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Modelling Your Way to Success
The fastest way to succeeding in anything, be it online or other areas of your life, is to MODEL those that are already achieving success in what they do. It's that simple. If you study and practice NLP you would probably have come across this term. If you want set up a successful franchise, study McDonalds and Burger King or any other franchise operation that's successful, and model them. Like wise, if you want to be a successful online marketer, study those who already made it and model them - their lead generation process, their follow up system, their marketing system etc etc Besides that, you might also want to model these individuals in terms of their thought process, attitudes, behaviours, and so on. You need to possess both - the right mental thought process as well as the knowledge and ability to see the whole picture - to integrate the parts and make it whole Once you've gained Clarity on what you want, why you want and what you love to do, look for people or businesses which you can model. Once you get the results you want, you can then start thinking of ways to improve the process/system that brought the results you want. Brandon brandon @ brandon-hong.com http://www.you-can-have-everything.com Brandon is author of "How A Newbie Made It Online". A True story of how a 3 month 'newbie' and marketing 'dummy' with no list, no contacts, no products, overcame all odds to create his 1st product, built his list and make money online. http://www.how-a-newbie-madeit-online.com
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True Success I did it my way -Frank Sinatra The Best Way to Perform the Miracle of Success These days success is a hotly debated subject. Nevertheless, people haven't realized that the real pathway to success is an internal process. As soon as you develop the consciousness of prosperity, this energy spreads out to your exterior world, imparting the Midas touch to everything you perform. Creating A Life You Love Imagine that right now, right here, today? there is within your grasp not one but several opportunities to redesign specific aspects of your life so that the sum total is a life you absolutely love. Then imagine that the only thing standing between you and your opportunities is a closed mind, fear, habits, concern, worry, drama, or perhaps mental, physical, and emotional clutter. Do you know what a default is? It's what you get when you don't choose to get something else and for most of us a default life is average and mediocre with sprinkles of joy in between. A default life is living for the weekend. A default like is hanging on 'til retirement. A default life is waiting for the kids to grow up, move out, and finish college. A default life is waiting, and waiting, and waiting for things to get better someday?one day. Principles Of Success Succinctly said, success is harmony. When the result is congruent with the ideal, success has been achieved. When the thought germinates and ripens to produce the consequence desired, victory is accorded. Reach Your Goals - Clown Around Clown around�Among the Plains Indians, heyoka, or sacred clowns, often purposely behave in strange or counter-intuitive ways, such as living their lives "backward" (riding facing the rear of the horse, drying off before bathing, etc.).� They also tell tales of sadness and woe during good times and spin gleeful tales during times of want.� This is done to teach the tribe's members not to take life too seriously, to remind them that all ups and downs are transient, and, on a more metaphysical level, to maintain the appropriate mental and spiritual balance of the tribe as a unit in relationship to the spirit world.� Heyoka are held in very high esteem and thought to possess very strong medicine (spiritual/magical power) to keep the tribe healthy and safe through these actions. Stop Reading Success Books and Start Being Successful So you want to be successful (whatever that means to you) and you've been to the motivational lectures, seminars and you've read the latest books on how to make a billion dollars in 17 seconds!!! Why Pain?: An Understanding of Pain as a Necessary Part of Personal Growth Champions expect pain, endure pain, and never complain. ---Unknown Dont Let Conflict Keep You from Success Anytime you are making ground and moving toward success, there will inevitably be the opportunity for conflict. That is just a fact of life. You put two people or more in a group and there is potential for conflict - and conflict, improperly handled, can destroy your ability to continue on and achieve your goals. Top Ten Breakthrough Behaviors For Excellence 1. Be Courageous. Flex your risk muscle and step out of your comfort zone ? everyday. Nothing extraordinary will happen without courage. The Courage To Act The world is full of people with great intentions. They dream about all the wonderful things they would like to have and do in their lives, as soon as they get around to it. They get ready, they get everything in order, and they even have plenty of opportunities. They set specific goals with detailed plans on how to accomplish them. They read books, listen to audio programs, and attend seminars in their field. Three Gratifying Ways To Add Abundance To Your Life Abundance is intangible, spiritual and attracts energy. To attract this type of energy you need to define it, for when you name it, you can claim it. Your definition of abundance is as personal as your DNA. 5 Key Ways to Attract Abundance and Prosperity When you hear the words "abundance" and "prosperity", what immediately comes to mind?Is it money, fulfilling relationships, a lovely house to live in, peace of mind, a career/vocation that expresses your gifts? Abundance Creating Resources You Already Have You already have all the resources you need to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Fact is, it is true. You do have all the resources you need. All of them. The questions are: how broad is your awareness of these resources which resources are we talking of here? and, for which needs? There are countless resources that each individual possesses. It would be nigh impossible and self-defeating to attempt to discuss and highlight even a quarter of these resources in a short discourse as this one. Let us take a look at a few of the resources you already have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve: Creating Vision You have probably heard it before, or you may even have said it yourself. "Where there is no vision, the people perish". In the absence of a compelling vision, people tend to be stuck in their present circumstances. They wallow in a 'comfort zone' and drift from self-pity to anxiety and anger. Where there is no vision people perish. Vision is neither wishful thinking, nor is it an expression of hope or a modified form of day-dreaming. Vision is the rare ability of standing in the future and looking at the past as it unfolded. While you are standing there, you make decisions from that 'future' (instead of from pressing present circumstances). For some vision is the ability to outline a point of convergence related to their personal focus. This means determining and acknowledging ahead of fact, the destination of one's efforts. Making the Right Decisions The ability to make good decisions is an essential step in becoming a good leader. Don't try to make decisions unless you know all the facts and risks involved. The safest way to weigh your decisions is to put them through a checklist that covers pertinent information. There Is Room For Everyone At The Top Do you believe that? Do you believe we can all become successful? Every single person on this earth old and young. Do you believe every single person can be successful? To Be is to Become To make change effective, you have to BE what you want to BECOME. Discipline I've been thinking a lot about what I believe to be the central challenge facing our clients right now, along with the rest of our society.� �It's not an original concept by any means, but more and more I come to believe that it is the key to unlocking every success principle in existence. The Secret to Intense Focus By One of the common elements you see in almost all successful people is focus. They saw what they wanted to achieve and they focused in on it like a laser. Then, when they become famous and we, the common folk, know their name, we are amazed at the focus they have. Why Wealth is Loving, Caring, and Sharing Wealth is more than money. It's abundance, or as the Italians call it, abbondanza, plenty, overflowing supply. Professional Success: Avoid Becoming A Dinosaur Jack Nichlaus was asked if there are really talented golfers who never make it. "Oh, hundreds of them", he replied. "A lot of people out there are more talented than I am and yet, through the years, I've passed them by...That's because they did not have the drive to keep on learning...In other words, they didn't try to get better." ![]() |
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