Weight Loss and Disease - It's Not the Food that's Killing Us!

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Whether coming from a close friend, the nightly news or from a letter in the mail, it's hard to face the truth at times. Hearing it can really cut to the core of our beings. Today, fitness books are mostly filled with advertisements, pill pushers and unrealistic programs that give people false hope. My intention is to give you real hope and with that you'll get straight talk.

It is not my intention to force anything on you or to come across in a harsh way. While the words may be tough to hear, understand I don't know how else to say what I have observed for all these years. We Americans have been HAD because we have not received the truth about what it really takes to be fit and to stay healthy. Quick fixes abound, but the truth is there are no quick fixes that really work?or that last. It is my responsibility as a fitness professional to provide you with the facts. It is my hope that you read this with an open mind and that you understand if you don't do anything about your health today, tomorrow you may say, "If only I had known."

Why have I allowed myself to get into this shape?

With life comes responsibility and with decisions comes consequences. It's your choice today to do something positive. Tomorrow it may be out of your hands. There are three underlying emotions that keep us from taking better care of ourselves: denial, pride, and laziness. Consciously or subconsciously, this threesome is the root of why most Americans have allowed themselves to get in the shape they are in. Are you one of them?

Chances are sooner or later one or all three will be riding with you in the car to the hospital. Have you found yourself saying these things?

"My diet is not that bad." "A few trips to the fast food joint once in awhile won't hurt." "My blood pressure is fine today. It wouldn't hurt if I skipped a day of taking my medication." "My New Year's resolution next month is to get in better shape." "Why have I let myself get this out of shape?


"It won't happen to me?no way, no how!"

Unfortunately, it is what we cannot see that is killing us. Our insides are getting eaten away because of our lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Society is so concerned with extreme makeover television shows that we have been caught off guard with the silent killers: heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Even if the outside looks good, the damage is still done inside our bodies. Over time we have made ourselves feel comfortable with certain lifestyle habits. We overlook the long-term consequences of our behaviors. We see things going on around us, but we continue to put off exercise and eating better for another day. Out of the three, Denial is the sneakiest beast of them all.


"Do not let them see you sweat or show any signs of weakness."

Ever find yourself saying one of these? "If I cannot do it on my own, then I will not do it at all." "Just the very fact of having to take better care of me, irritates me." "I'll put off my check up until next fall."

Ever have any of these thoughts?

Denial's brother, Pride, may not be the sneakiest, but he is the strongest personality of the boys. Having too much pride costs millions of lives every year in any arena you can imagine, especially in health and the aging process. While pride may be the strongest emotion out of the three, he always seems to lose. His ego gets the best of him and aging finally wins out in the end.


"I'll start tomorrow on my exercise program."

Exercise and eating right takes discipline, and planning. For some, that's too much to ask. If that's you, you may be missing out on a really wonderful healthy quality filled life. But, does that really matter to you?

Why is America the fattest nation in the world? Laziness! It's just that simple. If you think a pill, surgery, or wishful thinking is going to replace hard work you have been HAD by the media. It takes hard consistent work. Having Lazy as a friend may cost you your life someday. Why are most countries healthier and thinner than us? They are more active and more resourceful. Denial, pride and lazy can be the end for some, but it does not have to be that way for you, if you start now. Sometimes we can think too much and talk ourselves out of things, instead of just doing it right.

Yes, food is a big part of the epidemic we face today with diabetes, obesity and heart disease. However, the real things that are killing us are inside of you already. Don't let Pride, Denial and Lazy eat you alive. Quit making dumb excuses not to feel better. Let people like me help you. I don't even know you and I have to believe you want it in your heart to feel better, lose some weight and have more confidence.

Remember, you are not promised tomorrow!

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