Hypnosis For Weight Loss - The perfect solution to losing weight

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Temporary weight loss is easy!

You simply starve yourself on the latest fad diet, and watch those extra pounds disappear...only for them to reappear a short time later. Why does this happen? I believe it is because you have not made any fundamental changes to your behavior, which would result in weight loss. All that has happened is a short term deficit in your calorie intake, has delivered a sudden loss in weight.

The only sustainable solution to obesity is a change in your eating habits. There are two ways to bring about this change. The first is the use of determined willpower. Frankly if your willpower was that strong, you probably would not have a weight problem to start with. You would simply be able to resist and turn down the temptation to eat high calorie foods. The fact that you have a weight problem suggests willpower alone is not the solution.

The second more effective way is to change your attitude towards food, by re-programming your mind. This is most effectively done through a program of hypnosis. The theory being, that you can change your likes and dislikes of certain foods, and adopt healthy lifestyle habits by 're-wiring' the pathways in your brain. In practice a hypnotist will plant suggestions in your mind, while you are in a deep state of relaxation. These suggestions are deeply embedded in your subconscious mind, and influence your day to day behavior.

For example suggestions may include:

-You enjoy eating low calorie healthy foods such as fruit and vegetables

-You treat your body with the utmost respect, and will not eat food you know is unhealthy for you

-Your find your hunger is satisfied by eating much smaller portions

-You look forward to exercising for 20mins on a daily basis

The net result of this hypnosis process is a change in your behavior that does not require you to use willpower. You'll start to see changes in your day to day routine, along the lines suggested to your subconscious mind, while under hypnosis. The changes will also be long lasting, and will provide a healthy and safe means of addressing your weight problem.

If you wish to try hypnosis for weight loss, there are basically two options. You can either book an appointment with a qualified hypnotherapist, or try one of the many tape and CD programs available on the internet. Either way I believe this approach to be considerably healthier, and more sustainable than following the latest fad in dieting.

John Perry, has successfully used hypnosis as a solution to a long term weight problem. He now actively promotes the method to help others achieve the same results. You can find out more about the subject at his website: http://www.weightlossbyhypnosis.com


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