The Best Weight Loss Advice Youll Ever Get

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"Who are you to give me weight loss advice?" I hear you ask. "You have no dietary or medical qualifications, but you're going to give me the best advice I'm ever likely to hear?"

Let me explain...

I'm not here to offer you radical diet plans. You've probably heard of them all by now anyway: from low-carb to low-fat to low-calorie, there's probably even low-oxygen by now (That damn high energy air)!

What I am here to point out is, that there is one person in charge of your weight.


You are in charge. Not your husband or wife or friends, only YOU.

Because you're in charge, that means you can choose to have the body and health you want, whenever you want, right?

Now you're saying, "Yes, but I need to lose the weight now!"

This is part of the problem. We can be motivated to be in charge of weight loss if we think it's going to happen quickly and we can see results immediately.

The issue here is that this promotes yo-yo dieting. We get immediate results on the latest fad diet, go out to the dinner party we wanted to look good for, and then go back to our old habits, only to gain back the weight and then some.

Why do we do this?

Because we hear of the quick fix so often that in the back of our minds we believe that we'll be able to lose the weight immediately before the next dinner party.

A popular weight loss author says that most people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes end up fatter than when they started.

So, I'm going to tell you the *real* way to lose weight.

The real *permanent* way to lose weight is not low-carb, low-calorie, low-fat or low anything else (especially not low-oxygen!).

The real way to lose weight is using what you're processing each of these words with. That's right, your mind!

You must be focused on not simply losing weight, but focused on maintaining a lifestyle that allows you to keep your body healthy. Think of all the reasons you *should* be healthy.

Self talk and motivation are the keys. Only you can motivate yourself and only you can keep yourself focused.

I know you're not going to like it, but this does mean excercise as well as healthy eating.

We all say we don't have time to exercise, or don't have time to eat right. But think about this. We're so busy rushing around doing important things and not having the time to do what's right for our bodies, we're shortening our lives. Consider that the next time you jump in the car to go two blocks...

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