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Diet Fads-Forget about 'Em

Another fad "best diet" bites the dust. Adkins Company filed for bankruptcy recently after making a huge impact on the American diet scene. Why did it fail? People used it and found it didn't work long term.

This should be no surprise to anyone familiar with what our bodies need to function, and be well. Diet fads are just that-fads. They do not tend to stick around long because sooner or later people realize that they simply do not work in the long run.

Sure, you could try to eat only grapefruit for month, but the chances are high that after a few days you will bag the entire idea and revert to your old ways of eating. High protein diet fads were the rage for a while, and it was virtually impossible to turn on the television without hearing about how one celebrity or another follows the Atkins or Zone Diet to look so svelte.

In reality, trying to omit certain foods from your diet permanently rarely works for the long haul. If you try to ban whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes from your diet because they contain carbohydrates, your body will step up the craving factor and you will find it harder to resist these foods. The body is set up to crave what it needs to survive. There is absolutely nothing wrong with eating carbohydrates, especially complex carbohydrates, because these foods do not make you fat. What makes people fat is taking in more calories than are being expended on a daily basis.

In other words, you may be eating healthy foods, but if you do not get moving on a regular basis through exercise, your body will begin to pack on the pounds. As we age, our metabolisms naturally begin to slow down. That being said, it does not mean that you should severely restrict the number of calories you take in to lose weight. On the contrary-what it means is that you need to get active to boost your metabolism and keep those calories from turning into extra fat. The best way to do this is through a combined exercise program of weight training and aerobics, three to five days per week as a minimum.

The important point to keep in mind is that food should not be considered the enemy in the quest to lose weight. Wholesome foods sustain us, give us the energy we need to survive the day, and aid our cells in regeneration. If you need to lose some weight, I encourage you to learn the facts, and apply them to your own life. Diet Fads are worthless. Once you understand what it takes to lose weight safely, you will realize just how much your body needs all types of food to help you accomplish your goals. If you need any questions answered, or if you just want a bit of encouragement, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing about your success towards healthier living.

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