All Natural Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

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There are tons of fad diets and weight loss schemes being thrown at you every day. It's hard to tell which ones work without emptying your wallet in the process. I'm going to put all those fad diets and schemes to rest. There is a way to lose weight quickly and safely and it can be found in your own kitchen cabinets. I know, I didn't believe it at first either but after using these secrets, which are used by top celebrities every day and of course exercising and eating healthy, I have lost a tremendous amount of weight in literally no time flat.

Secret #1: Apple Cider Vinegar - The powerful health and healing qualities of apple cider vinegar has been known and used since 3000 B.C. It has been called by many, "nature's perfect food". Apple cider vinegar is very effective in detoxifying various organs in the body, breaking down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits, preventing high blood pressure, and promoting weight loss. It literally has over 20 health benefits ranging from arthritis to headache relief to weight loss.

Secret #2: Cayenne - If you aren't plagued by spicy food, try sprinkling a dash of cayenne on your food. It contains an ingredient called capsaicin that stimulates saliva, stimulates digestion and accelerates your metabolism at a safer level. It is also said to be unequalled for warding off diseases. A preparation in use in the West Indies called Mandram, for weak digestion and loss of appetite, is made of thinly sliced and unskinned cucumbers, shallots, chives, or onions, lemon or lime juice, Madeira, and a few pods of bird pepper well mashed up in the liquids. It can be used as chutney.

Secret #3: Ginger Root - Ginger was always known as a medicinal plant and a spice in India and China for thousands of years. Ginger has been used by many as a remedy for the common cold. Other benefits of ginger include its ability to cleanse the colon, reduce spasms and cramps, stimulate circulation, and aid metabolism. Many have used it to treat colitis, nausea, gas, indigestion, bowel disorders, morning sickness, motion sickness, vomiting, congestion, fever, and headaches. Asian medicine still uses it as a treatment for asthma, shortness of breath, water retention, earache, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic practitioners even recommend it for sexual disorders.

An added benefit to Ginger is that it is a strong antioxidant and effective microbial agent for sores and wounds. How does Ginger work in the digestive system? It helps protect the gastric system by increasing the pH of stomach acid, reducing its acidity, thereby lower the rate of gastric secretions, and increasing digestive enzyme activity. By providing you with a clear head and by working as a metabolism aid, Ginger Root is the perfect compliment to any diet plan.

Secret #4: Potassium - A common practice with weight loss shakes and special dietary formulations is to add extra potassium for its diuretic attributes. It is one of the most effective and important nutrients to aid weight loss. Some healthy food that I eat on a regular basis which has a lot of potassium includes beans, peas, potatoes, grains, nuts, and fruits.

Secret #5: Bromelain - Bromelain is an enzyme that helps your body to break down and digest food. It is very useful in helping to digest proteins. It can be found in the pineapple plant. It was discovered in 1957 and widely studied. It is also useful for reducing muscle and tissue inflammation.

I have personally used these 5 secrets to shed pounds easily and effectively. But the benefits certainly don't stop at weight loss. They have many other health benefits, which I have discussed. I know for a fact that top celebrities and athletes used these secrets daily to keep that perfect body you always see on television. I guarantee that by utilizing these secrets you will find your self healthier than ever. Along with proper diet and exercise you will see some amazing weight loss results using these secrets.

For more Secrets to All Natural Weight Loss, visit my website at:

Copyright 2005, Adam Faherty


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