Health Secrets of Cayenne

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For many years, herbalists believe that Cayenne is the most useful herb on the entire planet. It's especially significant in the health aid of the entire digestive and circulatory system. Cayenne has even been known to stop heart attacks in less than 30 seconds. In addition, it increases the effectiveness of other herbs when mixed together. For example, just a teaspoon of cayenne mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil helps to prevent sea and/or air sickness. It is also used as a weight loss aid when mixed with Ginger Root, Apple Cider Vinegar, Potassium, and a few other herbs. In fact, there is a powerful night time fat burner on the market that incorporates Cayenne into their secret mix of herbs that safely burns fat while you sleep. You can get more information by going to

Cayenne is widely used as for medicinal purposes as well. The Maya Indians of Belize originally discovered that Cayenne Pepper, warmed as a tea, was an excellent remedy for breaking up congestion in sinuses. As medicine and overall research has advanced, we have discovered Cayenne is high in Vitamins A, C, and B complexes. The rich organic calcium and potassium content is one of the core reasons it's good for the heart. The digestive system benefits from Cayenne just as the heart does. Researchers have found that it can rebuild the tissue in the stomach and the peristaltic action within the intestines. It also assists the body in creating hydrochloric acid which is critical for proper digestive functionality. The reason this is so important is that now we realize the digestive system plays a most valuable role in the core emotional, mental, and physical health. Our brain, glands, muscles, and every all other parts of the body are fed through the digestive system.

As you can see, other than a great tasting spice in your favorite Indian, Oriental, and Mexican dishes, Cayenne promotes overall total body health as well. Ask your doctor if you should incorporate Cayenne in your daily diet.

Ted is an accomplished Marketer with more than 12 years of Market Research, Trends, and Lifecycle Product Development experience in the telecommunication industry. He holds a BBA in Marketing from Kennesaw State University. He is currently the President of Business Consultants Group, Inc.


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