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8 Dos and Donts When Asking Your Boss for a Raise
Feeling overworked and underpaid? If you're starting to feel like you deserve a raise, here are eight DO's and DON'Ts to build your confidence and tact (and what to avoid!) in asking for the salary you feel you deserve. DO 1. Devise a "Plan of Action". First and foremost, get a strategy together. Make a note of the specific projects you've undertaken and the results you've accomplished. List all of your job skills and the features that make you an asset to this company. Find out what a typical raise is for someone with your experience in your area of occupation. Know the facts and be realistic in your request. 2. Ask for an amount that's slightly higher than one you would be happy with. If you would be happy with a 5% raise, ask for one a couple of points above it. That way, if your boss starts to negotiate, you won't feel as if your worth has been diluted any by getting less than what you feel you deserve. 3. Remember, your boss shouldn't be the only one negotiating. If your company is going through a slow period or the economy is down, try to be flexible and know how to respond if your boss suggests a lower amount than what you may have been expecting. Consider other ways of getting a raise too, such as additional vacation time, employee perks or more time off. All of these can be just as good (if not better!) than an actual amount of money. 4. Choose a specific day and time to meet with your supervisor about your raise request. Avoid choosing a Monday or Friday when bosses are at their busiest. Studies have actually shown that people are more receptive on a Tuesday or Wednesday after lunch. That way, they're not thinking about the weekend or their stomachs while you're getting up the nerve to ask about a raise! If you're afraid of being interrupted during your request, ask to speak to your supervisor for a few minutes after hours. DON'T 1. Raise your tone of voice if your boss objects to your raise at first. Remember, he or she is paying you to do a certain job, and you're asking for more money to do the same job. Be professional and polite at all times, and listen more than demand. Chances are, if your supervisor doesn't award you a raise, they might hint at what else could be done to earn it. If they don't, don't be afraid to ask what steps would be necessary to "prove yourself". 2. Threaten with quitting if you don't get the raise or telling your boss you have another job offer unless you actually do. He may just call your bluff and let you go! 3. Stumble or beat around the bush with your request. Be straightforward and confident. You are a valuable member of a team and the supervisor hired you because they obviously thought you were the best qualified. If you have "Thank You" notes from customers or letters from the company praising you for a job well done, bring those to your meeting as well, as they'll help to cement your request and remind your supervisor of your role within the company and its progress. 4. Compare yourself to, or talk negatively about your coworkers or others in a position higher than you. You may think that this will put you in a positive light when it comes to a promotion or a raise, but to your boss, it shows that if you have a poor attitude toward your colleagues, you'll keep the same poor attitude if you are promoted. Remember, be confident, professional and tactful. If the boss says "no" or wants to "think about it", open his mind to further consideration by volunteering to do more at the office. Stay an extra hour or help another team on a critical project. This demonstrates that you're willing to "tow the mark" rather than giving your boss the impression of "gimme the money first and THEN I'll work". Good luck! *************************************** If you join the Money Making Mastermind and participate faithfully while allowing these powerful money making ideas to stimulate your brain...and you carry them out with persistence and intelligence, I guaratee it will revolutionize your financial life and your objective will have been half-way reached, even before you begin to recognize it. David A. Bailey, Jr shares his best little known and secret money making ideas, projects, plans and hot new information products and services. Learn the latest ways to make money on the Internet that really work. No filler, just the facts about new ways to make fast money -delivered daily. SERIOUS ONLY.
