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How to Make the Online Sales Copy for Your Website More Conversational
It has been said that the best online sales copy is one that talks to your prospect as if you are in together in a conversation. But for some of my subscribers to my newsletter, they find it difficult to accomplish. They say that it is hard to "talk on paper". How can this be? My guess is that the training in school did not provide much opportunity to practice on writing a conversational piece of work. Another guess is that there are tons of articles by copywriting experts on writing screaming headlines but less help is available on how to make the rest of your sales copy sound conversational. The solution that I propose is to speak to a recorder and have what is recorded transcribed. Having said that, here are 30 short phrases that can possibly help you connect ideas on your sales letter into one flowing conversation: 1. Are you kidding? 2. Just imagine? 3. What does this all mean for you? 4. Don't you agree? 5. The tip of the iceberg is?. 6. Here is what's in store for you? 7. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and relax. In the next 5 minutes, let me share with you?.. 8. You need proof? 9. Think about it?. 10. The result after 2 weeks? 11. Having said that? 12. You may be asking?. 13. The reality is?. 14. Allow me to share my story? 15. Back to what I was saying? 16. Now, what was my first point about? 17. Hang on! Wait a minute! 18. Make no mistakes about this? 19. Still not convinced? How about I throw in a couple more freebies? 20. And the worst part is?. 21. And the best part is?. 22. Your eyes playing tricks on you? No, you read that right? 23. I dare say? 24. I assure you?. 25. Want to know a secret? 26. I've just let the cat out of the bag by sharing with you?.. 27. It's amazing, isn't it? 28. Do you know what happenend? 29. And then? 30. Let me just recap quickly here? If you find the above 30 phrases useful, I suggest you bookmark this article and any other great sales letters that you come across. Keep these pieces in a separate folder. Whenever you feel the need to, just open up this folder, lift these "conversational phrases" and inject them into your very own copy! Evelyn Lim is the publisher of weekly newsletter "Mapping You to Success". She aims to equip her readers with skills to acquire multiple sources of online income. To subscribe to her newsletter, please visit http://www.e-BizMap.com. Or, read her blog "Online home business journals from Singapore" at http://www.EvelynLim.com for more information.
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Get FASTER Download Times By Making BIGGER Web Pages! As a webmaster you already know how important it is that your web pages download fast. In a nutshell, if your pages are slow, then you're losing visitors. And if you're losing visitors, you're losing money. 10 Important Web Design Tips: SEO Friendly Website A website should firstly be searched out by visitors before talking about attracting or retaining those visitors. Nowadays, a "well designed website" does not only relate to a web site's visual attractiveness but more importantly, how friendly it is with search engines. How To Choose The Right Web Design Company 1. Size does not equate to competence User Experience and Search Engines: If Your Home Page Could Only Talk Dear web site visitor. A Landing Page is Not an Order Page (and why it matters) To explain my point I need to first confuse the issue a bit (you'll see why): While a landing page is not an order page, it can, and in many cases should, contain the order form. Tableless Web Designs: Why I Switched Since I made the switch 6 months ago to a tableless design on my main site, I've noticed some interesting things: My search engine rankings have dramatically improved My bandwidth usage has dropped about 50-75% I can now make changes to the look and feel of my site easily by just changing the one file, the stylesheet. Let's look at why my search engine rankings improved. Now that I have less un-indexable code on my pages, the search engines can now spider my site quicker. Less code, more content, therefore a better ranking. Makes sense, doesn't it? Bandwidth costs money, and unless you have a really good hosting plan with lots of bandwidth, then your larger files will take up more room on your server, and take a lot longer to load. Tableless designs use up considerably less bandwidth and are more accessible. Every once in a while I may want to alter the look of my site. I like to change font colors, link colors, menu items, etc?Before I started using tableless designs, these changes took me hours to do. Now I just open up my stylesheet, make the changes I want, and in a few minutes I have my site updated with the new look and feel. It's so easy! For a client who wants to make their own changes, tableless designs could literally save them thousands on tech