Gastric Bypass Patients Resent Normal Eaters

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In the early weeks after having weight loss surgery almost all patients report resenting normal eaters. Some go as far to say the normal eaters flaunt their food consumption to make the WLS patient, who is eating meals the size of a chicken egg, feel inferior. In fact, this resentment has caused disputes among married couples and families.

What is odd is that normal eaters don't realize how resentful the WLS patient feels. The normal eater is doing what they have always done and it doesn't feel unnatural. Seldom will a normal eater admit to purposefully consuming normal amounts of food in front the WLS patient simply to cause resentment.

One successful method for WLS patients to cope with this resentment is to understand that what another person eats - any other person - has nothing to do with anyone else. Food intake is always a personal choice. This is the mantra I developed to cope with resenting the normal eaters:

It has nothing to do with me that they are eating copious amounts of nutritionally void high-caloric foods. They are making their food choices and I am making my food choices. I could try some chocolate cake or a chili-dog or lobster bisque. But I chose not to because I will get violently sick, I will gain weight and I will feel self-loathing. I chose not to eat those foods because I have the self-respect to serve my body, my nutrition and my mind well. When others chose differently it is not about me - it is their choice and their problem. They are not flaunting in my face, they simply don't know another way. I have chosen another way and I am living healthy and well because of my choice.

Kaye Bailey � 2005 - All Rights Reserved

An award winning journalist and former newspaper editor Kaye Bailey brings expertise in writing and personal experience with gastric bypass surgery to Having spent most of her life overweight Ms. Bailey is strongly empathetic toward the obese, particularly overweight children. This compassion compelled her to found the website, a fast-growing resource of information, understanding and support for the weight loss surgery community.

The site is complimented with daily blog. The blog, offers readers the chance to comment or leave feedback about fresh content added daily. This site contains success stories and recipes, general information and WLS inspired topics. Complementing the site is a monthly newsletter titled "You Have Arrived" available exclusively to people who subscribe through the website or the blog.


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