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A Stop On the Road of Life With three kids, a business, a husband with a business, a house, a yard, and a very close extended family, my time is at a premium. This means I�??m usually running as fast as I can to keep up with everything�?"and sometimes failing miserably in that endeavor. Recently I was caught between two major obligations, driving from one to the other, and late again. Looking for Harvey Weinstein - The Book and the Business Two Immigrants Live The American Dream K.O.R.E. Elements of Success I want to focus our thoughts on each of these four elements of success. While these were originally written for a business audience, the principles can be easily translated to cover yourself or any group or organization you belong to. 10 Universal Principles of Success Success is not something that only a chosen few can achieve. Everyone can be successful in every area of his or her life. You just need to know how to do things in such a way as to make sure you succeed every time. Success comes as a result of forming certain habits, and continuing in them. Consistency is key. To succeed, you need to be a certain type of person. Don't be discouraged if you are not yet that type of person. With practice, anyone can become a successful person. The successful person thinks in a certain way, talks in a certain way, and acts in a certain way. The list below briefly outlines 10 of those ways (and a bonus tip!). Anyone who consistently applies these principles to any area of their life *will* experience success in that area. Are You the Reason for Your Lack of Success? Have you ever noticed when playing a video game, or even working on a computer software program, that you sometimes wish it would go somewhere or do a particular task, but no matter what you do it won't do it. 10 Simple Tips For Attaining Wealth What with the millions of words printed every day about "How To Achieve Success," why aren't there more new millionaires. Psychological Tips For Effective Examination Techniques One of the inevitabilities of University life is the examination. It is your opportunity to demonstrate your new knowledge and to reap the rewards. Examination remains one of the most common forms of assessment in higher education. It is vitally important to prepare well in advance to give yourself the best chance of success. Ten, Humourous, Power Attitudes The ability to achieve our enormous untapped potential is directly related to the attitudes we possess. Positive attitudes empower us to achieve while negative attitudes tend to keep us rooted where we are. Success Lessons I Learned From My Single Mom I was at a dinner party the other night when someone posed this question: Who has influenced your life the most? I thought for a moment and said what no one else said, "My mother." The Characteristics of a Winner As kind of a hobby I like to watch people. Just kind of sit back and quietly watch how they react and respond to others and their environment. Through the course of this activity I've noticed a few things that the real winners in life seem to have in common. I'd like to point out a few of these characteristics for the purpose of reinforcing them. Success Begins and Ends With You Success is a word that is much used in our society. We probably hear it at least once each day, especially in commercials. It could be said that many of us are spending so much time concerned about success that we do not set things in motion to achieve our own success. One thing is apparent to me, and that is that each individual must determine what success means in their own lives. Those who go through life trying to achieve so-called success by someone's standards or by the advertising industry's standards will always fall short of feeling successful. Hooray, You Failed! So you vowed to make some changes - develop healthier habits, say no to unhealthy habits. You put some plans into place. You get going, fueled by momentum and positive feelings; maybe you're starting to see some of the results of your work. Then, after awhile, before you know it, it's over. YOU FAILED - HOORAY! A Vision for Success Do you know that there is a formula for attaining material success? Indeed, there is. 10 Compelling Reasons to Stop Singing the Blues Are you: Personal Power: Implementing Change from the Inside Out Personal power is an INSIDE JOB. It doesn't mean getting other people to do what you want them to; it means getting yourself moving toward your goals. What creates the power is a series of attitudinal realities which you create for yourself and by yourself. Therefore, the key resource in managing change is YOU. Emerging As Winners! People like to emerge as winners by hook or crook and this is what one gets landed up in. It is human nature to desire to become rich, powerful, popular and famous always and forever. On the surface, it appears that we are competing with everyone else in this world and running a never-ending rat race. It is natural for all human beings to desire and work for wealth, power and prestige. Jesus Christ and Buddha and many others emerged as winners in the sense their preachings enriched people in the spiritual sense. People like Bill Gates or Jamshedji Tata, Godraj emerged as winners because they established business which catered to the needs of others. Risking For Success Everything we do in life involves risk. There's no growth of any kind without risk. We start running risks when we get out of bed in the morning. We take a risk every time we cross the street. Risks are good for us. They bring out the best in us. And, you cannot achieve happiness or success without taking risks. Five Principals for Prosperity Many years ago, forty to be exact, I started my own business at the tender age of nineteen. The street markets in and around Manchester England was my happy hunting ground. Every day was an adventure and despite the weather and difficulties of getting a stall on the street market, life was always fun and enjoyable. There was always some comical incident, even when I had to stand in the pouring rain, with no customers in sight. And if there was no amusing event to focus on I created one and made other people laugh. Stop Juggling, and Start Achieving! Three Steps to the Top! Want more success in your business or professional life? Here's a proven-effective 3-step strategy that will help take you soaring to the top in any endeavor. Success Lessons from Baseball - Enthusiasm And Excitement Can Make The Difference I remember, about 35 years ago, reading two books by Frank Bettger, the baseball player, about how enthusiasm made all the difference in his life. His books made a difference in my life at the time and are still well worth reading and re-reading. ![]() |
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