Top 10 Weight Loss and Fitness Myths

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WARNING: Don't weight train until after

you've lost weight!

No, no, no, no, pleeeeease don't believe

that headline! That's one of the many

myths associated with weight loss and

fitness. If you're interested in losing

weight and getting fit as quickly as

possible, don't let these myths throw

you off track;

Myth #1 - Some fancy exercise

machine-of-the-month burns more calories

than any other exercise.

FACT - One thing that many people seem to be

confused about is how many calories are

expended during different types of exercise.

For example, I receive lots of questions

regarding how many calories are burned with

fancy exercise machines or certain unusual

exercises that are supposed to burn lots of


Don't be fooled by this stuff! Here's

the bottom line - caloric expenditure is

directly related to the amount of effort an

activity requires. In general, the more

difficult it feels, the more calories you burn.

The easier it feels the fewer calories you burn.

That's it! I don't care how fancy or expensive

the equipment is, the harder you work the

more calories you burn.

Myth #2 - Weight training with free weights

is much more effective than with machines.

FACT - For the purposes of general fitness,

muscle toning, and weight loss, it doesn't

matter. My suggestion is to do whichever you

are most comfortable with and are most likely

to do on a regular basis.

Myth #3 - Low intensity exercise puts

you in the "fat burning zone" and is ideal

for weight loss.

FACT - The "fat burning zone" doesn't matter.

Here's how it got started. Your body is always

"burning" a mixture of carbohydrates and fat

for fuel. This mixture tends to contain a

little more fat during lower intensity exercise.

Somebody took this to mean that a lower

intensity workout was best for losing weight..

not so!

It all comes from the same "pot". It doesn't

matter if you're burning a little more fat or a

little more carbohydrate at any particular time

in your fuel mix. It all comes from the same

calorie pool. The bottom line is, how many

calories are you burning.

Myth #4 - Exercising for 30 minutes two to

three times per week is sufficient for

weight loss.

FACT - That's better than doing nothing but

it's not optimal. I firmly believe that God

designed our bodies to be active daily. When

we exercise daily we are healthier, leaner,

more energetic, and the list goes on and on.

Also, daily exercise boosts your metabolism

like nothing else can. I recommend working

up to 30 to 60 minutes of daily aerobic

exercise and three days of weight training

per week.

Myth #5 - You can lose fat from a specific

part of your body by doing an exercise

for that part of your body. For example,

abdominal crunches will remove fat from

your abdominal area.

FACT - You can't spot reduce! You cannot

control where fat is removed from your body.

Myth #6 - You can't lose weight.

FACT - You CAN lose weight but it usually

happens much slower than you'd like it to.

Believing that you CAN lose weight is critical

to making it happen. Realize that if you are

consistently doing the right things, it will

happen. Don't get side-tracked by every new

crazy diet or exercise gizmo. Keep plugging

away at healthy eating habits and daily

exercise - it will happen!

Myth #7 - You shouldn't start weight training

until you've lost most of the weight you

want to lose because it will slow down your

fat loss, or trap your fat in the muscle, or

who knows what else.

FACT - Weight training is VITAL to a weight

loss program because it turns up the metabolic

fires that burn calories - and it tones your

muscles. You should start weight training


Myth #8 - You burn more fat if you exercise on

an empty stomach.

FACT - Exercising on an empty stomach

does not affect how you lose weight. In fact,

it may hinder it if you don't have the energy

to exercise. You should at least drink a

glass of juice prior to your workout if you're

exercising in the morning.

Myth #9 - You should always do your weight

training just before your aerobic exercise

session because you burn more fat that way.

I've even heard that you should weight

train, eat two raw carrots, and then do your

aerobic exercise.

FACT - The order in which you exercise does

not affect how you lose weight. I always

recommend weight training just after your

aerobic exercise (such as walking) simply

because your muscles are warm and supple and

much less prone to injuries.

Myth #10 - You'll burn more calories jogging a

mile than walking a mile.

FACT - Caloric expenditure is 62 calories per

100 pounds body weight per mile traveled

(walked or jogged). For example, if you weight

150 pounds, you expend 93 calories per mile

walked or jogged (62 x 1.5). Of course, if

you're jogging, you'll cover the distance in

less time than if you're walking. Thus, you'll

burn more calories in a given period of time

if you're jogging.

Get movin'!

copyright 2004 by Greg Landry, M.S

Author and exercise physiologist, Greg Landry,

offers free weight loss and fitness success stories

and targeted, highly affective weight loss programs

for women, men, type 2 diabetics, and people with

slow metabolisms and hypothyroidism..


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