No One Ever Got Fat Eating Broccoli!

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Diet tips for losing weight abound. Some are good, some questionable and some are just plain crazy. At the risk of joining the ever growing list of diet tips here is probably the most important diet key both to weight loss and and excellent health.

"No one ever got fat eating broccoli."

When you eat carbohydrates this stimulates the release of a hormone called insulin. Insulin stimulates an enzyme called lipoprotein lipase and lipoprotein lipase stimulates your body to store fat.

So a meal too high in carbohydrates can put your body in fat storage mode. But it gets worse than that.

Insulin also stimulates the production of a group of controlling hormones called type II or "bad" eicosanoids.

These bad eicosanoids are linked to nearly every chronic disease including heart disease, cancer, depression, asthma, hypothyroidism and erectile dysfunction just to name a few.

Controlling your intake of carbohydrates is crucial to control insulin and controlling insulin is crucial for fat loss and excellent health.

What's the simplest way to control insulin?

Eat low glycemic fruit and vegetables for carbohydrates.

The slower a food converts into blood glucose the less insulin is released. Low glycemic fruit and vegetables, like broccoli, convert to glucose very slowly in your body.

Fruit and vegetables are also high in the antioxidants, flavinoids, vitamins and minerals so benefical to your health.

So eat low glycemic fruit and vegetables for carbohydrates and avoid poor choices of carbohydrates like sugar filled sweets and drinks, dohnuts, biscuits and french fries.

Remember: "No one ever got fat eating broccoli.

About The Author

Andrew Cavanagh (AMWA)

For the healthiest carbohydrate choices read the Low Glycemic Carbohydrates Guide free at Find Out How You Can Claim Your FREE Copy Of The Groundbreaking Undersize Me Audio Health CD And Help Save Homeless Children From The Street At:

More fantastic features with these HealthETips.

1. Andrew Cavanagh is a professional health writer and member of the Australasian Medical Writers Association.

He is the author of One Hour to Glorious Health and Permanent Weight Loss, the groundbreaking From Depression to Glorious Health in Six Steps and the entertaining, educational Undersize Me - a month of great food and exercise.

2. A colour cartoon JPEG can be supplied with this article if you would like to post it on your website.

3. A short MP3 audio (around 100kb) can also be supplied with this article - again for use on your website.

4. You can contact the author Andrew Cavanagh by email at mailto:[email protected]


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