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Personal Traits You Need To Succeed
Hello again! I have some more useful tips you can use for your own especially if you are an Online Business owner just starting an Internet Business from home. I am not a motivational speaker by profession, but I have found that the following personal traits required if you want to be a successful Online Business owner even if you are working from home. You may want to make this your personal trait check list. So, let's zoom. Full speed ahead! Vision
As an Online Business owner just starting or have operated for some time on the Internet, what do you see in the future of your business in the next six months? One year? Two years from now? Courage
Now I am EXTREMELY sure that the successful people we know or heard of today must have faced tremendous doubts and failed in the process before they succeed. You and I also know that in the end, the successful people finally reaped the great rewards of life and the people who said "I told you so" never get to share their part of the rewards. Creativity
Being an Online Business owner means becoming a leader of your own ship and this is not optional. With intense competition, latest inventions and marketing trends, the task demands a lot of creativity on your part to grow your business in the cyberspace environment. Withstanding Criticisms
When I was still in school, my principal said a very interesting quote that I still remember to this day: "Great people talk about ideas. Big people talk about things. Small people... talk about other people." If you have been talking a lot about other people especially from the perspective of a critic, cynic or gossiper, then you will know how small you really are. On the other hand, if you want to be big and great in running your Online Business, you will have to expect being criticized by small people, and as painful as it can be, these small people can actually be the people you know, namely friends and relatives. Not that I ask of you to break away from them immediately. Rather, use their criticism as a steroid to make you more willful to succeed. You will not want them to have a chance to say, "I told you so". However, if you find out that your friends are not being supportive at all and are pushing you down rather than pulling you up in trying times, you will have to seriously consider having to change your set of friends or they can be your ultimate downfall. I was initially surrounded by MANY friends but had to change them eventually because they are the wrong company to be in where "helping other friends in need" is concerned. I do not have as many friends as before today, but I assure you that the ones I have now are better, supportive and recognize the true meaning of friendship than the ones I had three years ago. And it is only a matter of time that I will be surrounded by MANY MORE friends who are like-minded. Delay Gratification
As an Internet Entrepreneur running a cyber business in a fast-paced environment, having delay gratification is more important than ever. More often that not, the Internet is equated to instant gratification given the amount leverage it offers. However, this does not change the law written on stone. If you in pursuit of success and making more money as a business owner, this is one trait you must have. No exceptions. Forums are full of entries by people looking to make a fast buck and asking the veterans on how to do it. As always, these people are disappointed by the answers of the Internet Business and Marketing veterans. Their answers will always be something that some one with instant-gratification mind set could not handle. I do not perceive myself as a veteran. However, I cannot help but agree with them. Success is not something that can be achieved overnight, not even with the leverage of the Internet. Instant-gratification can also be the main reason why most people are being sucked into get-rich-quick scams everyday though many sites are created to warn about them. This is just scratching the surface on each personal trait. If you feel you need to improve on either one, some or all of the above traits, consider attending a seminar or buy a self-help book or audio tape on the subject. Improving your personal traits is also a form of investment for it can boost the performance and income of your Online Business. So, I wish you the best of luck in your undertakings! Copyright (c) Edmund Loh About the Author:
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Make The Second Half The Best Half Something happens when you come to the intersection called mid-life; you can look back in retrospect and see your life from an entirely different context. For many this mid-life review brings about a sense of urgency that ignites what is formally called "the mid-life crisis".� It's where we can trace the effects back to causes that were initiated by our own poor decision, our inattention to important details, our recklessness, our fear, our misplaced priorities, and our ignorance.� It can be a pretty bleak experience to really understand, maybe for the first time, that your life really could have been much better if you only knew then what you know now. � Ah but there is a subtle sweetness in enduring the emotional upheaval of a mid-life review and that is the fact that you can decide that the second half will be the best half.� You can garner the lessons from your past life by taking the knowledge and the wisdom, and leaving the rest behind. You may also experience grief, regret, anger, and blame. Whatever gut-wrenching emotions you feel should be acknowledged and then gently released. You can choose rather you will continue down your current path or if you will choose a new direction for your life. By consciously deciding how you will live the rest of your life, you can create a life that is extraordinary.� � It's a mighty sweet deal when you think about it but how do you make it happen? � Here is a 5-point plan that you can customize and implement in 2 to 5 years that will make the next 40 mean more than you could possibly imagine. � Step 1.� Create a life vision, not fantasy, that is worth living into that includes personal, professional, and spiritual growth, leveraging your abilities, gifts, and life experiences, contributing to others, having accomplishments that take you beyond lifestyle and status, and building relationships that are life-enhancing. � Step 2.