Schoolchildren on South Beach diet

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As a part of a children's diet and health study, conducted by Dr. Agatston, six elementary schools from Osceola County, Florida were included in a diet program from September through May 2005.

The program mainly focusses mainly on replacing foods with healthier variants. While it remains the South Beach Diet and is based on its main principles, the study is especially adapted to the needs of growing children. The general diet characteristics are as follows:

  • it focusses on fiber, making sure children have an appropriate vitamin intake
  • no restrictions are imposed �?"-- processed carbs replaced by complex ones, which children need
  • it reduces fat, sugar and calories
  • it replaces saturated fat with unsaturated or monosatured fats, and use lean rathan than fatty meat
  • it stresses the importance of exercise

The study is aimed at the following:

  • to help reduce youngsters' health problems generated by an unhealthy diet; the tendency towards obesity is a national problem, and results in diseases such as diabetes and coronary disease
  • its long-term aim is to create healthy eating habits, by replacing foods based on saturated fats, trans fats and processed carbohydrates with foods based on whole grains, vegetables, fruit and lean meat
  • it analyzes the effects of this diet on the developments in children's weight and health over a certain period of time
  • Children are measured and weighed. They are also fitted with pedometers, which are devices to count the number of steps taken, thus measuring physical activity and encouraging them to be active.

This is the first study of this type. It is bound to result in beneficial long-term effects on children's health, now at risk because of an inadequate lifestyle characterized by improper diet and lack of exercise.

Laura Ciocan writes for where you can find more information about the South Beach Diet Please feel free to use this article in your Newsletter or on your website. If you use this article, please include the resource box and send a brief message to let me know where it appeared: mailto:[email protected]


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