you want to bless, not those who you owe. Be generous. If you are thinking of one amount, raise it a bit. They'll be glad now. You'll be glad now and later." Chris Widener in the ABC's of Success. Abundance Creating Resources You Already Have You already have all the resources you need to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Fact is, it is true. You do have all the resources you need. All of them. The questions are: how broad is your awareness of these resources which resources are we talking of here? and, for which needs? There are countless resources that each individual possesses. It would be nigh impossible and self-defeating to attempt to discuss and highlight even a quarter of these resources in a short discourse as this one. Let us take a look at a few of the resources you already have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve: Creating Vision You have probably heard it before, or you may even have said it yourself. "Where there is no vision, the people perish". In the absence of a compelling vision, people tend to be stuck in their present circumstances. They wallow in a 'comfort zone' and drift from self-pity to anxiety and anger. Where there is no vision people perish. Vision is neither wishful thinking, nor is it an expression of hope or a modified form of day-dreaming. Vision is the rare ability of standing in the future and looking at the past as it unfolded. While you are standing there, you make decisions from that 'future' (instead of from pressing present circumstances). For some vision is the ability to outline a point of convergence related to their personal focus. This means determining and acknowledging ahead of fact, the destination of one's efforts. Top 25 Success Quotations Consider what it takes to become an undeniable success with these sincere quotations that identify the fundamental factors necessary to triumph... ![]() |
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