Weight Loss: Are You Frustrated? Have Low Energy? Dont Feel Good about Yourself? Lose Weight Now!

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Twenty years of health club consulting, 50,000 hours of paid personal training, and trainer to the stars has taught me one thing; weight loss is not about numbers, it's about your approach. Here it is in a nut shell!

#1: Determine HOW you are motivated and WHERE your desires come from. You may think you know, but you don't. If you fall on a off the wagon you don't know how you are motivated. People are motivated two ways: fear, pleasure or both. Your desires to feel better look better and are in better shape come from two directions, inside or out. Most people who fall off their exercise and weight loss programs do so because you are motivated by the wrong one of the two. And your desires come from the wrong direction. Figure these out and you will have staying power.

#2: Figure out the true beliefs behind each unwanted behavior of not exercising and eating wrong. You have a false belief system in your head about food and exercise. Determine what it is and then you can change it. If you are not following through and sabotaging your programs, it is because of an illusion you built up in your head.

#3: Develop a GREAT support system. Steps two and three are your key to your success in your weight loss. Encouragement backed up with accountability is the key.

#4: Accept your emotions behind your eating patterns. Pre-plan your meals, have a good perspective toward food, figure out patterns, and watch your portions. That simple.

#5: Just move your butt. Weight loss is not complicated. Keep the big picture in mind. Stay constantly moving, and quit making dumb excuses.

There are no magic formulas to weight loss. Until America wakes up and understands that your health is not about the numbers on the exercise or medical charts, it's about the approach, we will continue to be the fattest nation on earth.

Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert. LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know.

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