Weight Loss Psychology- Sticking to an Exercise Program!

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The health clubs are always racking their brains trying to figure out why they have such a hard time keeping members coming back. Most owners would argue that cash flow and profit margins are the most important reason to retain membership. Yes, but what drives customers to these health clubs? These owners have lost touch with what matters most, the customer! Give the customer more than they expect and they will continue to do business with you. Selling a product or service is about people more so than numbers on a spreadsheet.


I want you to think of this principle in your workout. You know it is very easy to get burdened down with all the details of an exercise and diet program. While guidelines are necessary, at times focusing too much on the numbers can and will set you up for failure. You may start to think all this counting calories, reps, and keeping track of heart rates are too much to accomplish. Unexpectedly, you start to lose sight of your goals and it becomes more of a job than a hobby or stress release. You may even quit exercising. This can be an immediate sinkhole for you.


The only way you will follow through on an exercise program is to be sold out. The military calls them "lifers." These are people who are committed to something for the long haul. Are you a lifer? Could you be a lifer? A lifer has a sold out mindset. He or she realizes that there will be potholes to go through; there may even be a sinkhole up ahead, but they get through it or they go around the situation. It may take support from others, but it gets done. You may not be a lifer today, but you could be if you don't make changes now!


I was named Mr. Michigan in the statewide bodybuilding contest in 1988. When I competed in bodybuilding contests, it took me a good month to decide if I really wanted to go for that particular goal. The decision process was well thought out. I realized the days ahead would bring doubt, frustration, pain, and at times, humility.

I also realized it could bring many emotional setbacks. Was I willing to pay the price? Was I willing to change my behavior and lifestyle for the hope of a future benefit? All those thoughts had to be debated before the decision to move forward was made. However, when I made the decision to go forward, a switch was turned on that could not be turned off. I could not turn back. There is a sense of relief that comes with making a decision. Perhaps because once that decision is made, all the pressure is off. My philosophy is: "GOALS CHANGE, DECISIONS DON'T"



Twenty-two years ago, I attended college. Instead of studying, I wandered into a gym in the basement of the men's dormitory. I didn't have a bit of knowledge of how to begin an exercise program, where to go to start, or who to turn to for help. After about a month of blindly making my way through the steel machines, buffed bodies, and stinky locker rooms, something dawned on me. And to this day has kept me exercising all these years. I started to realize that whatever I was doing, it was going to impact my life more than I could imagine. Exercise and eating properly were not only going to change my life, but it was also going to propel me into making an impact on others. You can be motivated, but not disciplined. However, you cannot be disciplined without being motivated.


I understood there would be some good attitude days and some very bad ones. I knew some workouts would make me feel good and others where I never wanted to see a treadmill again. But, deep inside, I realized that just one more day could make a difference. For just one more day, I could force myself to eat good food. For just one more day, I realized this was not about my selfish attitude and me.

Each of you is different. You will put into exercise a certain amount of effort and everyone will get something different from it. You cannot just package good intentions and say, "If you do this or if you buy that, you will receive this in return." It just doesn't work that way. But, I will guarantee you this: committing to exercise and eating right will bring you nothing but positive and fulfilling rewards, both physically and emotionally. It could very well save your life some day. It saved mine!


I have bad days. I have good days. I have days I had wish I had never started exercising. I want fried foods some days. I eat fried foods sometimes. I want to take a vacation from it all. I take a vacation from it all. Yet, at the end of the day, some small voice inside reminds me of that decision I made many years ago. I can't turn back even when I want to. I made a commitment to myself years ago: Never be afraid to ask for help and realize every day to focus on the big picture.

What about you? Are you going to sell out to being miserable, achy, low energy, and suffer from low self-esteem? Or are you going to make a meaningful decision to get in better health? Let's do it together.

LOSE WEIGHT IMMEDIATELY! FREE MINI COURSE click here http://www.resolutions.bz. Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.


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