Foods That Help Burn Fat

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Foods that are high in fiber and protein are the best kinds of food to consume if you want to burn fat around your waistline and tone your abs.

Below you'll find a handful of foods that will help you reach your weight loss goal.

Dairy Products

According to an article in Obesity Research, women who ate low-fat dairy products, such as nonfat yogurt and low-fat milk, three to four times a day lost 70 percent more fat than low-dairy dieters.

In another study done at Purdue University those who consumed 3 cups of fat-free milk gained less weight over the course of 2 years than those on low calcium diets.

So, not only do dairy products help you strengthen your bones, they can also play an essential role in burning that unwanted body fat.

If you are a regular consumer of milk and other dairy products, that's great in moderation. Just watch your proportions and perhaps switch over to the no-fat varieties.


Eggs are not only delicious, but they are high in protein and essential to burning fat.

You may have heard all the warnings about eggs and your health. That's because two eggs contain enough cholesterol to put you over the recommended amount of daily cholesterol intake.

Well, more recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has little effect on your blood cholesterol. Dietary fat is the bad guy. That's what raises your bad cholesterol levels.

However, if you're still concerned about your overall cholesterol intake, you can eat them without the yolk and still benefit from the high protein. The egg white is the most nutritious part of the egg.


While beans are notorious for the gastrointestinal disturbances they cause, they are also very good sources of fiber, protein and iron.

Some of the best kinds of beans to eat are:

  • Kidney beans
  • Navy beans
  • White beans
  • Lima beans

And as always, there are certain beans that you should limit in your diet. I'm talking about those that are baked and refried.

Baked beans are loaded with sugar and refried beans contain tons of saturated fat. Sure, you'll be getting your protein but you'll also be consuming a lot of excess junk your body doesn't need.

Here's another tip. Cook your beans thoroughly because our bodies are not adapted to breaking down some proteins that are contained in certain beans.


While it may not be the most attractive food, oatmeal has some great nutritional qualities.

You may have noticed that many of the oatmeal brands are now boasting that eating more oatmeal will help lower your cholesterol level. That's because oatmeal contains soluble fiber which helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing those bad digestive acids out of your system.

The best kind of oatmeal to eat is unsweetened and unflavored. Yes, yes... it's tempting to select the flavored kinds and load it with sugar and butter, but you really lose out on all the health benefits of oatmeal if you eat it this way. If you must sweeten it up, add honey or fruit (fresh or dried).

Olive Oil

Certain fats are good for you and your body needs them. Olive oil is one of those "good fats". In fact, it's so good that it helps you burn fat and keeps your cholesterol in check.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that provides outstanding health benefits. One ounce of extra virgin olive oil contains about 80% of the daily value for monounsaturated fat.

So instead of taking a swig of juice in the morning, some are picking up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil.


Like olive oil, almonds are also rich in monosaturated fats - remember these are the good fats. They are also rich in calcium and contain a good amount of Vitamin E. In fact, a handful of them contain about half of the recommended daily requirement.

So the next time you're hungry, instead of grabbing a handful of potato chips, try some almonds instead.

Whole Grains

Despite all the noise with the "low carb craze", your body needs carbohydrates. If you go without them completely your body will start to crave them. So it's not a good idea exclude all carbs because the right kinds are actually good for you.

It's the processed carbohydrates that are bad for you -- the white breads, bagels, pastas, and white rice to name a few.

The key is to eat "whole grain" foods because they contain the fiber and minerals your body needs and they haven't been processed.

Don't let the food manufacturers trick you. "Wheat bread" is still lacking important vitamins and minerals. The only kind of bread that's good for you is the kind that's labeled "whole grain".

Lean Meats

Beef and turkey are great for building up muscle and giving your immune system a boost, but as always you have to watch out for certain forms of them.

Basted turkeys are usually injected with a lot of fatty substances while beef contains saturated fat. That Thanksgiving turkey may look good, it's not always good for you. And when you do purchase beef, be sure to buy the leanest cuts you can find by looking for "round" or "loin" on the labels.

Tuna and salmon are also good sources of protein. They both contain omega-3 fatty acids (the healthy fats). These two foods are also great for your immune system. Experts say you should eat them two to three times a week.


The above foods are not only good to you, they're good for you (in moderation, of course). Combine them with a regular exercise routine and watch those pounds melt away!

Lisa Irby is the author of, a site that dispells many myths about flattening your stomach and shows you what really works.


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