� Form alliances with those who walk in front of you, beside you, and behind you. There are those who will be teachers and role models in your life, those who will be companions and friends, and those who will be students. Honor each type of relationship for they will all help you advance in life. � Step 3.� Remove barriers to success by installing new personal qualities, beliefs, habits, skills, and relationships as required. Learn to observe your sticking points, your hot buttons, your negative patterns and work to dismantle them one by one with the understanding that this is a lifetime commitment that requires diligence, patience, and self-care. � Step 4.� Learn to fan the fires of your own burning desire.� Replenish and renew yourself in healthy ways and learn to balance the various aspects of your life so that you are left feeling whole. � Step 5.� Stay in the game and expect to win. Know that the Universe is on your side and life embraces and supports evolution and you are playing a critical role in your own personal evolution. � Why should you expect to spend at least 2 years in this redesign process?� � Society has programmed us to expect glorified results instantly but upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that the value of a microwave life is commensurate with the investment of time, energy, and resources.� The value of life is not just measured by outcomes but also by the process that produces those outcomes.� In other words, the joy of living?is living. In 2 to 5 years you will discover aspects of yourself that reveal your true brilliance.� You will shed many false perceptions that have restricted and confined you. The rigorous work you will do will be accompanied by a manifold of rewards; expected and unexpected.� � Of course, it could happen in less time because the time it actually takes is totally dependant on how much you resist change and how willing you are leave the your herded existence behind.� You see, a great life is available to the masses but the masses will not forsake their average existence to claim their inheritance. To create an extraordinary life requires that we learn from our mistakes and our victories and continuously reexamine our personal paradigms adjusting them as needed.� When you are making the second half the best half, you will find that you will be in a constant state of personal evolution.� As you move toward your life's purpose your envisioned life will become the master plan that will guide your life's choices if it has been carefully designed to holistically reflect your individual uniqueness, which is woven into the expression of your values, contributions, and priorities. � � Unlock The Key To Your Success By Learning More About Yourself Finding balance is deciding to notice what goes on in your life. To make conscious choices and to experience life, not just let it happen to you. Education Leads To A Healthier And Happier Life Do you feel you lead a healthy and happy life? If you answered yes, chances are you have received some sort of college or post secondary (post high school) education. If you are an adult, and don't have an education, an online education may be something you may want to pursue. There are many proven reasons why being educated leads to a healthier and happier life. I will list a few of these facts below: Run Towards Fear: A Prescription For Success Fear, or negative anxiety, is the modern day bubonic plague, infecting millions upon millions of people. It spreads with viral effect, and leaves behind consequences of mediocrity and regret. This "plague" is partly due to societal influences (particularly in a post-9/11 era) and partly due to individual issues (the tendency to avoid confrontation of that which we fear). However, whatever the cause, a vaccine is available, and it takes the form of moving towards that which we are most afraid of. Immediately. The Major Key to Your Better Future is You Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth. It's really the open door to it all. In fact I'd like to have you memorize a most important phrase. Here it is, "The major key to your better future is YOU." How the Subconscious Mind can Accelerate Self Improvement and Success Just how powerful is the Subconscious Mind and how can we use it to help our self improvement? It's almost impossible to overestimates the power of the subconscious mind. Success -- A Secret and A Formula Are you looking for the secret or magical formula for success? Do you think it's a well-guarded, password-protected valuable locked away in some private vault? Good news! In this article I open the vault wide. Harness Mind Chatter and Make it Work for You! "When you talk to yourself, you listen. No matter what you say, you're listening... and recording it in your memory." - Mike Brescia How to Talk Yourself Into Success You've tried and failed. You've watched others fall. You're wiped out, burned out, and beaten. Is there any way to turn it all around? Tools for Constructing the Road to Success Too many times in the pursuit of our dreams, we loose sight of the total picture and instead settle on a small piece of it. A job, any job, whether it is in the conventional job market or any one of a number of work from home ventures all require the same thing - people of vision. 10 Compelling Reasons to Stop Singing the Blues Are you: Double Your Brain Power Do you think you have an "average" or perhaps an "above average" mental capacity? Hidden Gems in a Quote: From Henry David Thoreau I have learned, that if one advances... 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Top Ten Breakthrough Behaviors For Excellence 1. Be Courageous. Flex your risk muscle and step out of your comfort zone ? everyday. Nothing extraordinary will happen without courage. Success Is Everything (Excerpted From the 2001 Jim Rohn Millennium Weekend Event - Jim Rohn/Zig Ziglar VIP Lunch) Success At Any Time? It goes without saying that we are unlikely to experience much success in our lives if we don't take action. That is why Anthony Robbins said, Staying Cool When the Job Heats Up Jobs are heating up. We're all feeling the pinch of hiring freezes and information overload. Workplace stress is increasing right along with the workload. Are You Learning? Whether you are self-employed, whether you are an employee, whether you are parent, whether you are a student we all need to be learning. To stand still, to learn no more, or worse than that to think we know all there is to know, is a major mistake. ![]() |
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