Setting Morning Intentions For Success

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Ever heard of the expression, "Getting up on the wrong side of the bed?" Many people have less than idealistic starts to their day. The alarm goes off, the snooze button gets thwacked several times and something gets grumbled about it being too early. Others jump out of bed, and hit the shower running with little thought to creating a spirit of excitement for the new day.

What is your morning ritual when you first wake up? Are you consciously setting aside a few minutes to create the day with vision, thoughtfulness, and excitement?

The first few minutes of the morning can be transformed into a magical time that welcomes change and opportunity. You don't have to figure out how you are going to get through the next week or month. Or even how you are going to lose all that weight. Focus on what you can do to make yourself feel successful today. It's within your control to create a positive experience for yourself. During this time, you can set your mood, put yourself in the right frame of mind, and maximize your outcomes for the upcoming day. You could also ask for guidance and be open to receiving support from the universe. What intentions could you set at the start of your day that would help you achieve your dreams?


One of the first things you can do to get your morning started right is to make a make a DAILY COMMITMENT to yourself. This involves making a personal decision to devote some action to your goal. We're talking personal will here (what you want and what you stand for) as opposed to will power (what you don't want and what you stand against). Being aware of who you are and what you stand for strengthens you as an individual.

Define a specific action. Vague and general statements are not going to work. Instead of waking up and thinking, "I'm going to do better today," "Today I won't blow it," "I will not binge today," try something different. Choose an action that you ALREADY KNOW you can accomplish. Don't select the hardest, biggest or most impossible thing you can think of. Pick something small and achievable. Be kind and realistic with yourself. Get excited! Use your imagination and bring a sense of fun into what you are going to achieve today. Be silly, or adventurous, or playful. Your goal is to set and achieve one action today. Make it fun. At the end of the day, write down your accomplishment. You deserve praise, recognition, and a big sense of accomplishment. Choosing an achievable goal builds excitement and strength, and acknowledging your effort builds self-worth.

Take two or three minutes and visualize yourself accomplishing your chosen specific action. For example, what does eating an extra serving of vegetables look like? What color are they? What sounds and tastes are associated with eating these vegetables? What does it feel like to accomplish the goal? Allow all of this to be present within you. Breath, relax, notice what it feels like in your body to be excited and filled with the expectation that you can have what you want.

Whatever you include in your attention, you will include in your experience. What are you doing? What actions are you taking? What are you saying? Where do your thoughts lead you? Cultivate a desire to allowing yourself to feel better. Create an openness to allow greater happiness for yourself.

Spend a few minutes each morning improving the visual picture you want for yourself. See yourself as fit as you want to be, as a strong leader in your own life, standing strong in your choices, and a happy self-motivator. Instead of staying frustrated over where you are, get excited about what you can make possible by deciding willingly to adopt a lifestyle based upon excited vision and action.

Visit your local Hallmark store. In it they are bound to have a big bright yellow smiley card. You know, the Happy Face. Buy the card and in it write your favorite motivational phrase or quote. Something that touches your heart and brings out the best in you. Mail it to yourself. Once it arrives, place the opened card next to your bed. After making your DAILY COMMITMENT and then visualizing yourself achieving success, pick up your card and read your inspirational message. Bring a big smile to your face.

Now you're ready to begin your wonderful day!


I am beautiful on the outside,
I am passionate within,
I am special unto myself,
So let the love come in!

Dr. Annette Colby, RD Nutrition Therapist & Master Energy Healer For free inspirational newsletter, articles & info visit: 972.985.8750 "Opening Creative Portals to Success"


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