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Weight Loss Information from experts |
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Reduce And Lose Your Weight With Fats
REDUCE YOUR WEIGHT Now you are not very far from losing your excess fats and unwanted weight. You know to get something you usually have to lose anything and in this case to get success you are going to lose your weight and I hope you would like to lose it. This article will teach you the best diet schedule that will make smart 95% depending on how well you follow it. I have tried this schedule on many fat people including me and believe me I always got positive results. I lost my 10 kg weight in just one and half month. There is nothing I could say about it. DIETS The diet sheet that follows have been constructed to illustrate the quantities and qualitative aspects of diets required for the treatment obesity and diabetic mellitus. The quantities given in standard diet sheet will obviously require some modification in relation to the size, age, sex and occupation of the patient. In the dietetic treatment of most diseases it is unnecessary to weigh accurately the amounts of the different food eaten. Under these circumstances sufficient accuracy will be secured by the use of household measures as illustrated in Diet 1 and by the term small, medium and large helping for meat, chicken or fish. A small helping weighs approximately 30-60 grams (1 to 2 oz), a medium helping 60-90 grams (2 to 3 oz) and a large helping 120 grams (4 oz) or more. The qualitative content of the diet, i.e. the actual food consumed, will vary widely. The examples detailed here are suitable for person whose food habits are those of the western world. If they are to be effective therapeutically, diet prescriptions must be carefully adapted to take account of national, cultural and local eating habits. LOW ENERGY (CALORIE) DIET Suitable for adults with obesity with or without diabetes. Approximately: Protein 60 grams. Carbohydrates 100 grams. Fat 40 grams. Energy 1000 kcal (4184 kj) EARLY MORNING: Cup of tea, milk from allowance, if desired. BREAKFAST: 1 egg or 30 g (1 oz) grilled lean bacon (2 rashers) or cold ham or exchange with margarine or butter from allowance. Tea or coffee, with milk from allowance. MID-MORNING: Tea or coffee, with milk from allowance, or free drink from group A3 1 cream cracker or water biscuit. MID-DAY MEAL: Clear soup, tomato juice or grapefruit, if desired. Small helping, 60gram (2oz) lean meat, ham, poultry, game or offal or 90 gram (3 oz) white fish (steamed, baked, or grilled) or two eggs or 45 gram (1/2 oz) cheese. Salad or vegetables form group A1 as desired. 40 gram (1 1/3 oz) bread (white or brown) or exchange, with margarine or butter from allowance if desired. 1 portion of fruit from bread exchange list below Tea or coffee with milk from allowance. MID AFTERNOON 20 gram (2/3 oz) white or brown bread or exchange, with margarine or butter from allowance. EVENING MEAL: Clear soup, meat or yeast extracts, tomato juice or grapefruit, if desired. Small helping, 60 gram (2 oz) lean meat, ham, poultry, game or offal or 90 gram (3 oz) white fish (steamed, baked, or grilled) or two eggs or 45 gram (1/2 oz) cheese. Salad or vegetables form group A1 as desired. 40 gram (1 1/3 oz) bread (white or brown) or exchange, with margarine or butter from allowance if desired. 1 portion of fruit from bread exchange list below Tea or coffee with milk from allowance. BEFORE BED: Tea or coffee with milk from allowance. 1 cream cracker or water biscuit ALLOWANCE FOR DAY: 200 ml (1/3 pint) milk semi-skimmed or skimmed. 15 gram (1/2 oz) margarine or butter EXCHANGE FOR 20 GRAM (2/3 oz) BREAD 2 cream crackers 1.5 of any crisp bread 2 water biscuits 1 oat cakes 1 Potato (size of hen's egg) 1 Portion of fruit form list below Fruit List: 1 Medium apple, 1 orange, 1 pear, 1 small banana, 10 grapes GROUP A: Foods Which May Be Taken As Desired ? VEGETABLES: Artichoke, asparagus, aubergine, French beans, runner beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, celery, chicory, courgette, cucumber, endive, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, mustard and cress, onions, parsley, pumpkin, radishes, salsify, seakale, spinach, swede, tomatoes, turnip tops, vegetable marrow, watercress. ? FRUITS: (stewed without sugar or raw) Any fruit fresh, frozen or canned in natural fruit juice but not avocado, dried fruit or fruit canned in syrup. ? DRINKS: Water, soda water, tea or coffee ( without milk or sugar ), lemon juice, tomato juice, diabetic fruit squash, diet cola, clear soup 9 chicken or beef cubes may be used ) ? MISCELLINOUS: Saccharine or any proprietary sweetening agents ( except sorbitol ) salt, pepper, mustard, vinegar, herbs, spices, gelatine, Flavorings and coloring may be used. GROUP B: Foods Which May Be Avoided All fried foods, Sugar ( brown or white ), glucose, and sorbitol. Sweets, toffees, chocolates, corn flour, custard powder, jam, marmalade, lemon curd, syrup, honey, treacle. Tinned, frozen or bottled fruits. Dried fruits, e.g. Dates, prune e.t.c. , Cakes, buns, pastries, pies, steamed or milked puddings. Sweets or chocolates biscuits, scones. Cereals, e.g. rice, sago, macaroni, barley, spaghetti. Breakfast cereal, porridge. Ice creams, fresh or synthetic creams. Table jelly. Evaporated or condensed milk. Peas, parsnips, beetroot, sweet corn, haricot beans, butter beans, broad beans, lentils. Nuts Salad cream, salad dressing, mayonnaise. Tomato and brown sauce or any thickened sauce. Sweet pickles and chutney, Thickened soups, gravies. Alcoholic drinks e.g. beer, wine, sherry or spirits. Sweetened fruit juices, fruit squash, coca cola and other sweet, fizzy and ?soft drinks? Starch reduced products, ?diabetic? foodstuffs. Sausages. All foods must be served without thickened gravies and sauces. All foods may be baked, grilled, boiled or steamed ? but not fried. I hope you would follow this diet sheet to get best results. I, Alan John, have always tried to guide and help people as much as I could whether it is matter of health or computer. Visit My Homepage to get more Help And Tips
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