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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Atkins Bankruptcy: Your New Decisions To A Healthy Life!
Atkins Nutritionals filed for bankruptcy at the beginning of August 2005 in light of a decline in the diet's popularity and profits. Atkins low carbohydrate craze focused on eliminating grains, fruits and vegetables to shed weight, and embraced high-protein diets rich in meat and cheese. As the popularity of the diet grew, stores, restaurants and manufacturers bent over backwards to respond to a new weight-conscious market. Last year, at the height of the Atkins craze, approximately 9 percent of Americans were following a low-carb diet such as Atkins. Recent surveys indicate the diets popularity had fallen way down to 2 percent. Eating bottomless plates of fatty sausage, bacon and eggs while slashing whole grain, fruit and vegetable consumption defies all nutrition logic. The two-thirds of Americans who are overweight, would do well following the most effective method of healthy lifelong weight management: Eating a diet plan based on complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, moderate in protein and relatively low in fat. It's a balance you need, not going to extremes by cutting out all carbohydrates. One of the big problems of the low-carb Atkins is that it eliminates some the most healthful foods that should be the foundation for our diets. New 2005 USDA Dietary Guidelines help Americans make better food choices and live healthier lives. The dietary guidelines stress moderation, whole grains, and fiber -- things low-carb took out. Achieving, and maintaining, a healthy body requires cutting calories gradually, listening to your own individual requirements and increasing regular physical activity. Reaching a healthy body weight is an important key to an energetic life, but equally important factors must include building balance, strength, and flexibility, stress reduction, and balanced nutrition to help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and some cancers. RELAX Is your digestive tract energetically charged with tension and worry? If you are obsessed with what you can and cannot eat, worrying, or watching television news conflicts while you eat, your stress levels and digestive tract is affected. It's important to keep your thoughts clear and your body at ease while you eat. Enjoy the food you are eating, relax with company of those eating with you, or create a quiet moment alone until you are finished eating. Practice eating consciously, with joy, and with a clear mind for three days and I know your life will change. INNER WORTH On a deep level, those who use or abuse food have made a decision (perhaps an unconscious decision) that they are not worthy of being themselves. They should not express themselves powerfully, and they should not receive pleasure for themselves. Overeating often stems from basic unmet needs for excitement, play, love and genuine self-expression. Often, people have decided they are "supposed" to give pleasure out to others, by being nice and good, smiling sweetly, not being bold, loud, or assertive. We are raised to go along with protocol. We are brainwashed into thinking that uniformity is the key to a happy and rich life. We are supposed to look a certain way, dress in order to please others, contain our excitement. Yet to conform is to live in a state of rejection. Denial of individuality and uniqueness. Dismissal of inner power. Muted passion. Prohibiting receiving or providing the self with pleasure. Without pleasure and other self-soothing strategies, basic emotional states such as stress, anxiety, fear, tiredness, depression, anger, can receive no compassion. CREATE MORE JOY Yes, food can create moments of joy. For some it's a joyful sugar rush. Others seek the calm that comes with the food triggered release of the soothing brain chemical serotonin. This is wonderful. We all want to feel more joy. No need to focus on what a bad person you were for eating. No reason to punish yourself for doing something pleasurable. What is needed are more joyful moments! Joyful experiences that are even more rewarding, more gratifying than eating. Be done with your habit of judging yourself with derogatory messages because you overate. Instead, recognize that you are merely attempting to add joy to your life. You are alerting yourself to the fact that you have outgrown your comfort circle and wish to expand yourself into life. Decide today to create a list and follow through with actions that excite you and bring more joy into your life. ACTIONS FOR HEALTH Health and happiness are not that difficult to have in one's life. It just takes some attention and some action to insure that you have as much of both as you desire. Actions that work for body, health and life: Notice what is right for you from the inside out Dr. Annette Colby, RD For free inspirational newsletter, articles & info visit:
