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Why Many People Fail to Succeed
You are never a failure until you accept defeat as permanent and quit trying. Everyone faces defeat. It may be a stepping-stone or a stumbling block, depending o�n the mental attitude with which it is faced. Very rarely do we find home business entrepreneurs succeed at their first attempt. o�ne has to learn through the school of hard knocks, before o�ne can emerge as a champion of success. While failure forms the foundation for the building of success, we can shorten the route to our success by learning from the mistakes of other people. A smart person does not make the same mistake twice. A smarter person will learn from the mistakes of others! Let us examine why most people fail in their work at home business 1. Selecting the right Business We reap what we sow. We need to find fertile land before we sow the seed of our efforts, but o�nce we have found an opportunity that suits us, we should not uproot the seed and keep planting from o�ne field to another. The investment of our efforts takes time to set root and give the fruits that we desire. It is important to research the right opportunity before we commit ourselves. Many people realise all too late that the business they have got involved with is not the ideal marriage partner, but they try stick it out anyway, o�nly to find that a divorce is inevitable down the roa ! That is why o�ne has to exercise due diligence before selecting a work at home business, fortunately, its not as difficult as selecting a marriage partner! If you are with a stable business that has been around for over three years, has a good compensation plan and growing membership, you should be fine. 2. Attitude People who fail in a work at home business usually tend to have the wrong attitude. They expect to build a business without putting in the required effort. Attitude is everything. We are what we think we are. The power of positive thinking is what breeds success. Nothing is Impossible unless you think it is. The habitual inclination of your thoughts determines your talents and your personality. If you find yourself dwelling o�n negative thoughts, you need to think them away by replacing them with positive constructive thoughts. Success comes to people with a win win attitude, who see the opportunity in every problem. 3. Persistence Most people give up too early. People can enter and exit a home business as and when they like because o�nline business programs are easy to join, and most of them require no upfront investment. If you are o�nly kicking the tires, testing the waters, then it is fine to move o�n if you do not feel suited to a particular business. But o�nce you commit yourself, you should act like you have invested thousands of dollars in your business and treat your business that way. It may take a few months to even a couple of years but if you persist with the right business opportunity, you cannot fail. Other Factors that leads to failure may be - Wrong or misleading information - Lack of Clear Directions - Lack of Support from uppline - Lack of money to invest in your business - Lack of technical knowledge to build and manage your website - Lack of time to run your business - Products are not selling - Fear of Rejection But know this, all these are secondary reasons, or rather excuses for failure. With the right attitude and persistence, all of these factors can be easily overcome. Examine any person who has failed in an o�nline business and you will find that either they were with the wrong company, or had the wrong attitude or lacked persistence. Now that you know the exact recipe for failure, you should be able to create your success. The right business worked with a positive attitude will eventually lead to success when there is persistence. Remember that failures are o�nly stepping stones to success, if you fall a few times, just get up, dust yourself, and be o�n your way. When a child is learning to walk it will have to fall few times, One has to fail, to succeed in a work at home business. With the right attitude, o�ne cannot fail to succeed in a work at home business. Now Read that o�nce again! This article may be reproduced provided the authors name and website are included. Mufad is the founder of the popular Work at Home Community website Biz-Whiz.com that features free membership, home business articles, ebooks and a discussion forum. Become a Member of the Biz-Whiz.com Work at Home Community today.
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Number One Killer Of Could-Have-Been Success Stories Fear. 7 Essential Body Language Tips The secrets of our body language have been around forever yet people constantly fail to recognize the importance of using body language to their advantage. Did you know that people only pay attention to 7% of what we say? Where does the rest of their attention go? You guessed it right: our body language. Now let me give my 7 BLT's so that you can use your body language much more efficiently when interacting with people. ![]() |
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