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Fast Weight Loss - 7 Day Diet Program for Quick Weight Loss
Do you have a big event coming up? Perhaps you have a great dress that you bought in the hopes of losing ten pounds, but just haven't gotten around to losing enough weight to fit into it. In addition to supplements and other weight loss products, maybe the solution to your problem is a seven-day diet. Seven-day diets are developed to be followed for ONLY seven days, with at least two weeks in between. The popular cabbage soup diet, for example, has stringent guidelines for days one through seven, and promises a weight loss of about ten pounds in a week. As long as you go back to a sensible diet program after your seven day stretch, it is presumable that you can lose weight and keep it off. If your problem is obesity, this might not be the best plan for you, but if you're just a little bit overweight and just want to fit into those jeans from high-school this is a great alternative to a diet like Atkins or working yourself to death at the gym. It goes a little something like this. Day one: eat any fruit except for bananas, and as much cabbage soup as you want. Drink any unsweetened teas and cranberry juice and plenty of water. Day two: Eat as many veggies as you can stand. Try to go with leafy green stuff (cooked or raw is fine) and stay away from dry beans, peas, and corn. Eat any veggies you want with your soup, and for a hard day's work congratulate yourself with a baked potato for dinner. You can even splurge with a little butter. For day three mix the first two days up, except no baked potato. On day four, eat as many bananas and drink as much skim milk as you'd like with your soup. No other fruit or veggies. This day is designed to lessen your sweet cravings. Now you're already half way through the week. That wasn't so hard, was it? On day five, you can work some meat into your diet with either chicken (no skin!) or beef. Ten to twenty ounces of meat and up to six fresh tomatoes with at least one serving of your soup makes for an exquisite day of dining. Day six you can eat as much veggies and beef as you'd like with at least one serving of soup. On one of the two days, you can substitute broiled fish for your beef, but not both. On the last day, eat some brown rice and drink any unsweetened fruit juice. Eat as much as you'd like, and make sure you eat soup at least once. That's it. By now, you should have achieved your short term weight loss goals with this low-fat diet, and with continued sensible eating and supplements, you should have no problem keeping the weight off. For more tips, do a quick Internet search. There are a variety of free diet plans on the web, including detailed menus for this and other like diets. There are many products available to help you lose weight. There are supplements, diet plans, programs and online support systems to help you manage your eating habits and measure your weight loss progress. Some of these companies provide support and help with your dieting program. We can help you by providing you with a free list of our recommended best sources for effective weight loss products and services. To view our list of recommended sources to help you lose weight or to read more articles about dieting visit: Recommended Weight Loss & Diet Resources Online. Carrie Reeder is the owner of eZerk, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various topics.
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Rapid Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight with the South Beach Diet It's the American Dream: "If I could just lose a little bit of weight.. How You Can Eat Carbs and Still Lose Weight When I decided to lose weight I of course decided to do as much planning as possible. It seems the older I get the harder it is to do anything without completely planning it out. The Top Ten Things You Dont Want to Hear About Losing Weight (But What You Need to Know if You Want to Get Fit!) 10)� No, you won't end up looking like the latest hot young� model/singer/actress! Let's face it:� your body is your body.�� It's the only one you've got. Theyre Wide, Theyre Here, Get Used to It America's Obesity EpidemicAs the numbers of overweight Americans continue to skyrocket, one thing is clear: being obese is the true exception to the rule in a society governed by a culture of gluttony. You can't turn on the television or turn the pages of a magazine without being bombarded by tantalizing images of cheap, marginally nutritious foods. The Results Of Being Overweight Being overweight is no laughing matter. For those who are obese, it often starts as a young child. Weight Loss NOW! The Soft Drink Diet In the early nineties doctors were beginning to see the growing trend in American's waistlines. So for a very short period of time they came out on the offense by promoting better foods to eat. Gastric Bypass Patients Resent Normal Eaters In the early weeks after having weight loss surgery almost all patients report resenting normal eaters. Some go as far to say the normal eaters flaunt their food consumption to make the WLS patient, who is eating meals the size of a chicken egg, feel inferior. Determine Your Stage and Plot Your Weight Loss Course We all know that losing weight and improving your overall fitness are things that don't happen overnight. But, did you know in order to be truly successful that important steps need to be taken before you even start a diet or exercise program? The first thing you should do is identify where you fall on the behavioral change spectrum. Possible Pitfalls There are as many reasons you've given yourself to eat as there are minutes in a day. Storm clouds do it for me. How I Lost 51 Pounds In 4 Months Using The Simplest Diet Plan In The World Like many people I've been on dozens of diet plans over the years ranging from Atkins to South Beach to Weightwatchers to Jenny Craig and lots more besides. In fact, I've eaten enough cabbage soup to satisfy a small country! I'm 5 feet 10 and I used to weigh 230 pounds and needed to lose a good 50 pounds to get myself in some short of shape. The Secret to Safe Weight Loss The safe way to lose weight begins with a thorough checkup by your family physician. He can check for any health problems that might defeat a simple diet plan. Understand the Science of Obesity And Youre On Your Way To Conquer It Many people think obesity means that a person is overweight, but that's not exactly true. An overweight person has a surplus amount of weight that includes muscle, bone, fat and water. Dont Just Melt Fat Off - Burn It Off With A Blow Torch! Cardio Exercise.. Why Do All Diets Fail? There's a dirty little secret in the diet industry. The sellers of weight loss programs won't admit it, but no weight loss plan works for everyone. How to Burn Fat: Doctors Proven Weight Loss Secret #1 Let me ask you a personal question. As you read these words, right now-- are you burning fat?If you don't know the answer, you need to know about a simple, inexpensive way to make sure. Gastric Bypass Surgery - Weighing The Risks of Obesity Weight Loss Surgery RISING POPULARITYGastric bypass surgery has become a popular surgical procedure in the last 5 years as a radical option for clinically obese patients to manage weight loss. During this time several notable celebrities have undergone this procedure such as Carnie Wilson, Al Roker, ? and ?. Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #14 You know what is so amazing? We get to keep learning how to improve ourselves. Each day brings a new opportunity for us to practice unconditional love, especially of ourselves. Can Writing Actually Improve Your Health? According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, writing about stressful life events helped reduce symptoms of asthma and rheumatoid arthritis in patients with these chronic illnesses. The effects of the writing exercise were still evident four months later and resulted in clinically meaningful improvements in patient symptoms. Eat Out and Lose Weight -- 25 Easy & Healthy Tips for Dining Out Diners have become more health-conscious the last few years, and now want healthy choices whether eating at home or at their favorite restaurants. Luckily, the restaurant industry has been quick to accommodate the demand, so you'll find you have many options to "eat healthy" these days. How To Improve Your Health In 14 Days: Small Changes For Maximum Health & Weight Loss Many Americans include health improvement in their New Year's Resolutions. But real life intrudes, and we find ourselves facing the fact that our plans for reshaping our lives and health were a bit too much to manage in the face of the rest of our busy lives. ![]() |
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