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Weight Loss Problems - Or is it a Self Image Problem? Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of American's health problems lies. Hypnosis, Weight Control, and The Thought That Wont Go Away You've decided it's time to lose some weight. A lot or a little, it doesn't really matter. You Can Lose Weight on a High Carbohydrate Diet A startling fact is that carbohydrates are not responsible for making people fat. Don't feel too badly though, you are not the only person who was sold on the idea that a high protein, low carb diet was the only way to lose weight. How to Eat All You Want and Still Lose Weight How would you like to eat all you want and still lose weight, or maintain your trim figure? Sounds impossible? Have you seen those skinny young women who eat like horses, with plate after plate of food at the buffet table without putting on any weight? Ok, so some of them may be bulimic. You know, the sort who eat all they want, then go to the toilet to throw up everything they just ate. All Natural Weight Loss Secrets Revealed There are tons of fad diets and weight loss schemes being thrown at you every day. It's hard to tell which ones work without emptying your wallet in the process. Are You Losing Body Fat or Water? "I tried that diet and lost 8 pounds in the first week!""I've gained three pounds in one day! It must have been the cookie I ate or maybe the mashed potatoes!"These are comments I hear so often that I decided it would be a good topic for an article to help people have a better understanding of the fluctuating numbers on their scale. It is important to understand, when we step on a scale, it is measuring every part of our physical being at that moment in time, which means it measures our fat, muscles, organs, tissue and water weight. Mindfulness - The Key to Avoiding Overeating I made myself a sandwich today and thought I'd be efficient and do some work over lunch. I was brainstorming some ideas for my next article. The Answer to Combining Diet & Exercise for Maximum Weight Loss Put simply, your resting metabolic rate is the minimum number of calories your body needs to survive if you sleep in bed all day. Your body needs energy for hundreds of bodily functions such as breathing, keeping the brain functioning and any movement your body makes. How Did I Get So FAT! "I never saw it coming, how did I get so fat" is what people all over the world are thinking. Lets do a little math to see how we all got fat. BuildingMoreThanBodies: Best Proteins For Burning Body Fat and Building Lean Muscles and Strong Bone Lean turkeyLean ground beefChicken breastFish, halibut, orange roughy,More fish, shark, red snaperLean hamLean deli style meatsTuna in waterCottage cheese, (regular or low)Egg whitesWhole eggsShrimp, scallopsSoy based proteinsEggbeeter** Serving size 3-6 oz per meal.These are a great start!!Joel Mosley http://www. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #13 Life is great, isn't it? Stop and just look around you as you're reading this and breathe in all that you have to be grateful for. You have a computer; you have the Internet; you have the ability to type; you can read; you have an attractive, intelligent, vibrant 50-year old woman who cares about you-that's me! Remember to define yourself as Divine. Weight Loss: Are You Frustrated? Have Low Energy? Dont Feel Good about Yourself? Lose Weight Now! Twenty years of health club consulting, 50,000 hours of paid personal training, and trainer to the stars has taught me one thing; weight loss is not about numbers, it's about your approach. Here it is in a nut shell!#1: Determine HOW you are motivated and WHERE your desires come from. Do You Need To Cut Down 100 Calories A Day? But Dont Know What 100 Calories Is? The difference between weight loss, and steady or weight gain, can be as little as 100 calories a day. Well, that is according to the American Dietetic Association, and it is very easy to believe the underlying truth in that. Is Low-Carb Really The Way To Go? The latest trend in the area of weight loss is low-carb diets such as the Atkins Diet. With so much conflicting information out there on nutrition and weight loss, it's difficult for the average person to not only find out what works, but also understand how to apply it. Lose Weight, Get Fit, and Live Longer If all we have to do is exercise to live a fuller and healthier life then why isn't everybody doing it? Not enough time? Too expensive? Unmotivated? Well the fact is everybody wants to be healthier but it is time consuming and expensive. Or is it? The problem is that an individual's health is not given a high priority until it's gone. Weight Loss Success - When there are NO More Options Left! One of the worst things you can hear in life is when your doctor says, "There are no more options for you." What if you had to live your life thinking that there are no options, no way to turn your life around? Many times in life our health is taken for granted. Obesity & Weight Management Is a Social Issue Much has been written about obesity and globesity. Obesity is perhaps the biggest drain on any nations economic resources with a mind-boggling costs to which researchers are yet to put a final figure. Hydrate to Lose Weight: The Real Skinny On Water Retention and Sodium If you've been scouring the news, devouring as much information as possible regarding weight loss, you've likely heard all the buzz about the relationship between weight loss and drinking water. It has been well documented that the liver is able to metabolize more fat if you help out your kidneys by drinking plenty of water each day. The Low Carb Diet F.A.Q. When most people think of low carb diets they automatically think Atkins. For obvious reasons. College Weight Gain Students today are faced with the serious reality of unwanted weight gain as they enter college. A recent study by Cornell University found that on average, college freshman gain about 0. ![]() |
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