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5 Tips to Use Your Head and Let Go of that Extra Weight
Notice, if you would, that every diet out there only tends to address your body, but what about your mind? Think about this. If your head does not have the right image or direction, your diet will tend to fail. So how does one get their head on square? I have been helping people let go of their weight for over 12 years with my live Personal Weight Workshop ? and CD programs. I have 5 tips for letting go of your extra weight that are simple and easy adjustments that take no physical effort whatsoever. What would it feel like to 'reprogram' your mental computer and begin your journey to the New Ideal You ? while you are resting or sleeping? The changes that I have seen over the years by just changing our internal programs have been astounding. I've met many people who felt hopeless and had resigned themselves to an attitude of, "This is just how my life is going to be." Maybe you have met these people as well or maybe you are one of them. Haven't you found that the air around them feels heavy and/or gray? The energy seems to be hidden or non-existent. I have then witnessed these same people change to having a bright feeling and optimistic view of how their life can be with some minor alterations in their thinking. Have you ever been around someone who has that attitude? Have you noticed the energy that surrounds them? Wouldn't it be great to feel that way too? Wouldn't it be wonderful to have people feel that way just by being around you? Below you will find my 5 tips that can help you achieve this. Are you ready to come out of the shadows and open the curtains you have been hiding behind? Then let's get started? 1. You cannot lose weight unless you are a "loser" by nature. Let's change your internal dialogue right away. Most people don't understand that words have power and the word "loser" just doesn't work for your subconscious mind. When you "lose" something, what is the first thing you focus on? Finding the item you lost! Then you want to go find it! This begins the "yo-yo" effect with your weight. You lose weight and then you eventually gain it back just to prove subconsciously that you are not a "loser" and to fill the void of having something "missing". Mostly, this is done with food. Next time, tell yourself that you are "letting go" of your extra weight and see the difference! "Letting go" implies that you have made a decision that you are done with this thing. You do not want it anymore. I'm sure that you don't want that extra weight so what do you do with something you don't want anymore? You "let go" of it, or "remove it". Or, as my wife says, you "dump it". This was beneficial for her as it reminded her of letting go of something that she wanted out of her life, NOW. Like leftover fish from last week in the refrigerator. DUMP IT! 2. How will you know when you have arrived? Imagine boarding a plane for Hawaii only to find out that the pilot doesn't know how to get there. Would you stay on that plane? Why then would you start to let go of your weight with no idea how much or when you will arrive at your new self? You must know how much you want to let go of and when you will arrive. I bet there are many of you that have already imagined what you used to look like in those "old jeans". Or if you have always struggled with your weight, you may have imagined and felt those feelings of, "I wish I could look like, ____". This is your journey. Not that celebrity you keep seeing on E!TV or in an US Magazine. Time is progressive, not regressive. Your imagination of how you want to look needs to be in the future, not the past. Forget how you looked at 18! Forget how Angelina Jolie looks! How will you look when you reach your ideal weight? What will it feel like when you fit into those new Seven jeans? How will your spouse, friends, family and strangers respond to you when you reach that goal? Soak up that feeling and then set your time line and the result you desire. A good rule of thumb is 10 lbs. per month. 3. Stop dieting and start living! Have you ever noticed that the word "Diet" starts with "d-i-e?" I think that all our subconscious minds will have a problem with that program. Diets tend not to work so why continue to follow them? Think of this word, 'diet' and how it makes you feel. Most of you would feel a similar thought to having to do anything you don't "want" to do but think you "have" to do it. Diets generally are also a temporary change. I don't believe that anyone seeking to change their bodies would want it just temporarily, but permanently. So let's not use the word "diet" when referring to your new path. You are changing your thoughts to change your life. Change your lifestyle and behavior so that you can let go of your weight and enjoy your life! 4. Drink water to help flush out those extra pounds. Coffee, soda and other drinks are not water and water is the only liquid that can truly help your body flush out the extra weight! Focus your attention on having a glass of water in the morning, one for lunch and finally one in early evening before you go to sleep and enjoy how much better you feel. You wouldn't let your car go without the proper fluids, would you? Or, if you have, what happens when you do? It breaks down. The parts begin to wear out. Keep all of your gears wet and fluid. Drink that water. Don't like water? There are many things out there to help you. Not only can you use hypnotherapy to increase that desire, but you can add little things to your water to make it easier to take in. Some people have found adding little things to it can make it enjoyable. Some suggestions are: slices of lemon, lime, orange, cucumber or even sprigs of mint. For some, the temperature of water makes a difference either ice cold or room temperature. Others have a preference of either sipping it or gulping it down. Find out what works best for you. 5. Dump the emotional baggage. Many people don't realize that a great deal of their weight is from stuffing down emotions and keeping it like baggage. Emotions like anger, hurt, shame, guilt, frustration and fear are just a few that are keeping many people from Becoming their Ideal Selves?. Everyone has their own history of hurts and pains. Are these feelings ever easy to deal with? So what do you do next? Typically, one will "protect" themselves from having "it" happen again. To protect themselves, they will guard themselves emotionally. The way your body responds to this is by building a physical "wall" to aide in the emotional one they've built. This physical wall acts as a pseudo buffer. What ends up happening is a vicious cycle. Your increasing size or weight then creates more emotional baggage. What do you do when your waste baskets start to overflow? I think it's time to empty your wastebaskets. Ready to start a new life? Then let's let go of the old one. What will it take for you to let go and let your ideal self come out? The contents of this article are copyrighted by Travis Fox, Inc unless otherwise indicated. All rights are reserved by Travis Fox, Inc. Reprint Rights: If material is to be reprinted, it must be appropriately credited and sourced with the author's name, affiliation, and the author's website URL. We ask that we be notified of reprints by email at [email protected] Listserv and Website Rights: If the material is posted on other listservs or on websites, we ask that it include the author, affiliation, and a link back to the TravisFox.net website. We would appreciate knowing about you, so please email us your link! About the author: Dr. Travis Fox is a noted speaker and lecturer in the field of human development using your mind as the key. In addition to his sell-out seminars, he also has his own line of CDs for order on his website. For more information on Dr. Fox's programs you can visit his website at http://www.TravisFox.net or call his offices in Atlanta, Georgia 800-991-1951
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