costs. Most of my clients still want sites with tables. I now give them the choice of either style. After all, the customer needs to be happy, right? Some people have the misconception that utilizing tableless designs means having a boring and less graphical site. Nothing could be further from the truth. Take a look at one of my favorite websites: http://www.csszengarden.com/. At that site you can really appreciate what can be accomplished through css-based tableless designs. Beautiful! Make the switch to a more profitable, usable, and accessible website! Copyright 2005 - Karen Blundell Website Advertising: 10 Dynamic Tactics To Super-Charge Your Sales Here are 10 dynamic website advertising tactics to super-charge your sales, starting now: Bad Design Characteristics For A Website Making a poorly designed website is one of the easiest things you can do as a webmaster! You barely need to try! If you want to run a successful high traffic website there are many different elements of design that you need to implement, and ones you need to avoid. Website Design: 10 Web Site Design Pitfalls To Avoid If you've a website that is not generating a lot of sales, it may be due to some design flaws. Some File Naming Tricks for Your Online Home Based Business Web Pages Conventional Wisdom states you should use Sub-Directories to organize your web Pages. Unfortunately the Page Indexing Tools Penalize your Page Rankings when you Do this, Many of the Page Ranking Algorithms in use today deem that pages closed to your Root are of a Higher Value then pages that are further away from your root. If you have 2 Web Pages with the Exact same content (web1.html and web2.html) http://yourdomain.com/web1.html and http://yourdomain.com/articles/training/web2.html Secrets to Using Color on Your Website and Common Pitfalls to Avoid Colors have long been known to have psychological affects on mood and interpretation. So, when you are designing your website, you should keep in mind the influence color might have on your visitors. Do some research to find out which colors promote your product and services best as well as which colors make visitors interested in buying your products. You should take all of this into account in order to create the best atmosphere for buying that you can. Create A Web Site That Builds Trust If someone doesn't know you personally, will they trust you enough to do business with you just by visiting your web site? Website Design Mishaps - How to Avoid Costly Errors That Can Crush Your Chances of Success Designing your website can be a difficult task especially if you decide to do it on your own and you have no experience. There are many websites and web hosts that provide tools to allow you to build your website, but if you have no knowledge of what works and what does not work in web design, you could be setting yourself up for a big fall. Review the following suggestions, implement them into your web design, and forget about being the guy with a badly designed web page. How a Custom Designed Website Can Help Your Business Over the years, the internet has grown into a marvelous avenue to promote your business. The Top 8 Website Sins Part Two Sin #5 Optimized Web Page Template I want to give you a free web page template that will be search engine friendly. Why? Freelancers Bite Back! The Internet has seen an explosion in so called 'lance' sites. Their service are a sort of go between to bring together clients requiring projects with freelancer seeking work. Whilst the client uses the service for free, the freelancer is charge an ever increasing fees just for the priviledge of bidding for the projects. In theory this seems reasonable but in practice the market is being destroyed by lower and lower bids as more freelancers from around the globe bid against each other, which in turn is pushing down the quality of the work. Creating a Favicon Once, I attempted to create a favicon (the little graphic in the URL address box) for this Web site, but never did finish the work until now. I used a free program that allowed me to copy and paste an image to create an icon, but I believe it has spyware so I won't share its name. There are many icon creators out there. Copy Editing: 10 Powerful, Mind Blowing Secrets For Writing A High-Impact Ad No matter what product or service you're promoting, unless you are able to write and use a highly persuasive Ad, you may not generate a lot of traffics and sales. Keyword Density We can't emphasize enough the importance of including keyword-rich content on your site to increase your ranking potential. Simply put, keywords are the words and/or word phrases people use when searching. As we've mentioned throughout the site, search engine spiders love content. Therefore, the more keyword-rich content you have, the better. When a search engine spider crawls your site, it won't recognize pictures or images. ![]() |
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