Dieting Mistakes - 5 Easy Tips to Avoid Disaster

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Looking to avoid the dieting mistakes many of our weight loss readers have made? Are you interested in steering away from the pitfalls many of us fall into while considering which diet plan makes sense? Perhaps you're just wanting to jump start your own path to nutrition and wellness -- whichever your goal you'll be better off learning from the mistakes of countless others.

While the basics of weight loss include time honored classics like 'eat right and exercise' many of us get caught up in the hype and spin of today's weight loss services. Here's a short list of dieting mistakes you will want to avoid to put you on the path to success:

* Vigorous Exercise - Crash diets are notorious for the adoption of an immediate and vigorous exercise plan. These are usually forced plans pushed out of desperation - with little lasting benefit. Stick with a sensible activity schedule -- a manageable plan that maintains a steady aerobic activity on a regular basis (walking is often just as beneficial with fewer side effects) is more beneficial than a crash exercise plan that will usually only discourage or injure.

* Zero Carbs - Many diets, including Atkins and South Beach, focus on either the complete elimination or the temporary suspension of virtually all carbohydrates. This is both a shock to your system and avoids the simplicity that not all carbs are bad. Ultimately you'll have to balance the benefits with the hardships -- but remember that there are viable alternatives to complete removal of your favorite pasta or fruit/vegetable.

* Pre Packaged Foods - A lot of plans either require or encourage store bought branded foods. These are often backhanded attempts at revenue by the manufacturers and have little nutritional value. Always a red flag and warrants you looking carefully at the merits of the plan. All Plan - No Exercise: Sounds great, but the simple fact is that diets that have no exercise component to them aren't as effective at long term weight loss. Most of the plans we recommend, such as eDiets, specifically include a structured but easy to follow activity plan.

* Fads / Pills / Point Counting: All are on our short list of fad related items to watch closely. Point systems are usually related to calorie counting systems - which ignore the more important factors like metabolism or food combinations.

Avoid the dieting mistakes noted above and you'll be on your way to a successful weight loss lifestyle.

Wayne Mitchell is an author for - which provides reviews and comparisons for wellness and weight loss programs, as well as free diet plan, offers.


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