Are you Making these Weight Loss Mistakes?

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There are all kinds of fad diets and quick fixes to weight loss out there. In reality, if you want to lose weight (besides liposuction) there is only one way to do it - that is to burn more calories than you consume. This can be done by exercising on a regular basis and eating a well- balanced diet. You don't have to deprive yourself of certain foods or even sweets, if you eat moderate amounts. If you are trying to lose weight and have not been successful you maybe making these weight loss mistakes:

1. Starvation: If when you decide to lose weight you stop eating or eat very little those first pounds you lose are muscle and water. So, when you begin to eat again (and you will because you can't continue like that) you will have less lean muscle mass (muscle burns calories) and you will gain faster. You will actually become fatter - you will have more fat than you had before you started the diet.

2. Skipping meals or skipping breakfast: When you don't eat for awhile your body thinks it is being starved and will hold on to calories by slowing down the number of calories it burns. When you begin to eat again you will burn fewer calories and gain weight faster. Also, because you haven't eaten in awhile you will more likely eat more and make bad food choices.

3. A diet that consists of only 1 or 2 choices: Any diet that deprives you of the basic food groups will not work. You will probably lose weight in the short term but it will be bad for your health and, again when you go back to your regular eating patterns the weight will come back too.

4. Eating Lots of Vegetables: Do you think you read that wrong? No, you didn't. Eating lots of vegetables is great, however when they are soaked in a high calorie dressing you will probably gain more weight than you will ever lose. Count the calories in everything you consume - especially the dressings.

5. Not exercising: Moving will make those pounds come off a lot faster. If you don't like to exercise (and many don't) incorporate movement into your day. Walk up the stairs rather than taking the elevator, park at the far end of the parking lot or walk to work if you can. Twenty minutes of exercise a day will make a difference and you will burn more calories.

When you have decided to eat healthy foods and count calories and you still have the urge to snack use these suggestions to curb the cravings:

* When you feel the urge to eat, do something active instead to distract yourself such as getting out of the house away from the food. It is a good idea to have some projects lined up to keep you busy before you start.

* Brush your teeth

* Drink water. Besides making you feel full water will keep you occupied and is good for your skin.

* If you absolutely have to eat, choose crunchy vegetables (pre-cut), pretzels, rice cakes or low fat popcorn.

�Copyright 2005 Sheila Dicks

Sheila Dicks is an Image and Wardrobe consultant who helps women learn how to dress to suit their body type and look fabulous. You can reach her at to download her ebook, "Image Makeovers" and get "How to Build a Wardrobe" ebook free.


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