Dieting Tips

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Some of my dieting tips are not conventional. You can read zillions of tips where they say, don't shop while hungry or just eat less and where has that gotten you?

1. Eight glasses of water everyday. This is a common diet tip and most people know this, yet they still don't drink enough water during the day.

There are some very important reasons for drinking water. It hasn't got any calories and it's devoid of caffeine and chemicals. Sometimes when you think you're hungry, it's really thirst that will curb the cravings. Cold water can be hard on the kidneys so drink it lukewarm.

2. Try and have some variety. When you do your grocery shopping, buy some vegetables you've never tried before. It's easier to resist temptation if you have healthy foods in the house.

3. When you park the car, park as far as you can from the bank, grocery store, dry cleaners and enjoy the walk. It increases your metabolism and you can burn off more calories per day.

4. Buy some of those hideous tasting, stop-biting-your-nails polish. I discovered this tip years ago when trying to break a nail-biting habit. You cannot eat snack foods when this stuff is on your nails. Your awareness of snacking becomes quite heightened.

5. Don't eat after 6:00 p.m.

Enough said.

About the author

Gwen Jones
Gwen is a freelance writer, researcher who continues to put into the hands of the public resources, articles and information. Dieting Easy


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