Ten Important Things to Know Before You Join a Weight Loss Program

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1. What is my BMI and how do I calculate it?

BMI means Body Mass Index.
The value is associated with body fat and health risks.

Healthy weight is defined as a BMI equal to or greater
than 19 and less than 25 among all people aged 20
or over. Between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight;
more than 30 is considered obese.

To determine body mass index:
[Weight in pounds � Height in inches � Height in inches] x 703.

Fractions and ounces must be entered as decimal values.

The metric formula is: BMI= Body Weight(kg)/height(m)2.
Remember that: 2.2 lbs.=1 kg and 39.4 ins.=1m.

For example, if you are 1.75 M tall and weigh 80 kg. , your
BMI will be = 80/1.75X1.75 = 26.122, i.e. slightly overweight���
(Always keep in mind that "obesity" is defined as a BMI greater
than 30)

2. What are carbs, proteins, fats?

Carbohydrates provide your body with its basic fuel, very
much like a car engine and gasoline. Glucose goes directly
into the cells, which convert it into the energy they need.

There are two types of carbohydrates:

Simple carbohydrates (also called "sugars" on food
package labels): glucose etc.

Complex carbohydrates ("starches"), made up of chains
of glucose molecules, which is simply a way plants store

Starches can be found in great quantities in most
grains (wheat, corn, oats, rice) and things like potatoes
and plantains.

Your digestive system breaks a starch back down into
its component glucose molecules so that the glucose
can enter your bloodstream.

Carbohydrates provide cells with energy, proteins
provide cells with the building material they need to
grow and maintain their structure.

Protein can be found in both animal and vegetable foods.
Most animal sources (meat, milk, eggs) provide "complete
protein": they contain all of the essential amino acids.

Fats are also an important part of our diet. Many foods
contain fat in different amounts. High-fat foods include�
dairy products like butter and cream as well as mayonnaise�
and oils.

There are two kinds of fats: saturated and unsaturated.

Fat is necessary because: the only way to get certain
fat-soluble vitamins is to eat fat, your body has no way to�
make certain essential fats, so you must get them in your

Another reason is that fat is a good source of energy,
in fact it contains twice as many calories per gram as
do carbohydrates or proteins. Your body can burn fat as
fuel when necessary

3. What else does my body need?

Mainly vitamins and minerals. These can be found in various
foods, fruits, etc..It seems the "Standard Western Diet" is
deficient in vitamins and minerals. This has led to the
creation of vitamin and mineral supplements.

4. What are the dangers of being overweight (too fat)?

When it gets to a certain level, overweight becomes "obesity",�
which has been described as "a serious, chronic disease
that is known to reduce life span, increase disability and�
lead to many serious illnesses including diabetes, heart
disease and stroke, cancer, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea,
gall bladder disease, gout."�

5. What exactly is Atkins diet?

Dr. Atkins diet, first introduced in 1972, is strictly
focused on limiting carbohydrate consumption.

That is why it is called a low-carb, high-protein diet or
sometimes simply a low-carb diet, together with other
diets such as South Beach Diet, Protein Power Diet etc...

Please read the end of the article and get still more valuable
information (over 25,000 words) on weight loss and nutrition
at:�http://www.health-beauty-wellness.com/10.htm ��

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