Fit or Fat?!

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"Hey, you have reduced now, compared to the last time I saw you!"

These are golden words for a woman who is fat. This woman would not even have lost an ounce but this one makes her feel good. She decides to lose weight. The heavy dinner gives her a good sleep and next day she is back to her old self hogging all kinds of food and being her lazy self!

Just tell a fat man or woman "You look fat" and you are a goner. No fat man or woman would like to use the word "fat". It is either "obese" or "stout" or "on the fatter side and if on diet I will reduce". There is an aversion to the word "fat". Be it either man or woman, both sexes have become conscious of putting on weight but the basic problem in reducing weight lies in the rigid rules, which they would not follow even for a dime.

Being fat often is the subject of mockery. The fatties are forced to smile and put up with jokes on themselves and they are asked to be sportive when they become the subject of "mockery". The comedians in films often are huge persons who love to be laughed upon! It is a cultural demand that they be smiling while others mock at them!

The worst is about other people who feel they have the right to advice these poor things! " Be on fruits and vegetable diet for a month and see a remarkable change in you!! " they say. It is easier to advice others. This advice would be told on the table while these advisers hog all the food kept around them. "Try jogging" is the next. "Wait man, you become fat and you jog on the roads while people let out some cynical grins" The fatso thinks with gritted teeth!

The fatso goes home and thinks again. Self-control is the best method and there should be some road to it. With self-pity and depression he curses himself, "I am a walking environmental hazard!" But what action is taken? Nothing!

Determination and self-control is what is needed to lose weight and prevent health hazards because irregular food timing has become a must for the younger generation who has to spend 90% of their days at workplaces. Are they aware that this no-breakfast, quick-lunch and having a big meal at night is affecting their health adversely?

All we need is a half an hour to one hour walk and get your nose and mouth and hands off from these deep-fried and fatty foods and we will fare better!

HPriya Sivan


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