Dieting? What You Need to Know About Physical Activity

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What is the best form of physical activity?

The best form of physical activity is what you will actually do often. That is it. What you will actually do. And the good news is, it can be something different every day. You can walk one day, run another, go swimming another, play Frisbee golf another, go golfing the next, rollerblade the next day, ride your bike another day, etc. You do not have to do the same thing every day. But you can if you want to.

Some hints on what your inner knowing might say around physical activity: One day 30 minutes might be perfect for you, and the next day only 10 minutes is good. Other days an hour or two might be ideal. One day a slow relaxing pace might be ideal, the next a heavy vigorous workout might be called for. There are no rules about how and when you should or shouldn't do physical activity. My only guideline would be: Do what you want to do, and listen to your inner knowing when doing it. The lawyers would want me to tell you to consult a physician before starting any exercise program here. My thought is, your inner knowing knows better than any doctor does about what is best for you. If you listen to your inner knowing and act on what it says, who cares about the doctor?

Listen to your inner knowing about how long and how intensely to work out. Don't be so concerned with getting 30 minutes in at X heart rate three times a week. Don't be concerned with lifting X pounds X times. Focus more on where you are at right now when you are doing physical activity, and do what is best for you right now.

Walking outside is great. You can take deep full breaths of fresh air when you are walking, go within and focus on the God Presence within you. You will also get sunlight from being outside. You can do four of the seven things in one activity. Walking, (how easy is that?) is Great. Pilates is Great. Yoga is Great. Rollerblading is great. There are many forms of physical activity that are wonderful.

Bottom line, just do some form of sustained physical activity.

There is a bonus coming about the importance of mental activity.

Take it easy and don't exercise so hard.

You can exercise too much and to hard. This idea and article are covered in my free e-course, on Dieting and Eating Healthy. Go to to sign up for the free e-course. Do you want to be Sexy, Slim, Slender and Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details go to:


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